Where can i see stats like in Steam Charts from each platform so I could know which console or PC has the biggest...

Where can i see stats like in Steam Charts from each platform so I could know which console or PC has the biggest player base daily or weekly? And it wouldn't take too long to search for a game?
Blizzard Claims 25 million copies sold, but I'm betting that's across all platforms.
Also if there is no place, how come steam permits steam charts to exist and try not to hide information?

This includes people who downloaded it for the free weekends. It's literally just the amount of accounts that have launched Overwatch at least once.

This is why matchmaking is shit.

At least with a server browser you can see how many people are playing, and join a game without having to wait forever, and join a mode/map you actually want to play. Literally the only thing matchmaking has going for it is having matches that are more "balanced" except that doesn't even work most of the time with the game forcing one guy to carry the rest because his score is too high.

Blizzard only shows their numbers if it makes them look good.

>how come steam permits steam charts to exist and try not to hide information?
My guess is because valve is a private company. I think one of the big reasons they hide real numbers and parrot these misleading ones is not just for PR and marketing to players but also for investors. Most of these people have no idea how that shit works, so they can just wow them with big numbers and at shareholder meetings. Valve doesn't have to care about that shit

I guess I am included, even though I played for like 4 hours during the free beta.

you can see the exact point it plateaued when the original devs left to make guild wars 1

It takes that long because of blizzards fixed 50/50 win matchmaking algorithm. It searches based on your win record, and your skill level compared to others, if you're on a losing streak, it searches for people with a much higher skill level than you, and vice versa.

Is Valve still the private property of Gaben?

For any game that sold more than a million copies, it is a safe assumption that only 1% of the people who bought it still play it a week later.

which is why somehow you've acquired numbers that make them look bad

This doesn't seem like a safe assumption at all.
Maybe people just don't all play it at the same fucking time.

there is no way he will let it go, it's his baby

This game has a server browser on both consoles and you can check and get an idea about how many people are playing. last i checked a week ago the list was LONG as fuck and a bunch of the games where full. That was just for custom games, that doesn't take into account quick play or competitive.

So that gives you a good idea about how many people are playing, it's a lot but certainly not the millions they're claiming obviously. Also the long que times can be attributed to their shitty match making trying to force a win rate, and people not playing competitive because it's trash

You'¡re right in some Tweet playoverwatch said that 30 million has bee the amount of people on the arena. So beta, free weekends and soivenir codes and copies. Not just sales.

Post-WoD was when they stopped showing their numbers.

I remember even COD:MW 2 and 3 had the amount of players inside the game

I remember this thing with world of warcraft too, I read some article back like 5 or more years ago that WOW stopped reporting their subscription numbers because they dropped considerably.

The benefit of matchmaking is going in with a group of friends and being guaranteed to play with one another.

>it's literally

No, its not. There is an exact definition in each annual finance report, its not "hur dur people who have launched it once". It requires a certain playtime each month.

Meh, if people keep shitting on him online and Disney offers a few billion dollars...

Overwatch is not really a good game.

Its addicting, though. Like WoW or Hearthstone, it may not be competitive, or relaxing, or interesting, but it is compelling. It demands playing.

It's the Pixar movie of video games.

Pixar used to make interesting, and well crafted, and technologically impressive movies.

Link one such report, and point where I can read that description.

I should have said that Overwatch is the modern Pixar movie of video games. Blizzard is the Pixar of video games.

go home randy, no one likes you

>wait for 5 minutes for a qp
>defeat after 10 seconds
Great game

It was pretty fun at the start. My friends and I all had a blast just playing this fun new shooter and figuring out what all the shit does and figuring out meme comps. A few months later though we just started getting burnt out and only a few of my friends were left just playing competitive. It also kind of pains me knowing that most of the playerbase plays competitive nowadays when I always just saw this as a fun casual shooter.

Try Lawbreakers.

They had lots of free access in korean and china to bloat numbers, you didn't need to buy it and could play for free from korean gaming cafes.

Even when it's not free it just costs $1 an hour to make an account.

Pretty much only steam shows you that
Games that did, drop the counter when it gets low
Everyone else uses market speak to make you think they're big

Blizzards refusal to address the games real problems is killing the game. Instead of fixing shit like every defense hero being shit because of how badly the maps are designed they decide to rebalance D.Va 12 times

And they just realesed a Disney pixaresque short today. Disney because of the songs and Pixar because of the high quality 3d