Is there a single game that does anthropomorphic animals correctly?

is there a single game that does anthropomorphic animals correctly?

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What would "correctly" entail ?

armello is a good idea but their insistance on making everything pure rng is infuriating and ruins the concept

fuck I really had high hopes on this game
Looked like a hard strategy game, where only your decisions counted.

>what would correct entail?
not look like shit/obvious sex appeal

i just want some furry media with interspecies couples

Nah man, male human x non-human is the one true pairing

shit but oddly also patrician taste

>About to buy this game
>There's an item store
>You can by loot chests
>For a fucking board game.
>On top of dlc packs.

>buying it from the developers
>not just buying it from the steam shop for 25% of the price
you are like a little baby

I liked Armello a lot. The gameplay is neat, but since I only have 1 friend interested in playing it's eh. Bots can only go so far.

Otherwise, I like the art and setting. It's kind of calming, but also foreboding. Just a nice feel for me. Nice and varied character designs.


How about this game, looks pretty cool?

Female human x non-human is objectively superior.

I like the Armello take, fun game too
I'll beat your ass with any of the rats

>rat clan
>not the glorious chad wolf clan

Kemo Coliseum

There is also the item store on steam.

Because those dice skins are so cool

Ghost of a tale

I remember seeing a webm of a game where the player controlled a little mouse or guinea pig or something and he was running away from a bigger rat barrelling down at him inside an underground tunnel. Does anyone remember this? I saw it posted a lot a few years ago and it looked really cool.

>dices battle
Now I'm intrigued.
Is it FUN?

Isn't there a Redwall game coming out soon?

Chemo Coliseum*

what's fucking stupid is that, even though i have a shit ton of dice, there is a chance that i can die.
luck fucks you in this game, but when it doesn't, it feels good

Ghost of a tale


This kind of goes into the 'bite me I liked it' category

Sounds like fun. Or maybe it's just an itch to play something like board games.


this honestly.
I just wish there were more board game vidya out there, armello is good, but i just want more

That's still interspecies you dingtard

That's the one. Is it any good?

this reminds me of that other fucking furshit VN some autistic faggot made just to have his custom steam profile. Had to fucking see that shit in the steam front page till I pressed the not interested button

oh right Major minor whatever the name was

Oneshot was Undartale way before undertale.

I liked it. There's so many quirky RPGmaker projects out there. I recently played the OFF fan sequel HOME. It was so good.

Excellent taste.

It's a'ight

We'll let you know when it's done... Whenever that is.

girl detected


Animal Crossing

>RNG board game
>Cash shop
>High tier characteds behind paywall
>Cash shop dice roll better than default
>$15 on top of all that

No thanks

>Cash shop dice roll better than default
I fail to believe this


Guild Wars 2


>its a thinly veiled furry thread

There is nothing thinly-veiled about this thread.

Undertale's demo came out in '13 with every character and area already planned.
Oneshot's original release was in '14.

I'm kind of concerned for this game. I can understand it not being too depth, but they explain how the average match will be about 5 minutes? Sounds kinda ruff for an RTS-style game.

5 minutes if you are lucky and your opponents don't rush spirit stones

Jazz Jackrabbit
At least before the guy who went on to make Dust added Lori



GW2's Charr should be the standard for designing an anthropomorphic race.

By correctly, you mean lewdly enough? No.

you do realize it's a board game right

>high tier characters


This. Its a shame all you get nowadays is gw1 fags bitching and moaning when mentioning gw2.

The loot in this game is
Only reskins. You really only need one skin to use, whichever you like most. There's no point in having more, when the fuck will you equip them if you prefer another one more?
>hero skins
>Spring and Autumn board recolours
Eh, this one should have been a free update.

>All their April fool's picture
I can admire effort, but fucking hell, some of that shit makes my face hurt with how cringe it is

not to mention that you get them in-game anyway

Sounds like vapourware

That was the first game I ever pirated

As someone who plays lots of board games, RNG this high is usually considered a bad board game.

It's rare for a game to offer +10 dice and having to RNG for almost every single little thing in the game.

Damn dude, you got me.


Is it even rts? I'm watching the vids but it's not clear what's going on, like do you move a hero unit around and wave your flag to tell your soldiers to come to you? Because that's all I'm getting from it.

And that's why you do things to minimize that.

i.e. equip items that automatically gives you shields or swords

It's more of a boardgame than an RTS.

more kanga

I think worse offender is that there's alright concepts for player skins and whatever, but "It's just a prank, bruh"


post the other April fools art. Isn't this game only a year old?

>Have 10 dice for armor
>Still unable to block any attacks due to RNG

Great logic, idiot.
Anyone who plays it can understand how unbalanced the game is, but then again you come off as someone who's never played a board game before so whatever.


rack 2


Something about the way this guy draws rabbits bothers me


There it is.
There it fucking is.
Thank you for going through the effort of finding this. A human being made this.

They look like dicks with arms and legs?

Looks like fanart.

I want to like it, but I can't justify microtransactions in a game you already have to pay for, and the game has an unacceptable level of RNG. Everything is decided by dicerolls, even when you are heavily equipped to mitigate bad rolls there's still a good chance you will lose a peril/fight.

It's because they don't look anything like real rabbits. He draws them as weird fluffy tubes, like they were a ferret or something.

Well, to be fair, they were "just a prank bro".
>Totally not a furry League of Legends

>>>Have 10 dice for armor
>>Still unable to block any attacks due to RNG
And that's why good players equip static +Swords/Shields stuff even if it has a malus. And they use direct damage spells. Or piercing. Or poison. Good luck burning through my 9 bonus shields AND whatever comes out of my 5 dice throws.

Really, relying on RNG is a player's choice. Obviously, you chose to fail.

are you retarded

that's why the equipment cards exist or burning cards exist

also if you pay attention, the only time you'll lose a hit is if you have a moon/day of the opposite time or spirit/rot if you are corrupted or not, else you either block or attack

you're probably that idiot who whines about RNG despite many ways to mitigate them

Barnaby best boy

seriously, I am still baffled how that guy could fail

the game gives many opportunities to have "confirmed" rolls like burning unneeded cards, equipping cards/followers, or even having shit like terrain

maybe the guy just went "hahaha I have so many dices" then cries because shit gets handed to him

>op is supposed to be a rabbit
I mean I'd still give it the D but that is no rabbit.

Barnaby fucking Bunny.

It's overplaying the neck puff a bit but I can see what the artist was going for.


you get keys and chests in your normal game too


stop being retarded and actually learn to play RNG in your control

it's not just about equipment, it's also about your deck and your stats

for instance
>trying a Spirit peril when you have 2 Spirit

Was also the 'original' OP character in the game despite there being something worse, aka, the wolf sniper. But Barnaby has pretty alright all-around stats.

Well, let's be honest: you only need a catastrophic dice failure to happen only once to really ruin your mood.
>tfw somehow managed to stack 12 dice rolls against King and still got slaughtered
Admittedly, that was the moment I learned to drop dice forever and rely on the other stuff.


>RNG so bad, even devs and majority of the player base feel it's unbalanced

Then we have retards like user here who are just delusional. That, or you have no idea what RNG is, or have never played a game outside of Armello.

Can I just have an action-adventure game with cool-looking animal people not designed by DeviantArt?

>wolf ranger

that's like saying Frederick is broken in Awakening

the thing about her is that while she has an initiative 1 damage, you can easily shut her down

The only time I failed was when unlocking the gemstones, since you need a specific victory and I fucking hate Rot victory

RNG is there but to say it's imbalance is retarded when you can control most of them

and no, most of the complaint comes less on dice rolls and more on card properties, please keep up

What? He's got a good ability but that's not op considering you have to keep your deck stacked with useful stuff and there are a ton of ways to steal cards or ambush you when you have the wrong set equipped. River was op only in the sense that her ability was retard bait due to how easy it is to use.

I've had that type of shit happen to me a lot. I remember one time I had to roll to get over the castle wall and burned two cards to confirm two of the dice. I think I had like 6 or 7 dice to roll the last symbol and didn't get it.

Yeah, sure, there's ways to mitigate rng, but there's still a fucking lot of it and the game just isn't that well designed.

you say that while posting a pic that's definitely rape-bait

River is easy to shut down too. High tier characters I've seen are either Thane (that sword pierce really is useful), the two bears, and that fucking squirrel faggot (god I hate the thief clan)