I hate Jrpgs, even more than I hate sports games. Which Jrpg would change my opinion on them?
I hate Jrpgs, even more than I hate sports games. Which Jrpg would change my opinion on them?
>random strangers on the internet, tell me which one form these games i totally hate i won't hate
not sure if bait or just really stupid
So are you going to list one that will change my opinion on them or not?
Assuming you won't just dismiss any game that's recommended to you why don't you tell us your problems with jrpgs so we could more accurately give you one that might avoid your usual complaints?
The cartoon graphics, squeaky kids voices, turn-based combat and the general cringe associated with them.
Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden
It will change your mind on both at the same time.
Persona5, atleast it did for me. the thing is, there are a bazillion jrpgs, but once in a while you get a few aswesome games.
You should try out FF10 or FF9. If you dont like the ff series, you can just try out persona5. I was a big hater of jrpgs, but just laying back and enjoying it for what it is and you are in for a good time.
Dragon Quest 2
JRPGs are not for you.
paper mario 64 and TTYD
pokemon first couple of pokemon games
Persona 3,4,5
Suikoden games
Golden sun
Kingdom hearts,
darks souls
dragons dogma
Bloodborne and Dark souls aren't Jrpgs, they are Arpgs.
Chrono Trigger. The pinnacle of the whole genre
J is for Japanese, unless A is a country they were made in.
Bloodborne and Dark souls are J(apanese)RPGs
>I hate JRPGs because they are turn based
>"Why not try this action based JRPG?"
>That's not a JRPG because it's not turn based
The A stands for action. They are action rpgs.
They are JARPGs then.
As they are japanese.
OP is a fucking retard
>Bloodborne and Dark souls aren't Jrpgs
There's always one of you fucking idiots around to make this claim. You should be a Kotaku writer.
JRPG is an umbrella term, it means Japanese RPG, not turn based RPG, which can and do come from any country. Fuck off.
Try the Ys series. Oath in Felghana is a good starting point as Ys I & II might be a bit antiquated with its bump combat system. If you like that then maybe look into Falcom's other stuff.
so most WRPGS are actually ARPG
where WRPGs gone?
In their defence, genres are fucking stupid to begin with.
What does RPG even mean at this point beyond "Some numbers and maybe you level up?"
Action, adventure and action-adventure all blur together and have nothing to do with point-and-click adventure.
Most genres feature fighting but only only a small subset fall into the fighter category.
It's somewhat absurd that both Hyperdimension Neptunia and Dark Souls are the same type of game.
Chrono Trigger
If that does nothing for you then nothing will. It's Back to the Future x Doctor Who with Dragonball art. There's no overcomplicated bullshit in the game mechanics and absolutely none of the weeaboo cringe that you get from Final Fantasy games from VII onwards. It's just a charming adventure, unless you're seriously one of those Mature Games For Mature Gamers Like Myself guys.
Don't touch any of the following:
>Final fantasy
>Dragon Quest
>Chrono Trigger
>Secret of Mana
>Anything with Anime style
Now there are near zero good rpg games left from Japan. Does there exist a single JRPG without anime style? I actually don't know. Fuck. I guess there are no games for you to play OP.
Final Fantasy VII.
One of the best plots in any video game ever made (one of the few that actually rewards you for paying attention), and a simple enough combat system that will any player can figure out. The final music track is worth playing the entire game for.
I'm sure there's a Wizardry-inspired DRPG series from Japan without an anime style. The Elminage series might fit but I've not played any of those myself.
>I don't know anything about games and I'm proud of it
Anime isn't an art style it's an animation style.
I would recommend Radiant Historia, Chrono Trigger, or one of the Xenoblade games
Vagrant Story
Not turn-based but not really an arpg either, certainly not like what people think of as arpgs (Souls, BB, KH, FFXV, etc). You move in real time with pauses in the action while utilizing the unique system the game has for targeting enemies. No squeaky kids voices, has a mature story, not cringy (in my opinion, that's a pretty subjective criteria), the translation is very well-done. The character designs are a bit over-the-top, but other than that it's a fantastic game.
I'll check it out, thanks.
No problem. One tip, certain enemies are strong against certain weapons. The game expects you to experiment and switch as needed. You can't just equip your highest attack weapon and cockslap everything with it like in most jrpgs.
This guy knows what's up
Dragons dogma, this game is leeching my life out of me, I can play 4 hours and think that only 30 min have passed
So is Kingdom Hearts.
By your definition, Kingdom Hearts and Tales are also ARPGs, not JRPGs
They use Disney characters. They aren't Japanese.
Someone will take this seriously.
persona 4 Golden did it for me. I hated it for like 10 hours but then I couldn't put it down for some reason