Thank you God, it's fucking perfect

Thank you God, it's fucking perfect.

This game is still pure garbage right ?

I played BC, LK and a little of MOP and I saw it becoming pure shit. Is it still this way ?

They made a patch around a hearthstone card?

>all those reused assets

damn, they're really cutting the budget in WoW

Where are the reused assets?

it really is bro
best way to make people quit
thank you based blizzard for freeing people of your second rate mmo!

how did an Eredar city manage to stay free of corruption for like 500 years?

Turalyon did it.

Argus is the fel-infused world of the eredar, originally including the draenei. It is — or was — an arcane utopia where mages of the arcane divined the arcane secrets of the ordered universe. Its inhabitants were both vastly intelligent and highly gifted in magic. It had a society where art, science, magic and technology were all as one. Argus was ruled by a triumvirate of the greatest and most powerful eredar mages: Kil'jaeden, Archimonde, and Velen. They ruled from Mac'Aree — the most sacred of the cities on Argus according to Jessera of Mac'Aree.

Demons corrupted by the light.

Literally everything in that picture.

I wish someone would have told blizzard that making 80% of the expansion black and green was a horrible fucking idea.

and next we are getting purple and purple the expansion

Legion was much more appealing with the inclusion of raid-level gear in mythic+ dungeons. Unfortunately they added an insurmountable grind to stay competitive at the same time.

nice digits idiot

but that's literally only one patch
the rest of the expansion is 5 zones and 3 raids, all with different colour schemes

please have your complaints actually make sense user

>Unfortunately they added an insurmountable grind to stay competitive at the same time.

Competitive to what, exactly?

The people you were competing with for raid spots.

>it's fucking perfect
Yea a perfect example of a pile of shit

Ah, nah. Thats horseshit. If you're pugging you can just make your own groups anyway, so its a complete non-issue

Argus is Starcraft as shit

Damn I remember when raids were 10 or 25, and not both.

It doesn't make any sense. Is that raid intended for 25 for players or for 10 ?

10 guys can do it, but the other guild will come with 25 members and fail ? Completely stupid.

And then it forces you to do LFR if you want some good equipments but it's the most retarded thing where 14 yo tards with no stuff clean end content.

Truly an awful game.

>to stay competitive

For what purpose? That epic "top tier gear" is just distributed via welfare in the next update.

"twitch. tv slash twitch" currently has a blizzard designer talking about it.

>910 ilvl
>top tier gear

I mean yeah if you're going to sit out the content then the gear you have obviously doesn't matter.

I got a piece of 930 gear from the weekly quest. I don't understand why people bust their ass for stuff that will be obsolete in a matter of weeks.

>sit out the content
What content? I can experience everything casually.

>I got a piece of 930 gear from the weekly quest.
a very small chance for one piece of gear, congrats.

The joke is that 930 gear will be shit very soon.



>The joke is that 930 gear will be shit very soon.
No it won't.

>What content? I can experience everything casually.
If you consider "experiencing" content patches after it was released good, then I guess this discussion is pointless.

You don't need top gear to be relative in clearing content in wow anymore.

But nice trying to convince people you do.

oh.. wow... thats really... interesting

stupid phoneposter

>getting every legendary except the one good one that is mandatory to be viable for a spec

random legendaries were a mistake

The problem is nobody plays this anymore, It's more like a SMORPG these days

>Do mythic dungeon clear
>Hope the item you need drops
>Then hope it titanforges
>Then hope it titanforges a higher ilvl than what you've already got
>Also need it to roll with a socket and good tertiary stats
Whoever thought porting over the greater rift system from D3 into a game with lockouts and severe RNG should be shot.

Yeah, which legendary would that be user?

>Q: Will Nethershards be relevant in 7.3?
>A: They'll still be used on catch-up gear and cosmetic items. However, the Relinquished Vendor will be packing up and moving to Argus! Players will be able to trade a new currency, Argunite, for 910 Confiscated Gear on Argus and also be able to target relics.

910 is the welfare ilvl already. Won't be long until 930 will be shit.

>Jessera of Mac'Aree

Blizzard's name guy is really running out of ideas

The Artifact grind is still around right?

You don't NEED any of that. Some people are compelled to grind for it, but its not explicitly required.

>he actually enjoys this artifact grinding shit

>can't come up with an argument
>quick redirect with his formatting
>he must be a phone poster
Fucking mongoloids who still play WoW.

>Blizzard's name guy is really running out of ideas
This has always been a thing though blizzard thinks their puns and self references are hilarious

Rate legion 1-10

Yeah if you're casually doing it when you can, but if you want to be in a good group and do the content when it's new you do.

I do not care that you do need gear if you're a casual player.

0 for legendary RNG

That's what made me and well over 8000 others quit on sargeras. None of my guild resubscribed can't say the rest have or haven't but I'm thoroughly enjoying watching this trainwreck of a game crash and burn like watching a house fire nothing you can do about it but it's fascinating to watch.


Is titanforged/warforged/shitboyforged still a thing? What a way to ruin the game holy shit


Nothing to do with formatting, just your incorrect use of words that I'm giving you benefit of the doubt was autocorrect rather than plain stupidity.

930 is still going to be very good ilvl in 7.3.

9 on day 1
8 on day 8
5 on day 15
3.5 since then

1.5/10 only because I stuck with it longer than wod

>930 is still going to be very good ilvl in 7.3.

>my FACE when I use my billion nethershards to buy a bunch of 930+ titanforged gear immediately


mythic raiding, the only part of the game that's actually challenging is fixed for 20 players

normal and heroic are flex, which means the content scales to the amount of players you bring (minimum 10). they are intended for people dicking around with friends/guildies while having some bants on voice chat

LFR is for complete braindead morons and you are in no way forced to do it, except maybe once when you're gearing up an alt

If your enjoyment of the game comes from pushing a number next to your character screen, feel free?

>he says as he spends 40 hours a week raiding for obsolete gear

So, anybody here played this on the PTR? Is 7.3 any good or should I just quit now before I get suckered into another 7.2 disaster.

You should have quit in 7.1

>he thinks day 1 clears require best gear anymore
It doesn't it never has actually. Painful to admit that even vanilla stuff was only nerfed, because idiots couldn't actually play games. An actual fact that over half the player base used bullshit stupid builds and didn't know jack shit about gear or clearing.
>mmos were never about difficulty, just get appropriate gear for a dungeon entry and clear it with competency which doesn't fucking exist, because the majority of mmo players are mouth breathers who ask about UI and quest shit when they start a new mmo when they all follow relative trends
I fucking hate you all. A seething anger that could fuel a billion stars, I hope you choke on a fucking mote of dust you shitters.


as far as wow expansions go, 8.5

That itemlevel is far and away the most important stat on gear is half of why I hate pve in this shitty game now.

9 for the actual good parts such as raiding
and 0 for the endless grind to get there

t. shitter

>all this WF/TF nonsense
Motherfucker why not just keep it how it was in MoP and have just warforged give 6 or 8 more ilevels and be done with it?

>Thank you God, it's freaking perfect.

What the fuck is perfect about patch that give u 3 hours of gameplay content?
Did they fix PvP yet?
Did they made Bgs playable yet?
Did they fucking release game change futures like revamping classes or improving the game?


Kys cunt

kek, I don't spend nearly half that time raiding.

Its fine though, you step into a Mythic raid with your 930 gear and still get your ass handed to you pretending your a skilled raider. At least you won't have the excuse that you're undergeared.

Ok sure pug everything in the first week with half your slots being last tier's normal mode crap. I'm sure any group that takes you will go real far.

>implying I need to raid


faggot don't you have a dedicated group of nonshitters by now, it's been over a decade if you're still playing wow you should have some fucking friends out of it at least.

>liking that you basically don't think about gear at all except for a few fringe specs that don't function without hitting some crit threshold

noob af

Except it isn't, at all. The complete opposite is the case.

..Yes? Why else would you be playing an expac focused around raiding and endgame PvE if you don't raid?

lol i remember the whole pvp system went to shit at cata, i think, when oom was no longer an option

this game has went to shit a long time ago and people are just clawing at the last pieces of a broken ride

LFR is good enough :^)

For what

The only reason to play Legion is to beat mechanically difficult bosses. If you're facerolling undertuned encounters that have had encounters removed, you're wasting your time. Unless you're playing for the story or something, which would be even more hilarious.

Arena is honestly pretty good at the moment. Shame bgs and rbgs and world pvp are pure shit.

>The only reason to play Legion is to beat mechanically difficult bosses.


Things I like:
>mythic+ dungeons
>world quests
>Suramar quests story progression (fuck you I liked it)
>attunements (CoS, Arcway, Kara, Cathedral)
>class halls
>mythic raids
>honor talents separated from normal ones

Things I hate:
>class balance (shadow priests at start, guardian druids overall)
>split raids
>LFR (every expansion it's still not removed I will list it as a detriment for that period)
>PvP in every form
>AP grind
>repeating scenarios on alts to unlock stuff (especially the fucking Exodar one with Velen and Rakeesh)
>the story/lore is all over the place
>mythic+ affixes are uninspired "deal damage to players" shit, until you finally just get one shotted on higher levels - such a wasted potential
>broken shore

Ah yes I forgot there were people like you playing the game for the Trial of Style

Fuck I forgot

Thing I like:
>leveling alts on invasions

Thing I absolutely despise:
>battle pets
>small events like trial of style and disco AH bullshit nobody asked for

>>repeating scenarios on alts to unlock stuff (especially the fucking Exodar one with Velen and Rakeesh)

user.. you know you don't ever have to do that quest, right? I mean literally never.

>small events like trial of style and disco AH bullshit nobody asked for
You don't have to do them, they only last a few days anyway

You actually have to to finish the paladin quest hall campaign.

Okay, and how many Paladins do you have

Every optional content like that is wasted time and money for a content 0.1% of playerbase enjoys.

Doesn't matter, my point stands. I had to do it on my main and on my pally alt. I've even done it more, because it pissed me off to have quest marks in Dalaran.

From what ive seen its literally broken shore 2.0 aka tanaan 3.0

Artifacts and class halls completely killed the expansion for me they were the worst fucking features blizzard could have added

Does the ptr have premade characters this time or would I have to transfer one of my undergeared shitters that I haven't played in forever?

>mythic+ affixes are uninspired "deal damage to players" shit, until you finally just get one shotted on higher levels - such a wasted potential
This is so fucking infuriating as a healer. All you do is play janitor.

As a resto main I completely agree.

Also I can't decide if warforging gear has more pros or cons.
It gives a reason to run non-raid content, but at the same time it devalues raids.

Also legendaries fucking suck.


pls wait 2 more months until the whole patch is available

>Being this fucking dumb

Explain, I haven't played this shit in forever

Just like it has always had, Dala has gear/legendary vendors.



I had some good times coming back after a long time away. Had I not been stoned everytime I played though I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much.

Never play that shit sober.

>he says as he spends 50 hours a week grinding nethershards
