Anyone still mad?
Anyone still mad?
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nah #FE was one of my favorite RPGs last gen
No I love Tsubasa!
Of course I am.
>FE style gameplay, pair up system between demons and units
I'll actually never not be mad at this
I was mad about this.
FE Heroes made me even angrier.
With how Warriors is turning out now I'm just depressed.
I just punched a hole into the wall upon seeing your image. Yes I'm still FUCKING MAD
No I liked the game and ellie.
yes because Hashtag FE was nothing like either series
I wasn't really mad to begin with. Did people expect Devil Survivor with FE cameos?
>make an Anna
>dont call it Anna
blunder of the century
They expected a PxZ with FE and SMT
They expected the characters shown in the teaser to actually be in the game. It was advertised as a crossover when announced but then wasn't one in anyway aside from slightly in some gameplay areas. It was essentially a new series though which is not what people wanted.
I never had any expectation in the first place. When was the last time we got a good crossover game that's not a fighting game?
No. It really is a smt cross fe. Honestly, more smt than persona. (mechanics)
>I wasn't really mad to begin with. Did people expect Devil Survivor with FE cameos?
I know what they didn't expect, Idol trash
SMT already has a really good SRPG.
Got a bit set back by the setting, but overall, I'll give this game 8/10. Still want what people expected from an SMTxFE crossover, but if rumors about a TMS sequel being true, I'd get this one too.
user that's not a hashtag it's a sharp #.
and yet you typed a hashtag
Nobody was mad in the first place, it was all a forced shitposting started by some underaged permanently upset by FE direction mexican babbieboy.
>it's a "I took my dreams for reality so it's the devs fault" episode
it's really a
>devs teased something and released fuck all infof or 2 years episode
there was two years and no info between these two trailers
so it's not the fan's fault for dreaming shit up when Nintendo did fuck all in talking about it
>Nobody was mad in the first place
Fuck you.
I loved it, and I love it even more because I'm probably the only one who bought it.
I love shitty idol anime so I was pretty entertained actually
Tokyo Mirage sessions fe there user happy.
I unironically loved it but I've only played P3/P4 and no Fire Emblem. My only complaint is that half my playtime was spent waiting for Sessions to end. It might be my GOTY whatever year it came out. I played it uncensored
Y'know amidst all the shitposting and general hate for the style of the game I never really got to know what the story and plot was really about
What WAS it about?
I also love idolshit, I'm the target audience
>you will never feel tsubasa's tsubasas
>I unironically loved it
>I've only played P3/P4 and no Fire Emblem
user, you're fucking killing me here.
>What WAS it about?
this is one of the last scenes in the game and it's a joke:
Nintendo has nothing to do with the game.
If there's nothing to show, they're not going to do anything. Especially when idiots can misinterpreted a simple teaser.
>idiots misinterpreted a teaser trailer showing the main protagonists of both FE and SMT and then absolute radio silence
This shitpost never gets old.
>Especially when idiots can misinterpreted a simple teaser.
"Nintendo can do no wrong" is what I am interpreting from your post. When their Youtube page hosts the fucking "teaser"
That's not what I mean. Like who were the bad guys? What was the goal? What were they even fighting for? What sort of TWEESTS were there?
Do you expect twitter spic to know that?
I'm sorry, user. I've since played P5 and Fates
Didn't Nintendo do the translation?
Who gives a fuck,it's an idol game.
and the shitty censorship
>only played Fates
That's almost worse than not having played FE at all, given how much of a shitshow the games are.
A teaser full of stock artworks to announce a project. It happens all the time in all forms of media.
Of course the teaser is on their channel dumbdumb, what I'm saying is that they didn't develop the game.
If the team in charge had to take time to make something that can be shown, it's not Nintendo's fault.
Persona doesn't count as real SMT user. Its too far removed. The gameplay is nowhere near as challenging or intricate as other games in the series and the story focus is different from the skeletal story of many mainline games. Play Nocturne.
Atlus USA localized it
>everyone holds an energy called Performa that enables them to pursue their dreams. Performa attracts beings called Mirages, who hail from an alternate dimension called the Idolasphere: while some Mirages harvest Performa for evil motives, others form alliances with humans to protect the real world. Those who form alliances with friendly Mirages are referred to as Mirage Masters. The main cast are employees and associates of Fortuna Entertainment, a talent agency that secretly acts as a hub and recruiting organization for Mirage Masters.
From I what saw what other said it sort fellow the plot i think was shadow dragon. I don't really remember the story nothing Special i enjoyed just something to get me through the game..l
Great game
I feel bad for those who will never enjoy it
>game on the right was actually fun, albeit flawed
>game on the left was Neptunia-tier garbage with constant interruptions and little to no gameplay
>when they actually made a game like on the right's trailer teased, it was some empty trash that was popular mainly for controversy
Really activates the almonds.