ITT: Games purely based on luck and not skill

ITT: Games purely based on luck and not skill.

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someone start

It's mostly luck but you still need skills to win a game

If it's 100% luck then how come I have 42% win rate in squads?

someone just got headshotted when he was running across a field like a moron

Everything is purely based on luck.

like 80% luck and 20% skill

Not even that much, I would say about ten percent luck, twenty percent skill

This game is awesome because:
a) it triggers Sup Forums and
b) it is fun.

Someone in your squad is lucky, but gets dragged down by the rest.

>it triggers Sup Forums
And how, I love these threads cause of all the salt
>it's fun
Depends on the person, I personally didn't enjoy it, though I can see why people like it.

Fifteen percent concentrated power of will

five percent pleasure


Are you going to post one?

2% milk

It's enjoyable as a "fucking around with friends" game.

Shame it's pulling the whiny faggot streamer crowd and trying to be an e-sport.

I'm just glad that the bullshit marketplace is just a bunch of clothing you can mostly find in the game itself.

what did he mean by this

>sold half my crates
>decided to buy some keys to open a couple of them
>transaction completed
>steam funds subtracted
>no keys showing up in my inventory

This isn't cool korea

>buy 4 keys
>4 pairs of velcro shoes


>42% win rate
tips ?