Well, I finished Sonic Mania...

Well, I finished Sonic Mania. Anyone who says it's better than the originals is out of their mind or has never actually played them. Unfortunately, design-wise, the game is a total mess from top to bottom. The levels are confused mishmashes of pointless gimmicks, with no flow or sense of progression. It gets old, fast. And the bosses are simply atrocious. The Puyo Puyo one is cute, but the rest are just... way worse than even most actual 16 bit bosses. They in no way feel like anything that would be in an actual 2D Sonic game and are a huge detriment to the game in every way.

I'm not even really a big fan of Sonic 1-3, but I have to say that Mania made me appreciate them a lot more in retrospect. I may not agree with the tenets of their design, but at least they had design that wasn't just random gimmicks and visual setpieces. Occasionally Mania will copy/paste level design from one of them and it almost feels like a decent game until that part is over. It's sad. Overall, despite the genuine retro game aesthetic/atmosphere, I can't say I enjoyed actually playing Mania at all. Toward the end I was just really bored and waiting for it to be over, pretty much. I wouldn't recommend it even to Sonic fans.

Is this a fresh pasta?

Been playing Sonic games since 1993. Did not have this problem.

>Not even really a big fan of Sonic 1-3
This game was never for you

You'd have to give some specific examples of the "lack of flow", bad level design and bad boss design you're talking about, otherwise this is just rambling. You're being too vague

>ITT I didn't like any sonic game ever and this one is bad.

I have to agree with OP, Sonic Mania is nothing more than a middling tribute to old games. And on surface level it feels alright but really just stick with the classics.

I'm far more interested in seeing what Sonic Team is doing with Sonic Forces as they try to move the series forward instead of wallowing in pitiful nostalgia.


t. Iizuka

Is there anything moogy is not an expert in?

>Bringing back Classic Sonic again in Forces
>"moving forward"

There were two shitty boss fights (Heavy Gunner and Mirage Zone Act 1) and two worst levels (both flying battery zones) were mediocre at worst.

It's a damn sight more consistent than Sonics 2 and 3 which had tons of absolutely trash levels like Marble Garden, Lava Reef, Oil Ocean and Metropolis Zone, not to mention all the shit in 1 and CD.

Like in one of the zones, there are gimmicks where you switch between the foreground and background and also turn into mini Sonic. Neither of these gimmicks actually impact the design in any way, you're still just doing the same shit. That basically sums up the game, it's a bunch of pointless gimmicks with no coherence or level design.

Taxman should stick to porting games, he doesn't have the talent to make an original entry.

>I'm not even really a big fan of Sonic 1-3


Not an argument.

I'm sorry to hear that.

You need to be taken out the back and shot.

Only CD was crap.

Well, everything.


All they had to do was make a sequel to Shadow the Hedgehog

How did they mess this up so much?

You have terrible taste, congrats.

What's wrong with Heavy Gunner's fight? It's pretty easy to figure out what to do and it's also Mania's equivalent to the Mushroom Hill Zone Act 2 boss fight.

So your issue is a gimmick from Sonic CD, and a twist on a gimmick from Sonic CD? Between that and you saying you were "never a big fan of Sonic 1-3", it sounds like you never really liked Sonic in the first place, Taxman was never the issue here. If you didn't like classic Sonic in the first place (which evidently you didn't), Mania wasn't going to change that.

For the record, the gimmicks in question do impact the design. Mini Sonic can exclusively access certain small tunnels (since you can access the Mini Sonic sections as large Sonic as well), and likewise flipping into the background allows you to find other slingshot thingies that propel you into areas of the foreground you wouldn't have been able to otherwise access. They're not spectacular gimmicks but they're inoffensive as fuck and if they're your worst criticism of the game then you haven't thought very hard about it at all

Although of course you haven't thought about it, considering you're just copypastaing . Not sure why I'm even responding in the first place.

> I didn't like early 2d sonic
>I like this 2d sonic less

Sounds like you don't like 2d sonic, why did you buy a 2d sonic game then?

Level designs felt like a mix of CD size and 3K density. Probably done that way so level replays would feel fresh with new discoveries as one decides to explore e stages more.

Lava Reef was great shut the fuck up.

Well, yeah. Sonic has always had shit design.