To all who hesitate in buying LAWBREAKERS, read this

All of those people acting like some kind of prophetic psychics and calling this game dead.. since when have we become so obsessed with numbers instead of enjoying what is actually in front of us?

>the game has flaws like every other game out there, I mean even Overwatch had huge downsides at launch and even today.

>the number of players is low atm but at least we must give the devs a fair chance to sort things out. 2 weeks isn't a fair chance, ffs.

All those gloom and doom posts all around, they are very depressing and only show how much of a whiny generation we have become. Do any of you know anything about the 'Law of attraction'? It states that the more you put thoughts and energy towards something, the more likely it will happen. So yeah, here we are, acting all out of fear because other games have failed in the past in similar circumstances. Nothing can tell if this game will really fail in the long term, so just chill because all the negativity will bury the game at this state.

btw. Its also 9/10 in steam. So just give it a try!

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice try CuckyB

there is no way this isn't a dev of the game

nobody feels this strongly about a game like this




Well said. I just got this game and I love it. We are the lucky ones who get to play this gem of a game and that's what makes it even more special in my opinion. And of course I hope the population grows as well. It's just nice that at this stage of the game the community sincerely enjoys playing LawBreakers (example; your post) and I enjoy being apart of it. I have a good feeling this game is going to grow. It's good and people just have to realize that on their own. I was one of those numbers people. I was watching the game in beta and was excited for it to release - once I heard that the player count was low I decided not to get it. Well, 2 days ago when I purchased LB I proved myself a fool. This game is awesome.

>bitches about it instead of actually change it
DSP levels of retardation here desu.

ABSOLUTLEY love it no problem finding matches ever. Rare 4v4 but it almost feels like an entire new game when that happens and it's very rare.

is this kino bait?

we're entering realms of such irony that I'm not sure what is real anymore

Did you get this from Reddit?

It annoys me that I wanna play this and Quake Champions, but they're both £25 atm and will be free in a year. They've also got tiny player-bases. What a waste.

>Bought this game
>Genuinely enjoying it
>Crowbcat releases a video shitting on it
>Immediately start getting grief from friends for playing it
Good job I'm not a beta faggot who lets other people convince me I'm not having fun. Game has problems but it reminds me of UT and that's enough for me.

Thank you OP for making a positive Lawbreakers thread. With true words being spoken. It isn't going to change the folks here on Sup Forums's opinion or on the internet unfortunately. They're just going to meme you to hell with cliffy b nonsense. This game really is fast paced frantic fun and I am still enjoying it. The devs care about their game so much and are releasing patch after patch even already. This game is going to be great and even more balanced than it already is. I believe it will be the objectively best hero shooter that has been made so far in video gaming.


You are welcome.

Reading Sup Forums, I have no idea how or when gamers became so retardedly entitled, And can't pick up and play a game just because it's fun and exciting.

At a super accessible price (What I'd expect from any solely online multiplayer game that's not F2P) I don't get why there's such disdain in picking it up and trying it for yourself if you're even slightly bemused by the game. Sure, If you're pushed for pennies, there might be better options for you but there always will be in this market.

The entitlement is jibing at how everyone expects to buy a game and it have a 3+ year lifespan and have 10k+ players online at all times. I once bought the most recent in the Turok series, and Haze being a fan of FPS back in the day, and did I get to enjoy those for 4 years?! Hell no, those games suck big time. You could argue about it being digital only, which does suck but where was the advantage of buying those games, attempting to return them at the next available oppourtunity as a substandard product but failing and having to settle for a -40% discount in credit vouchers to find something to numb the pain.

I'm not going to waste my money on a game with only a handful if players. obviously it has zero staying power if it can't last this long.

>shit on Xbox fans
>announces gender neutral bathroom as selling point
>capitalized on diversity for money
>probably supports antifa

Based on Cuckyb's views, I'll buy Feminism is Awesome before I buy this Hot Garbo™

>So just give it a try!
not giving you 30$, even if it's not that 60$ multiplayer only bullshit

Numbers actually do matter in an online game. If no one is playing the game, the game isn't playable for the few who did but the game. And if players don't buy the game the support stops and the game dies. People won't buy a game that they think won't last four very long or they won't be able to play it in the first place.

If you don't buy this game you're a 12 year old racist, bigot, transphobic, homophobic mysogynist trump supporter.


>Nothing can tell if this game will really fail in the long term
Yes, math and precedent are equivalent to psychic babble, this game might have one million players tomorrow if we all pretend that it does.

"We" don't owe the devs anything. It's their job to make their game attractive. And this shallow attempt isn't helping.

Waiting for this Unreal tech demo to go F2P. CuckyB will not get so much as a penny out of me.

If I don't support Trump but I don't support progressive liberals, where does that put me?

Only misogynitic trolls and haters refuse to buy Lawbreakers, the community is better off without them.

I think Lawbreakers is going to be in it for the long haul. It already looks and plays exceedingly well when viewed side by side compared to other games of its genre. People just need to play it for themselves. I think it's always going to have a decent active fan base until a Lawbreakers 2 or similar sequel. Because it's just that good. I love Cliffy B and love to hear him talk down upon current FPS games in interviews. He isn't afraid to go against the trends and all the idiots on the internet. He certainly knows how to make a good game. I could tell before Lawbreakers came out just by watching cliffy talk about his game that it was going to be good. An immediate buy for me regardless of how many people were playing it. I am still having more fun playing it than I ever did in Overwatch Competetive. Where balance is a fucking joke, and the gameplay is shallow at the core of it based on hero ults to turn the tide of battle rather than skill alone and general shooting.

Can you speak louder for the people in the back row?

Boost signal

If a game doesn't sell well in it's first week, it's just never going to sell well. There is no recovering from a launch that bad.

>hero shooter
no way fag

Except for the 12yo part, you're spot on

>dont support progressive liberals
that automatically puts you into a massive "basket of deplorables" where most of the world is in (except muslims) and you might as well get a fucking hitler moustache you fucking racist


TF2 is still the better game

Why would anyone come to Sup Forums just to role play as someone they have an obsession with since he called them retarded?

Saw 2 hours of gameplay.
I don't like it. Will not play or care to look further into it.

>since when have we become so obsessed with numbers instead of enjoying what is actually in front of us?

Kind of important when the game is PvP only and thus requires a sufficiently sized player base to be able to enjoy it

Corporate shillin'

>playable women
>in a first person shooter
Instantly dropped, go fuck yourselves.

No one forgot that the guy that made this called everyone thieves in the broadest generalization on PC and would never release anything on the platform, because piracy exist. And now his online only game is flopping.
Simply beautiful.

Are you telling me that my only class options in this shit P2W game are cuck and Nazi? I'm going back to Risk and Madgab.

I'm starting to think people don't even play the majority of games being released. They are just concerned if said game sells well. Business has everyone warped. Devs will make their game look anyway that they can to rack in their sales. Even if it's a bad game at the very foundation. They seem to realize at this point that if they can get the initial sales, it will produce even more sales. Business folks. Don't let it fnck you.


How is it P2W?

Stop Cliff, you're becoming the new Randy Pitchford.

Do not lower your guard for a minute. It could be cliffyb, todd, anthony birch, randy, or any other of those cucks posting here

>"since when have we become so obsessed with numbers"
>"btw. Its also 9/10 in steam."
Good try shill

shill please

>was the game good, or had good gameplay concepts brought to the table or original
>okay so it just seems like you're grasping onto trends from these other games that do this better or on par already
>do you think you deserve sales
>Yes, it shouldn't matter if it's a mediocre product at a half baked sale people should be willing to swallow my trend riding cock
NO, when you say your product isn't anything special so it doesn't deserve a good box price in the first place you know something sticks of shit.

shills out in full force in this thread

I'm sorry but I can't buy this shit. All the praise in this thread is in the form of massive walls of text.

All reads a bit too much like PR speak. Try harder.

guys come on, it's none of that $60 bullshit

>tried the open PR event before launch
>maps would always get stuck on loading so I couldn't play it
>would refuse to show models in the dress-up section

No thanks bazinski

viral pls go

Grind out missions for money for better gear. Or have the deluxe edition at birth.

I think it's anons sarcastically shilling.

>guys come on our mediocre product isn't anything special we can't charge $60, because there would be even less sales. We charge $30 because we admit we're the mediocre game on the block so we want you to buy into this budget gaming.

Dumb anime poster. I bet you love Nepshit.

>tfw you wouldn't know anything about games like Overwatch, Battleborn and Lawbreakers if Sup Forums could ever shut up about them for 5 minutes

I think you guys secretly like these games. This board is the best PR I've ever seen for these games, I wouldn't even know they existed without threads like these.

Hey Cliffy,
I understand that you want players in your game but you have to take into account the modern gamer. Which is a type of gamer that already has a massive backlog on PC + already play one type of hero shooter already(if we skip overwatch, theres Paladins which is also free). So tell me how you can justify 30$ for this type of game in today's market.

>I'm starting to think people don't even play the majority of games being released
No shit user, unless you've got infinite time and money it's simply not possible to buy and put an appreciable amount of time into each new video game release.

Will Kaczynski ever recover after this massive bomb?

It's just not a good game, the aesthetics are just a mess and the gameplay just feels like a discount UT with gravity and overwatch style hero abilities.

Overwatch is a shit game, why would anybody be interested in Overwatch-lite?

You just need to show more of your ingame gender neutral toilets, PR person.

That'll bring all the boys to the yard in no time! If everything else fails you can call them racists because you have non whites in your game.

Don't give up yet!

Very intense game not for the faint of heart. If you're easily discouraged this game is not for you. It's for those willing to invest the hours to perfect their art.

I've played hundreds hours of
>Rainbow Six Siege
>Titanfall 2
>none of those games get my heart racing quite like this one.

Bosskey has crafted a near perfect arena to prove your skills online, and they deserve your support. Grab some friends, work together and begin slaying your opponents. Killing has never been more satisfying

>If you're easily discouraged this game is not for you
Thanks for the warning user, saves me trying it out

Cliffy has set the bar for FPS again! Plays like a completely unique game and the anti-gravity areas make the game 10x better. We live in a generation where people like to compare games and call them clones, but you'd have to stretch hard to say this is anything that's been seen before.

the guy's invitation was withdrawn 24 hours ahead of the event over a single Hillary Clinton joke, so you'd probably be put in the shitlord basket

4/10 weak bait

Hey Clifford, buff the speed on everyone slower than Assassin, thanks bud. For a game advertised as being fast, lots of classes are literally molasses.

As long as you aren't playing at like 6am games aren't too hard to find. Still sucks though, they really should have stuck with f2p or maybe went with $15 or something

He also said fags and niggers on twitter

Except he stated his game isn't anything new or fresh enough to warrant using anything above a half priced tag. This would tell you that he's marketing to budget gamers who wouldn't know any better.

There was nothing unique or interesting about this game that hasn't been done to death already with other fps. For him to half price it out of the box as is just says he doesn't care about his product beyond a cash grab.

Really? It seems that Crowbcat felt that it was another great game that was brought down by the oversaturated market. Even the vid description say so.

Oh wow, that's terrible.
I hope he gets what's coming to him.

oh no, not the nigger word!

Imagine being a human and thinking it's a good thing to wear a shirt with the word "Fuck" on it.