You DID pre-order her game (also GOTY), right?



bump for QUEEN

You DID pre-order the season pass too, right?

of course I'm getting the pass the SECOND it goes up

fuck yeah season pass ready just take my money ubisoft fuck rabbids are just so awesome

>rabbids are just so awesome

they really are, my body is not ready

>Season pass
>No new characters
One job, ubisoft, ONE JOB!

almost definitely happening

Yaaas queen slaaaaaay


I'm expecting pure mediocrity. Just because it's not nearly as awful as people were expecting from the leaks doesn't mean it's now magically a masterpiece. It's called nuance people, pay the fuck attention, don't just follow the "mood". It just looks like a watered-down XCOM which was already watered-down X-COM. No geoscape, no permadeath, bland flat level design, etc. The fanservice is garbage too because it's just Mario/Luigi/Peach/Yoshi and their rabbid doppelgangers.

Except the season pass announcement fucking specifically says it will add new characters

My bad. It doesn't say so. Still fuck you.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>It just looks like a watered-down XCOM which was already watered-down X-COM
anyone that plays XCOM seriously can tell you it is far more difficult than the original game.

then don't do it

Even the XCOM's director likes it.

> $(current_year)
> preordering games
> preordering games with announced season passes before the game releases

>Rabbids are getting a movie
I dunno man. This means fast food chains are gonna release Rabbids food. I just wanna stuff my skinny face right now with some Rabbid burgers and a Rabbid float.
Thanks Ubi.

pre-ordered the CE and buying it digitally and getting the season pass too

Did you already played the game user???


kys shill

wish I did

mmm salty and flavorful

absolute QUEEN yaaaas

>murderers of rayman
Yeah fuck off

From what we saw during treehouse, it has more complex gameplay than xcom


How much did it cost again?

The CE is like €100.