What do you think about fanservice (in a lewd way) in vidya?
What do you think about fanservice (in a lewd way) in vidya?
Should be in every game
I don't care. If it's in, cool. If not, cool.
I love it
Can't hurt. Only people who get annoyed is Tumblr who then slink away to draw gay fanservice instead. So maybe we could compromise and have both
>tfw they never have sausages flailing about in pants too
It's a form of sexual objectification and devs should avoid that.
and also fanservice thread.
I love it.
Depends on the context.
Some games are literally fanservice: the experience, such as Senran Kagura. These are not good games by any means, but you don't play Senran for the gameplay, you play it for the fanservice.
Adding fanservice to games isn't bad either, so long as the game doesn't devolve into fanservice: the experience, such as DoA.
every games should have sexual funservice
Doesn't generally add anything for a game to me. As long as the game itself is solid I don't care if it's added after as long as it fits with the setting.
If it's an entire game based around it, it's always garbage.
If they have it I'll enjoy it, if they don't that's also fine.
Any guy that has a problem with it though just needs to just castrate themselves and get it over with.
>but I can't take things seriously if there is sexuality involved!
The calling card of the treacherous guy that needs to fuck off, leave men alone and be a pussy with the women.
it can make an average game better
delicious torpedo tits
It can be kind of obnoxious when games are really not built for it. I know this is Sup Forums and you'll call me gay but damn nigga if I just wanted tits I'd go to spankbang
If the game is good and the fanservice is not splattered everywhere. I'm ok with it. I like it.
I've never been a fan games (movies/tv series) where they try so hard to be porn but never will. If I want to fap I play a porn game, I watch a porn video.
a dark souls style game with full Fortran nudity for both sexes would be fantastic.
everyone is naked, even the monsters, like David Jaffe wanted in God of war 1.
fuck off faggot
so if the game is good but with fanservice everywhere you wont like it? seriously fuck off
Some games it just doesn't fit. If you disagree you think too much with your dick.
Seeing some pantsu is always good desu
If you're not a fanservice game specifically, feel free to have some for appeal, but don't go crazy with it either.
Ironically as fuck, weeb fighters have it right when it comes to fighting games. There's some decent ass here and there, swaying titties, cute or kinky outfits, etc, but it's never so exagerated and in-your-face that you can't ignore it and play. Games that go one way(sf5) or the other(doa5) aren't doing it right.
>American think tits waving is fanservice
id rather keep my jerking off and game playing seperate
nothing wrong with that, women do it all the time.
I just don't get it man. I don't want to feel aroused all the time. I like my entertainment and porn to be mostly separate.
you not aroused at all times, just when there's mostly walking and not a lot of action or activities distracting you from the distraction.
You don't find it takes away from a serious setting? I can't imagine Bloodborne if every third character was in a thong.
only fighting games have good fanservice
It's great when done tastefully.
nope, when I do silly things in games that doesn't ruin it for me either.
If a hud doesn't do it for ya then this shouldn't either.
>every sandbox game
>strip club with short haired girls with square titties doing awkward animations
>little/no/uninteresting interaction with them
>no purpose
doa is loved for it fan services and the dev know it and take advantage of that. ( made lots of money made in costumes dlc)
sf5 needed more sexy chicks and game modes
The hud is non diagetic most of the time.
It's shit and panders to people who don't play games who will defend lazy devs that shilled "teh lewd" shit on the internet thus creating easy advertising.
hud, pause screen, characters talking to themselves, magic pockets, the borders on your monitor, sounds around you, literally anything has the same effect to take you out as nudity in terms of distraction, yet only nudity takes you out? seems arbitrary.
when you're already excusing so many things to accept other, nudity should be the last thing to bother you, but whatever, you're hell bent on forcing yourself into believing this immersion dilemma.
Do you not understand what non diagetic means? Things that exist in the game world can ruin it for me, things that exist outside of the "game world" like hugs or the border on my moniter don't.
I'm not a full on immersion guy, but I like some consistency within the game world. If everyone in the game uses full armour then a designated fanservice character is using a bikini that's dumb. If the whole game is full of half naked warriors then that's fine.
Kill yourself, cuck. If there's nothing to fap to, it's not worth playing.
Unlimited porn at your fingertips and you play shitty games instead. Sad.
Feels shallow and insulting most of the time to me.
Hang yourself, cuck.
these guys get it
*bounces baby on knee*
*kisses wife*
lol whatever you say, bub
You're probably safe from getting cucked because if you're that protective of shitty fanservice games you're probably hkv territory.
SJW shitters like you are the reason why modern vidya is shit.
All men should vote with their wallets and refuse to pay for games that don't have as much fanservice as possible. There's literally no reason to not include it, it always makes games better.
Waifufags killed vidya by supporting shit devs that recycle assets. It gave AAA and AA the idea of being lazy pieces of shit is okay as long as your fanbase are obsessed with your product.
Avoid most waifushit and popular AAA you get good games.
I'm okay with it.
only prude fags from NeoGAF would care
Is her character created just so they will have an "underage" nigger lover?
except most reused games do not have any waifus
AC does not have any waifus
CoD does not have any waifus
Skyrim does not have any waifus
>had to kickstart another update after getting jewed twice for minor updates
Not really. Most fanservice heavy games are awful actually. For every senran Kagura there's a dmc3 that's just infinitely better. For every neptune there's a literally any other jrpg that's infinitely better.
>finds sexuality insulting
Back to neofag with you, SJW cuck.
Fucking love it
Boobs are great
You just mentioned the AAA games I was bitching about. You also have garbage like:
Agarest War
Arcana re-release
DOA5 re-release edition
Sakura games
Any RPG maker or Unity waifu game
all of those have niche audience and are meme games
the fuck you're talking about
That's a visual novel user, that doesn't really count as a real game. Besides it's porn and not just some panty shots
have you really played that shit
Those are what people think of when they think of fan service games though.
It's pretty much common sense, it can only help a game sell when the vast majority of gamers are men.
Also most women don't give a fuck, my sister laughs at boob physics.
Only people who care are feminists and they don't play games anyway.
All of them
Why is she wet?
Why dude. There's more porn than you could ever watch on the internet.
>plays nekopara
and i thought that life in finland couldn't get worse
Not nekoporn this good
Daisy in Agents of Mayhem. Thicc & Lewd hnnng.
>playing "not saints row"
some people have way too much money
It's not all about porn faggot, it's about enjoying looking at it. It's about liking to look at the curves of a sexually appealing females tits or ass, looking at the bounce of a nice plump pair of breasts is really appealing in a way women will never understand.
Same as going to a strip club or whatever, you don't go there to fap you just look at that shit cause it makes men happy to look at it.
I loved the look of Nier and I enjoyed the game far more due it. I had nothing to do with fapping. Men are hardcoded to want to look at it, it's in our lizard brains to do that.
I fap to actual porn if I want to get off, this stuff is just pleasing to the eye. It's comfy as fuck to play a good game and have some female eye candy on show tbqh.
I've bought games and given then way more leeway to impress me than I normally would if they have some fan service in them.
Hell I've bought games that I never would of bought if not for the hook of t&a. Haydee is a prime example of a game I would of never bought if not for how the main character looked, and that I ended up liking.
I'm generally okay with it
I went into Senran Kagura for the fanservice, but I ended up enjoying the characters and some story scenarios made go,"OH SHIT". Also, DOA is still a solid fighting game
I don't go to strip clubs often. It's like paying for a chef to cook you a meal, describing it and showing it to you then taking it away before I can eat it. Being horny is distracting and makes it hard to focus on anything else until the problem is rectified.
Real question guys.
How do i play games with fanservice without fapping?
I can't resist myself and when i'm done i don't want to play anymore because my sex drive is gone.
Nekopara is only making my life better
what game
Why aren't you?
If i don't have context it's hard to fap to a picture.
Pic example. This one is really obvious.
don't need it really. but i like sexy designs and other eyecandy, but only to an extent. at some point i just think it's unecessary.
it also depends on what kind of game we're talking about.
generally i think that the closer it gets to actual porn the more unecessary it becomes. since i'd rather just go to real porn for that kind of material.
this doesn't only apply to games, but to tv, anime and especially manga as well.
Typically, when done heavily, it's used to appeal to mask gameplay flaws and get whiteboys to buy what in reality isn't a good game.
When it's used sparingly it's whatever.