Nintendo Direct News Update

Few days ago I stated there will be new Nintendo Direct next week, and the new female ARMS character would be revealed prior to this Direct. Now that female ARMS character has been revealed I'll unveil some more info I heard from my source.

>Direct will be covering both 3ds and Switch games.
>There will be 2 new games announced at this Direct that will be playable at PAX.
>One of these games is the new Kirby game for 3ds called Kirby All Stars.
>3 New character for Fire Emblem Warriors will be shown and one of them is Caeda.
>First trailer for Fire Emblem Switch will be shown. No title, no launch window.
>Platinum tease wasn't for nothing.

That's about all I'm going to share for now! Happy Nintendo Direct everyone!

Other urls found in this thread:

>kirby all stars
Bullshit, but i believe it.

Link your past thread or dont bother

it's so tame I believe it

I stopped waiting for the one, big announcement because now I know better.

>>Platinum tease wasn't for nothing.


Anything else?


>First trailer for Fire Emblem Switch will be shown. No title, no launch window.
Finally some non garbage games for the switch.

so there's gonna be a new smash?

not enough blur

>Waifu Emblem
>Not garbage

You kind of have my attention, even if just for shit and giggles. I'm sure Platinum Games has been gearing up to reveal something, what with the TW102 and Bayo 3 teases.


>it's a nintendo direct leak episode

>Wario Land Awazon's Treasure
You can't fool me, that series is fucking dead.

That is the must stupid "huurrrr durrrr i was only merely pretending" bullshit i seen in some time


This guy knows something

Funny, because at the rate Sony's heading, they're the ones that are going to be bought out first. Disney will do anything they can to reacquire the rights of Spiderman.


I believe.

Finally somebody posts my edit.

>tfw F-Zero Direct presented by Yakuza never

>I pretended to be an idiot so everyone would think I'm stupid!
>And it WORKED!

>wario land awazon's treasure
too good to be true


when's PAX?

In a week

Wow, thanks I totally believe you random user.

>There will be 2 new games announced at this Direct that will be playable at PAX
Why wouldn't they put them on Gamescom? Difference of a week but Gamescom has a way bigger audience.
Would be dumb to not use that if they've got the builds of those games.

>Disney will do anything they can to reacquire the rights of Spiderman.
Please, let that happen, i wanna see Sup Forums's and e-celebs meltdown

>Disney would get their own console producer
It's definitely Disney's current MO to just buy someone to round out their portfolio, but Sony has Japan subsidies propping it up. As much as they love Disney, there's no way the nips would let a foreign company buy out one of their most globally recognized companies. They'd commit mass sudoku.

>Few days ago I stated there will be new Nintendo Direct next week, and the new female ARMS character would be revealed prior to this Direct

they showed that new ARMS character will be a clown girl with nunchucks A WEEK AGO


tease != reveal

They didn't show it was a girl though, and he also got the manner and timing of the eventual reveal right.

At least give him a 3/10 for that

> WarioLand Awazon Treasure

Don't fuck with me boy.

i will repeat:

they showed that new ARMS character will be a clown girl with nunchucks A WEEK AGO

hence trying to pass off the knowledge of "new female ARMS character would be revealed prior to this Direct" is stupid because it was widely publicised fact for a week then

>they showed that new ARMS character will be a clown girl with nunchucks A WEEK AGO

Wake me up when there' s info about the Zelda DLC. The rest is non important.


I want to believe

Exactly. Tease != reveal

Note to posters in this topic, the Wario Land game listed is likely either a port or remake of Virtual Boy Wario Land which was called Wario Land Awazon no something in Japan.

Nintendo had trademarked this game again back in June in Japan.

The thing that makes this picture unbelievable though is Smash Bros. for Switch....

>Wario Land

Nintendo released their PAX plans with the lineup of games they're bringing. This "leak" can go into the trash

Heh they teased the new character pretty heavily, even showing her stage. Gamescom was an easy guess.

Why? It is obvious that a Smash Switch port would happen. Also, the VB Wario Land is a great game and almost nobody played it, so it is one remake I can get behind.