>the interracial couple is the perfect one

Legit had our GM and her then boyfriend pull Amorous Duo on us mid raid in MoP. Was pretty annoying.

This doesn't mean anything.
I rival everyone i play with, not just someone i'm in a relationship with.

annoying because you were wanking your virgin dick to the moans trying to imagine that which you will never reach?


>brb gonna suck dick

The perfect one is when no party is scared of "offending" the other person by beating them.

They aren't even playing the same game

>The children

>tfw only want to fall asleep next to the warmth of a girl

I'm doing alright bros

>Not realizing this was intentional politics
Thanks for opening my eyes.

Amorous duo is more liable to happen with a movie than a game


>implying falling asleep, cozy and content with your GF isn't perfect

>one-sided rivalry
Everybody knows co-op is lowkey competition

Really like the 3rd one. Speaks to me.

>"this boss didn't stand a chance against us"
>coop games of old where you have actual bosses are non-existent as a genre now, have fun shooting shit or playing mmorpg

Hang in there user.

Thank you now I am woke.

"That boss didn't stand a chance against us"
Piggybacking whore.

>mfw I walked in on my roommates fucking on the living room couch yesterday morning
>mfw they're always flirting with each other which includes roughhousing like children with me and other people in the same room
>trying to play vidya on the couch while they grab each other's asses not even 5 feet away from me
The only reason I play in the living room instead of my room is because my connection from my room isn't that great, but fuck, I'm prepared to deal with DCs instead of this shit. Like, fuck dude, it's common living space.


>having a gf
pick one



What a fucking asshole.

Sounds like you're a puss and they know it. They probably fuck on your bed for shits and giggles.

It's them telling you to move out.



Next time make sure they find you wacking off on the couch then be like

> I thought it was cool to perform sex acts on the couch and not in our rooms

Also if the have sex again awkwardly watch them .. Maybe touch yourself

based black man bro blacked lol whitey bad bf cucked bix nood


This post was written by a woman.


you and me both brother

yeah this, there's a reason "netflix and chill" became a meme

Where is the fuccboi option?

Nah, I invited them to use my bed but they refused. Shame too since I've dropped some cum stains on the bed and wanted to impregnate her, thus cucking the other guy

I honestly don't even notice that, I just think "This is a dumb fucking comic."

I'd love to get into your head and see the world the way you see it.

Fucking degenerates, all of you.

No, you wouldn't. The truth will tear your simple mind up, knowing what I know.

best couple
I still want more chapters of my bro enomoto tho

Tell me what you think of the Chinese, user.


can't wait for comiket double date

I wonder what the user that wrote this iconic post is up to nowadays

Evil communists hell bent on destroying us. But you knew that

If a white couple was the perfect one and this was posted on Tumblr they would be complaining of the same shit and you would call them ridiculous

It's no different than whining when a white guy happens to be the villain, or when a black guy happens to the be the villain. Not everyone gives a shit about your identity politics.

>Evil communists


Wait are the amorous duo lesbians? That's a chick's shirt on the left and a bra on the right. What's that green thing? Pants? I'm confused.

Can someone make this loss?

yeiss, finally more of their arc
I'll be heavily disappointed if Enomoto won't come in Motto Motto t-shirt tho, or in some other JAM project one.

You're a fucking retard.
There's one bra and one panty.
And then there's one briefs (who the fuck wears briefs?)

That's one male and one ftm tranny.

But one of the couple are gay.

There's a pair of underwear and a pair of panties.
They're implied to be a straight couple unless the "male" lesbian wears male underwear


When white people are gone there will be nothing but "identity politics" you fucking tool

Okay let's run through each one:
>Backseat Overlord
Only autistic asshats would ever do this
>Perfect Pair
Good for them? Two people makes boss fights easier, this is common knowledge.
>One-Sided Rivalry
Why the hell isn't he indulging her? Nothing wrong with competing in co-op games. As long as she isn't a dick about it or if he responds accordingly, things can heat up rather nicely.
>Amorous Duo
People still play shooters online via splitscreen?
>Cutthroat Couple
See above
>Late Night Grind
Unironically the only decent panel.

>Literally removing the joke to make it even more devilish
That's too fucking meta, man.

>GF gets stuck often
>fills me with uncontrollable rage when she asks me for help

Is this autism? Also pisses me off when she dies a few times and then just gives up instead of persisting.

Do you like trains user

I've been on 4chins for 6 years now and this is the first time I've ever been mistaken for a woman.

Thanks dude


>tfw backseat overlord when gf is in combat in homm3

>only autistic asshats would ever do this
>Watching friend play game
>Fucking tanking hard
>he starts whining about how stupidly hard it is
>Get sick of his shit and start barking orders at him
>He wins while listening to me
>Fuck you i was doing fine without your help


I'm woke af now. I didn't realize jews were behind my genocide! Thanks for opening my eyes!

make it stop
let me die

Are you butthurt because you don't have a girlfriend?

Wonder if i would have even noticed this if wasn't because i saw this comment before the comic. I will never know, i guess.

I am the girlfriend.

yup, this pisses me off too about my gf.
"My head hurts". It makes me sad more than angry, cause I know she can do it if she keeps at it.

Feels good to be assexual and dont feel those needless feelings.

>You will never this paranoid

Setup secondary router in the building.
Best thing I ever did for improving my internet signal.

>be me
>dad is a filthy casual, but has his moments
>playing tlou
>never uses stealth, just shoots up everyone
>keeps dying
>tell him to crouch
>you know, like the first pic
>he asks me why I always treat him as an enemy
>huge fallout
>our relationship never recovered
>never plays vidya again

So yeah, totes Backseat Ovelord here xD lol

>Pretending to be ignored just because of the stupid button
Next level of delusion right here.

And I am the Cook

Look up some data on divorce rates and domestic violence in black man/white woman marriages. Then ask yourself wether or not its good for the media to push this as desireable.

Clearly the work of jews!

True words, sir of r9k!

id late night grind that ho

>GF left me about a week ago
>Every day is like swimming through a muddy sea of nails. No end in sight.

She was the first one to ever take interest in my hobbies. Never had I been with a girl who would even listen to me talk about video games. Why can't we all just have GFs who will play vidya with us? Ones who will stay forever and promise not to use us? Girls who we can play vidya with forever, and die in their loving arms.
Oh god hold me Sup Forums. I'm so lonely. At least we can be alone together.


Don't drink while you're sad
It'll feel less shitty after awhile, and you'll still get pangs of loneliness, but then you find somebody new
and then one of you gets bored of the other, as the initial spark fades, and the cycle repeats itself

I feel you. Just got dumped by my girlfriend of five years yesterday. I was pretty much ready to build a family with her, get married, the whole thing. Now, it's all just horrible suffering. Even when I try to play vidya it just feels empty and numbing.

I can't even comprehend being with one person for that long and then leaving them. What went wrong?

I was struggling to kickstart my career, and she couldn't see a future for us together. Just like that, I suddenly had to hear the person I was working my hardest and doing my best tell straight to my face she just didn't love me anymore. It's fucked up, I can't imagine myself ever loving someone like that again. Holy shit just fucking kill me.

I'm really sorry to hear that user. You'll get through it, it'll take time though. Chances are you'll still think about her even months/years in the future if it meant that much to you.

But look at it this way, you probably had some awesome times together, treasure those times and look positively about the future. You experienced love! You'll find someone else who might even make you even happier :)

Total coincidence goy

>five years
I'm in the same boat as here. Wasn't even with this girl that long but I loved her to death. She was perfect and even asked if I'd wanna get married.
I can't begin to imagine how I'd live with losing someone I'd been with for several years. I'm here for you too, user. We can suffer together.

They are cold and heartless user

Thanks user. It's us against the world now. I feel like I'm gonna start using my anxiety and stress to go back into lifting and try to get swole, it's definitely gonna help and I recommend you fellas do the same. What hurts me the most is that I started dating her when I was 22, and now I'm already 27. I wanted to have kids with her, and build the warm, loving family I didn't get to have. Now all of a sudden, I'm back to being some guy who has no prospect in life beyond getting a job and playing video games to waste his time.
I was supposed to turn into a loving father, but now I'm back to being some lonely loser, just because I couldn't make enough money fast enough. Holy shit life is mad.

How did it go for you guys?

oy vey!

Goddamn user you set yourself up for failure right there.

Sup Forums is always right

What do you mean?

You do realize they make things called repeaters to increase local access to wifi right?
