>Punishing players for being afk
>In an MMO
What did they mean by this?
Punishing players for being afk
Other urls found in this thread:
The tree ent was more annoying
they were punishing botters
To prevent shit like this, moron
>everyone is gathered around an afk player with a party hat being killed by one of these
Bots destroyed Runescape. Chinks just don't know how to play fair.
>tfw girlfriend makes me suck her dick while she plays this shitty game
>What did they mean by this?
when will this shit end?
That is playing fair according to chinks.
>you will never face that evil chicken or the rock golem again and impress noobs when you win
they dont do it to get an advantage, they do it because it makes them a lot of money due to currency differences.
if you wanna be mad, be mad at rich noobs and stakers who keep buying the gold
Naturals ends of an unregulated economy, it's also the reason dchains are less than 1m in modern osrs and yews are barely 500gp each
It's not all bad, all things considered, but it does eliminate some money-making methods from the game forcing people to find other monotonous, shitty things to do (not that woodcutting was ever more than that either though)
How do people make money off of fake game gold?
And yet if Jagex hired a few moderators (with money) whose primary task was to wander around the world and ban obvious bots, most of this would go away.
What are you, stupid?
are you not aware of the concept of goldselling? you can buy gold for most if not all MMOs, why do you think theres so many bots everywhere dumb dumb.
Jagex doesn't really care, and if all goldselling was prohibited the entire staking scene would die out, and the game would probably slowly die.
ive been banned for botting 100s of times and have never been IP banned, the main account i transferred all my botted money to was never banned, they don't wanna get rid of goldsellers
My point is that it's not a malicious problem and macroers get buttfucked in waves frequently anyways but when you have a monotask bot all you have invested in it is one skill, i.e. woodcutting, so any bot farm is easily replaceable when you get your dozen or so accounts banned
It's a solution without problem inherent to the mechanics of runescape, but that's my point, it's not as bad of a thing as many would think, it just means you can't make money on low-investment activities like f2p resource gathering
The upside is such things are very cheap, good for producers to get easy levels and also profit since far fewer people bot production
>playing with walls and roofs visible
God this makes me want to play runescape again. Did they ruin it or anything since runescape 2 came out? I haven't played in like seriously ten years.
The magics gone.
rs2 became rs3 which is a shitty WoWclone
Then jagex put out oldschool runescape (osrs) which is just rs2 and they've been releasing small things for it since, mostly stuff to kill, minigames, and a couple of quests
Play f2p on your old account up until 40 or so in all the f2p skills and see if you like it still, it's what I did and I still play today
I bet
I'll never forget that feeling when i picked up the game in middle school and found out that you could actually talk to people through a game on the internet
if you've been banned hundreds of times you've learned how to not be banned, right? how do I bot to high levels with low chance of ban? I always seem to get hit with a permaban around the 85wc mark
I don't get it though, if you're going to be AFK, why not just logout? Serious question, I don't have much experience with MMOs.
Most people would rather not have to punch in and out every time they need to get up and use the bathroom
i stopped botting because i kept getting banned.
if you use a public bot and a public script you will 100% eventually get banned. even if you use a premium bot and premium script that no-one else uses, they might update their anti cheat and ban you months later after finding out about the new script.
tl;dr: bots arent meant for main accounts
that sucks, i always hear my friend talk about his acc that's nearly maxed that he botted, pisses me off that he got away with it all
>play game for years
>discover friends all used bots (wc/mining/rune essence/fishing/bottle filling/monk/etc)
>they werent even secretive about it, almost proud even
>one by one I keylogged them
>ground their accounts into dust
>sold account and never played again
ignore the shitty OP
all content is free, no donator perks, no content after halloween 2007 (no GE, wildy is as you remember it)
2.25x xp rate to get you through the shitty early levels a bit faster and infinite run in most areas
construction just came out, hunter and GWD soon (tm) read: in a couple years
don't bring that botting shit here either pls
come to play the game or get b& kiddos
We were all new and clueless back then, and the mystery made it fun. Now the only people who play it know everything. Also wikis are a thing now which makes things even easier.
>got into OSRS because of klan rallies over fag event
>ended up buying 3 months memb
>was able to easily quit half way through unlike when I was addicted years ago
had fun
The server fucking sucks user. I logged on and there were only 8 people online, most of them faggots. So then I look up the skill levels of the server, and some people are at 99 in multiple skills, so I'm like wtf I'll use a mining bot to train mining a little as it looks like everyone else bots. Then all of the fucking sudden one of the admins goes on a fuckibg r'eddit tier power trip and teleports me to the jail. I represented 12% of the active players online at the time and they fucking ban me. Bunch of faggots
Why the actual fuck would you play a shitty hacked version of RS full of abusing admins which will just get shutdown when some autist gets bored of his project?
can I have your bot? is there an open source flax bot anywhere that would work for vscape? That'd be a way to instantly git gud at the server
you got what you deserved, botter scum
also the game is more alive in hours when americans are awake
the server is funded for years and our devs are great for the most part
flax isn't worth shit outside of startup coin and fletching 99 which is overrated in terms of profits
just max thieving
>by giving you good shit
i wanted that fucking frog helmet
and don't bot it you fucking nerd
but that's a reward for not being afk
You can make a bot fairly quickly and easily user, especially if it's just a clicking bot. Just learn the very basics of a programming language like Visual Basic, and then Google "how to move and click mouse with Visual Basic" and you can make a bot. Takes about 1-2 days of learning to do, so it's not a huge time commitment to learn
Really? I thought these things only appear when you were grinding shit
it was like 600gp ea last time I played, which was like over 1.2m an hour, which will get you most of the barrows sets pretty quickly aside from people jewing dh
That's not starter cash. either way it beats killing 50,000 dragons in hopes of a visage, could and have literally farmed 10x that value in the time it would've taken to get a vissy drop
I've spent thousands of dollars buying MMO currencies over the past 15 years
lots of people do it
>Just learn the very basics of a programming language like Visual Basic
I'm probably legally retarded so that's out of the question, but if there's a public Simba script out there it might just work, so long as it's just detecting pixels
meanwhile you gain no xp
don't get me wrong I didn't ironman my barrows like a retard but you gotta balance xp and profit gains
no it was random
a few hours of nogainz won't kill you
either way I got my dh set on Sup Forumsscape a few years back when it was like 500k-800k a piece, they'll jew you 2M-3M a piece now so what you're saying is a little more understandable.
Tarzandan also crashed the fury market for a while so I grabbed some of those
dh is like 1.5m/piece atm and duperdan's been banned for ages kek
damn, still never got it though
they banned dan? fucking cucks.
Foxter was always butthurt about dan buying out the feather shops on his alts. He was the only admin that called it "exploiting"
And then when he got fired, he used the database to steal peoples accounts and shit. He was the only real problematic dev other than that one in odelscape that abused spawning and stuff, can't remember their name but they're still in the steam group
shiggydiggy, noiryx, telescope and quietess all got decrowned too but all that's before my time
I wish the ::stats function was implemented upon game release, only shows as far back as when it was released in late '15
but yeah, quietess was the one who abused spawning (as far as I know), foxter was a powertripper who stole peoples info, and pepsikazu still has millions of stacks from where he either spawned shit or duped - I don't have much clarity there, but he seems unpunished
current Sup Forumsscape prices are because there's been a huge influx of suckers lately as much as because the jews are getting bad
if you're buying from friends who are oldfags you can still get old prices, even when those same people will charge 3x as much to newfriends
bebsi is ded anyway so it hardly matters
post IGN
I guess I'm a sucker then, but that's alright
How are whip prices looking? I bought mine for less than 1m I think when Latent was crashing them long before him being mod was even a thought. He also abused pk'ing bugs like whip spec making people skull on him instead of vice versa to get serious loot. Also has a modified client which has been disapproved by bobster which he was also banned for at one point
I sort of just mind my own business though, I was never really good at runescape. I spent a week straight doing earth warriors from 60 to 70 slayer before they added that pve timer and you could 100% afk things
I'm bankstanding, come say hello before I get AFK kicked. guarantee you've probably never heard of me though, was never a yellfag unless I needed trades
In MMOs people pay real money so they don't have to play their favorite game.
What do the chinese have to do with runescape bots? Botting RS is as old as the game itself.
whips 1-2m ea atm
whips have been all over the place from week to week when I was playing a lot, 500k-3m
I haven't been active in the past 2 (or maybe 3?) months anyway so I can't really say for sure, they were stable at 1.5m for a while but the people with huge stockpiles were holding out so it's probably on a steady rise
Chinese and Russians started using hundreds of bots at the same time to make more gold that they would sell for real money. Before that people were mostly only botting on their own accounts which wasn't a huge problem.
>mfw trying to sell exploited gnomeballs that no one else had, glitching to get capes, even trimmed capes, when I had no 99s, and e-peening with my early event items
I kind of miss Sup Forumsscape
>tfw used to play with friends from school and they were godlike scammers two of them had phat sets and gave me rares like santa hats they didn't even give a fuck about the game and quit the game after a year or so
>mfw prices of these rares today
I never scammed because I felt too bad doing that to people. I ended up forcing myself to quit by liquidating my bank account to get runes so i could meme in castlewars with potions and powerful magic. I spent like 200m there and then quit.
>That one friend you know has a partyhat and a set of halloween masks because he played during the event, but stopped playing in 2007 and can't remember his password
Is it worth having an alt just for cannonballs? I'm new and it seems to be the best low barrier of entry moneymaking
yeah unless jagex culled accounts or things got lost in the transfer to rs3 then their accounts probably still have all those phats sitting there too. Hell if I kept everything of mine I would be loaded too. I was able to buy a santa hat back when they were only 400k, the most I had at once was a mask set, santa and i think one of those eggs all at once, most of it legit my scamming buddies gave me one of the masks. fuck knows what that would be worth now.
Different dude, but my account is 10 years old now. My rs3 is botted, and so are my osrs stats. If youre gonna bot, use a good client that uses the new mirroring method, its safer. Also schedule random breaks for the script. I would also advise you to train different skills every few hours, or maybe each day. Dont bot one skill for a week, it's not human. Also if you can, only bot when youre around. I bot while im playing another game on my other monitor, that way if someone tries to talk to me I can quickly respond and look human.
But yeah, I wouldnt risk on your main. You can bot loads and the first thing you'll get is a warning. After that it will be a ban. So you could always bot till you get a warning.
I have boxing gloves from a PoH
using exploits for /fa/ is a noble cause
how? still possible?
>sharing exploits with strangers
lmao u'll never get muh sekrit method
it's probably the same way Excelereight did the CW flag smuggle, but still pretty neat
Excelereight an old player? before my time
not sure, he did the flag smuggle in 2015 or late 14 probably
Back around 2011/12/13 I used to bot just about 24/7 and nothing has happened, none of my skills got lowered from it nor did I ever get a ban. Did they step up their anti bot activities?
yeah around 14/15 i believe
Huh, and here I thought Jagex just plain didn't care about bots
they kinda don't though, it's weird.
i have 100s of botted accs banned and i have never been IP banned, the main account i traded all the botted money to has never been banned.
you sure showed your "friends" who couldn't be arsed clicking virtual trees all day who's boss user!
What did you mean by this?
>want to go back to old MMORPG
>usually several problems
1. Hackers
2. Gold Spammers
3. 10+ year old vets
4. Shitters and BRs
5. Economy is fucked
6. No further support from devs