This looks fun as fuck

this looks fun as fuck

I love Monopoly

Other urls found in this thread:

Me to, but I'm a lonely fuck who has no nearby friends, does it have online play.

Why the fuck would you waste money on this when you could just play the real monopoly? Its a waste of electricity

>graphics from literally the 1930s vs modern graphics
Gee user real conundrum there huh?

Most of us dont own the real board games grandpa.
This one looks better too.

>Challenge yourself online

>Find other players online and challenge them in quick matches, or in customized sessions choosing your way to play! Try to get at the top of the leaderboard and be the one to own it all!

Cool, but is there such a thing as a quick monopoly match?

Real talk, can you even finish a game of Monopoly on one charge of the Switch's battery?

>the state of Nintenrabies

Are you ever going to stop this meme?

>doesn't mention game is literally cardboard

Haha! XD my frog-posting friend!

I'm not hearing a 'yes.'

Hah, I remember playing Monopoly on the PSP when I was like 16 in class. You had to pass it around, still fun.

Whats wrong with it frogposter?
Some of us get outside. Unlike most people here on Sup Forums.

release date is Nov 9

They still sell monopoly and no doubt you can get a version for the price of this game.
If you don't get to handle the hotels/money then you're missing out on the full experience

BGO > Monopoly

probably some special goals or something

I'd buy Risk if they'd make it. Played the shit out of it on PS1.

>used to play the shit out of pic related
>learned all the ai's quirks and how to abuse them
>still have a lot of the dialogue and stiff phrasing stuck in my head
Everyone shits on monopoly but I still really enjoy it

>tfw played DS Monopoly for hours with CPUs
>tfw still play it every now and then

>so fucking starved from games you shill for a a digital version of fucking monopoly on a 300 bucks console

You can't make this shit up.


Found the autust

This is a port of a five year old Ubisoft Monopoly game. I own a switch but come on, being on Switch does not immediately make something worth buying. It'll probably be full price as well. You're starting to look desperate.

Maybe because there's always some retard that doesn't know how to play which keeps the game going for fucking hours because you either have to put up with it or teach them along the way

This looks awful.

>getting games means you are starved
>he says while his fifabox hasn't seen a single new IP since early April

and that changes with the switch how exactly?

>being on Switch does not immediately make something worth buying.
It kind of does. The portability aspect and joycons bumps up the worth a lot especially for multiplayer games.

I understand when it comes to most games, I never considered buying Overcooked til it came to the Switch for instance. But fuck me dude, it's Monopoly.

Are you retarded? The major problem is that those idiot kept money in circulation because they didn't know how to play.
With a video game they have to abide by the real rules which ensures quick games.

When was the last new Nintendo IP? Splatoon? You should be careful with your deflection.

>But fuck me dude, it's Monopoly.
Carrying a Switch is still less cumbersome than carrying the boardgame itself.

>no PC version

The absolute state of PCfriends: eternally BTFO

You might want to take your own advice there seeing as Nintendo has had new IPs more recently than Sony at the moment.

I've seen people play uno and poker on an iphone

ARMS you fucking stupid faggot

But on the downside: You're carrying around a Switch.

You have no idea how heretic this is.
You see, since 1880, nintendo and Milton Bradley went on a full on war on pretty much anything but board games.
plastic cards, toys, video games, EVERYTHING.
One lockstepped the other and copied each other until sadly the crash of the video games killed MB and they turned into a lifeless husk of a mattel brand.
If MB was still alive, we probably would be playing holograms now.

>Posting the nazi frog

As opposed to carrying around a cardboard box with one game inside?

Real boardgames require that thing called friends

>If MB was still alive, we probably would be playing holograms now
We'd probably be worse off.

Monopoly is possibly one of the shittiest, least fun board games in existence. How can people like it?

>fun as fuck
>fun as fuck
>fun as fuck
why do they always say that? in almost every single shill thread they have to tell that the game is FUN AS FUCK specifically, It's almost the calling card of a shill.

Who on earth carries around board games? Any self-respecting household has a dusty stack of them under the stairs.

Too gimmicky for your tastes?

>playing with a group of people on a tiny screen

how fucking long could it take to teach monopoly

fun is a buzzword

Eh gimmicks are the spice of a system in my opinion but MB couldn't really into vidya which is why no one remembers the Omni

Call me when they put Stratego on Switch.

They did better with the microvision, But Vectrex kinda killed em.

>But fuck me dude, it's Monopoly.

How desperate is the videogame industry to hype up Monopoly in 2017?

how desperate are you to shitpost on an image board 24/7?

you're wasting your life here, dude

Real life Monopoly:
>play as long as you want
>costs around 20 bucks
>infinte frames per second
>almost infinite resolution if played on an electron microscope
>10/10 controls, your body is the controller

Monopoly on the Switch:
>play for 3h at max and then you have to charge the Switch
>probably costs around 60 bucks
>awkward Switch controller
>your friends can't see the game since the screen is too small
>your friends will hate you because you are a nerd who wants to play Monopoly on a shitty console

is there a chance that we get this board on the game?

Maybe it's actually fun as fuck? When was the last time you had fun with a game user?

and this one

>10/10 controls
> your body is the controller
pick one

hahahahahahah holy fuck if you're excited for the world's most boring board game you just might be a switch owner

>>play as long as you want
>Playing with shitty fucking house rules that make the game unnecessarily long

/tg/ here, you're a fuckin pleb of the highest caliber if you think there's any fun to be had with monopoly. That's like someone saying their favorite videogame is pitfall.

damn bro u got me, I'm so salty I can't play FUCKING MONOPOLY with my grandma on my ps4

>you're wasting your life here, dude

not just here, man not just here.

Real life
>no one knows how to play so they use house rules
>goes on for too long and game never finishes
>friends think your weird for suggesting boardgames in 2017

>play the game as intended no extended games
>not much more expensive than the board game
>ability to switch to another game on the fly when everyone realises monopoly sucks

you're an asshole if you make your friends play this shit with you

I know, I can se that.

good thing there's a mobile version that anyone can download and play with friends for free


But not on PS4! Keep crying

dude ps4 has BOGGLE

>being on Switch does not immediately make something worth buying
it does when it has local multiplayer you have multiple interested friends.

Switch fags are already becoming more cancerous than Wii U fans. What the fuck happened?

It's probably 60 fps.
Since the Wii Sports, companies do 60 fps for casual games because the casuals seem to enjoy it.

do people actually like monopoly
it takes like five hours to play, the winner is decided in the first hour, and is pretty fucking boring throughout

I sure as hell don't

can you cheat? no? then its not monopoly

>five hours
Stop playing with house rules you retard

holy fuck I'm so hype, finally validated buying a switch. u guys think we'll get candy land too?

I realize you're an advertiser, but you're barking up the wrong tree. Sup Forums actually is home to mostly NEETs.

>no one knows how to play so they use house rules
Why do you keep pushing this retarded line? Any fucking five-year-old can pick up Monopoly's rules in minutes.

>i-It's an advertiser if I'm not right...
Then again you're not wrong about the whole NEET thing otherwise you would know that house rules are the single biggest reason why monopoly is shit.

>Sup Forums actually is home to mostly NEETs.
no just nintendo threads u fuckin homo lol

I actually enjoy using Free Parking as a money collecting space. Go fuck yourself, advertiser.

>People complaining Monopoly matches are too long.

Without house rules and if you follow all the rules properly, they're REALLY fucking short. Anything the player doesn't outright buy has to go to auction, which means properties move regardless of how much or how little money players have. That makes getting the monopolies set up and bankruptcy go much, MUCH faster.

No free parking windfalls either.

It's a shitty game though, it's basically all luck.

>Without house rules
Which is the thing people are bringing up in regards to the length.



>It's a shitty game though, it's basically all luck.
That's why this game is a bad idea. And they should feel bad. Give chess or something.

0/10 bait

>so desperate for games they turn board games into video games


Mfw you can play this game spending 4$ in steam or in a thrift shoo or just play for free on snes version

I have a Switch but I don't have friends, so I'm missing out on a lot of fun.

>buy all houses
>never upgrade

garbage game.

There were tons of actually good table top games they could've done instead

Wouldn't this Block the air intakes and lead to the console overheating?

Convoluted trades and house rules make it decent fun

monopoly is one of my favorite games, but I fucking hate faggots that buy shit and refuse to trade. it becomes a game of everyone owning 1-2 properties, paying each other each time someone lands on their spot with no hotels, which ends up becoming a 5 hour long game to see which player bleeds out first.

it should have a property tax that must be paid each time you pass go. the more property you own, the higher the tax. this would encourage players to give up property they don't care about, since they'll likely be losing money with each go around.

Everyone is guilty of turning board games into video games.
But still, I don't think OP should buy a switch just for Monopoly.