What kind of mental illness did Zenos have?
Other urls found in this thread:
>collected katanas
Autism, clearly
>collecting katanas
literally me
My FC slowly died off and now it's just me and a friend still active
The one where you should fuck off to /vg/ with your garbage ass MMO.
You fucking cancer.
why are caster and healer run animations so SHIT?
meanwhile sam's default run and mch's sprint are pure sex. shows the handling of the weapon and the body makes a nice forward lean
speaking of mch's sprint i wish it was their regular run instead. the run has them stand almost upright and it looks goofy as all fuck
Where did the game rape you last night?
How do you feel about your unsuccessful 3-month campaign to drive video game discussions out of a video game board?
>Collecting katanas
Autism with Asperger.
SCH sprint with the book is really dumb
>finally a doujin featuring mnaago
>art is shit
>Zhloe best girl has a new doujin
>It's 5 pages long
Well why don't you try and draw something
Glad his work got uploaded. Kinda surprised how quickly it was too.
I'm still learning how to.
RDM's isn't great either. It's like your entire body is bent over at the waist in a weird animu ninja run where you're trying very hard to menace the floor.
AST's is also unchanged as far as I'm aware.
Being in a mediocre game.
Ditch your friend and join an active FC with cute catgirls
>Barely any miqo'te doujin
>Billions of mithra one
Hail to the king baby.
zey arr rook same
>created by japanese
You tell me. Every anime character, every Mnga character and really everything that ever crawled out of the nightmarish tentacleridden hellscape that is the collective japanese mindset on creativity suffers from the same symptom:
they're all overly dramatic, overacting cunts.
>I can finally get those emotes and feel just slightly less potatoed than before
How long would it take to do a ARR relic? And a HW one?
Which ones?
>Only one cat using the abused slave face
Shit taste.
>tfw still hasn't downed neo exdeath
Feels shitter man.
>13 year old marshal
d'aaa-wait he looks like a grown lala
Lala are born fully formed from eggs
>got baited by free transfers and now stuck for 45 more days on EU hell
Should've just dealt with 180ms NA ping
Use a VPN like Mudfish
{Hello!}{French language.}{I don't speak any English.}
How difficult is the fight anyway? I downed v3s a few weeks ago but haven't really bothered to even watch a guide on v4s yet.
I'm entirely on my own so I need to be in a special extra good mood to want to join a learning party on pf and watch people who should be more experienced than me and my 0 experience fuck up over and over again.
>mfw blm is now more fun to play than ever
SB a shit but it did something right
It has many "WTF just happened" moments. I'm placing it around a8/12s difficulty.
>watching guides
Kill yourself pussy.
He has a set-in-stone rotation and very little randomness (and even then only one of them means death), he's pretty fucking easy IMO.
>hurr watching guides kys
I'm not entirely sure why I expected anything other than some meme shitpost as a reply.
>It has many "WTF just happened" moments. I'm placing it around a8/12s difficulty.
Hahahahahaha have a (You)
Is Tenacity weighted more than Skill Speed?
a day
gl with light farming
Real men don't need guides.
Tell me you flawlessly did the grand crosses on your first attempt.
It's from Tumblr, i know, but still very relevant.
Do any of you play with the game spanning across three monitors? How is it?
>he says as he browses Sup Forums from his ipad at the same time he jumps from a plane with no parachute on and wrestles with a bear
If you think Grand Crosses are anywhere close in difficulty to A8S you need your head bashed in m8
Did/will anything happen at gamescom? I see a stream and schedule on lodestone and Yoshida is there.
Being BLM is good shit. Feels properly wizard.
I play TESO on the side, and while that game has a few good things, the wizarding is nowhere near as good as XIV's BLM.
Only thing missing is more fucking content to blow shit up in as a 70 BLM.
How high can you go with a million flares in a row in big pulls in the 70 dungeons?
And GCO is more difficult than anything a12s has to offer.
If you're using those Moogle weapons, please stop
Not to mention Zenos is the best out of all the "villains" in SB. Yotsuyu was muh Doma, Fordola was a civic nationalist who was trying to show that other nationalities can assimilate to Garlemald, the roe is just your typical animu dumbass, the red Kojin and Susano are your typical lover of war, Lakshimi and the snakes are a bunch of libtards(passive people who go full chimp out like niggers when they don't get their way like non Whites who bitch about not getting their welfare).
Not to mention Zenos has the right idea about life. Zenos lived in the present while the Domans were just zombies who were surviving and not living, and the Ala Mhiggers are stuck in the past and entitled little fucks.
Absolutely not. You just dodge three lasers.
GCO is slightly more than dodging 3 lasers.
I haven't parsed myself there yet, but I've heard some anons claim 10k happens and I believe it and that it can go higher.
Am I in the wrong for skipping fire II and just going fire III - flare x2 for aoe? Usually by the time the first or second flare is casting most enemies are dead or nearly dead, especially if I get a thundercloud proc or two along the way. Takes the fun out of it, I just want to flare all day and fire II is cockblocking me.
>run deltascape savage once in the week
>want to run again before Tuesday because I enjoy playing the game and not everything is about loot
>pretty much impossible because of the way they made the system nobody wants a person who has already cleared
So basically they don't want you to actually want to play the game I take it. They are actively fucking up with people who just want to run things more than once for fun.
>How high can you go with a million flares in a row in big pulls in the 70 dungeons?
18k on a big pull after 1st boss in Temple of the Fist
>Am I in the wrong for skipping fire II and just going fire III - flare x2 for aoe?
I have no idea I play sam. I was just curious cuz I've hit over 10k there and I remember thinking "I can't even imagine what a blm would do".
skip fire 2 unless you have 6 enemies, and even then it still depends
>tfw SCH artifact gear looks atrocious
The AF1 torso-piece is the sexiest piece of gear in the game.
Or are you meaning to tell me that you are OUT OF UNIFORM at any given point as a SCH?
>males get bunnysuit
Fuck this community
This game is pretty gay and full of nu-males who play as cute girls
>video game talk on video game board is cancer
>meanwhile; waifu threads, e-celeb threads, shit posting masked as video game - but just about either porn or anime, and a shit ton of other games that have threads on /vg/ but get passed off as ok here due to the things already listed
Go back to your other shitty ass non-video game threads.
hating boypucchy
You sound like someone that needs a static.
Wait, did they really break to that dumb ass request?
>tfw no Yotsuyu mommy gf to step on me and tell me to crawl through the dirt like some lowly pig
I'll tame that shrew through the power of my dick
seek help
The only thing she respects is power.
>You will never be a Garlean Medicus and be called to Yotsuyu's chambers one night
>You will never be pushed against the wall and be forcefully stripped by a drunk and blushing Yotsuyu
>You will never hear her order away the guards at the door in her husky, sexy, slurring voice as she drags you to her queen size bed and pushes you down
>You will never hear her gently whisper 'please...please you must needs provide me...ahn~ succor!' as you undo her garment and suckle on her sweaty, warm, heaving breasts
>You will never see tears well up in her eyes as she wraps her arms and legs around you in pure ecstasy
>You will never hear her hold back husky moans as you show her how pleasurable love can be outside of the confines of an abusive pleasure house
>You will never reach for her female sex and be greeted with a throbbing futa dick while she stares at you on the verge of tears for discovering her secret
>You will never reassure her it's okay as you keep making love and see Yotsuyu show a more gentle and needy side to her personality with each thrust between her thighs
>You will never spend the night holding her closely under the sheets while the sun rises over Doma and more Doman scum are forced into imperial service
I don't like this soft and gentle side of Yotsuyu you're presenting.
Was there a new liveletter?
>get some mongoloid account buyer or gook RMT tank in your duty who isn't doing shit
>have to sit on the naughty step for 30 minutes when you get the fuck out of there
There's one on the 2nd
The votekick function exists.
alt-f4 game, wait 5 minutes until they can vote kick, relog
>Have a foul saved
>Tank pulls everything
>Use foul
>Triple case flare
>Use foul again
>Fap furiously to 20k dps
>doing some maps with some FC buddies
>that otter guy shows up after we clear the cages
>has about 5% HP left
>tell everyone in VC "i''m gonna foul this guy"
>crit him for 24k
>the tank loses his shit
I put off leveling BLM for far too long. This is too much fun.
12 maybe. Brute Justice stomps all over it, especially if you aren't cheesing water.
Poor writing
Nah, but a gamescom interview an hour ago
Should I level up BLM? The only caster I have past 50 is RDM, partially because I didn't want to level another class from 1 after playing both Dragoon and Paladin
If you like big numbers and are deathly afraid of moving, then sure.
Nice triggered little rant. How sad is it that you can't even talk about a shitty video game for 5 seconds without raging at "libtards" and black people. I'm sure you aren't a gigantic failure or anything.
Holy fuck, i love Zenos now.
>an hour and 20 minutes to respond
>Regarding PvP Actions
Prior to Patch 4.0, it was difficult to make modifications to actions for the sake of PvP balancing, as it would also have an effect on PvE. Now that this has become more flexible with the separation of PvP and PvE actions, we will begin to modify these actions, skills, and spells as necessary, including the possibility of completely replacing actions. However, please keep in mind that due to the development process, it may take some time for feedback to be reflected in-game. In the past, we did not make modifications to actions during a PvP season, largely due to the reasons we just mentioned, but we will be making modifications during PvP seasons in the future.
>PvP in Patch 4.1
In Patch 4.1, a new large-scale PvP mode will be implemented. Stay tuned for details on this! Also, as we mentioned previously, data center-wide custom matches will be implemented.
Are you starting from level 1? THM can be pretty boring up until you get fire III and blizzard III and can switch between astral fire and umbral ice quickly, but once you pass that point it gets better and better every ten levels.
> tfw playing with 150-180 is the norm for me
> will never experience glorious 40ping
Oh well, on the plus side o just cleared o4s this week si laggy as fuck conection isn't hold me back that much
Or improve it, just do something with it.
Whats coming next for this game and how soon?
>the airship is the coolest mount in the game
>have to win 200 (TWO HUNDRED) pvp matches to get it
why must we be cursed so
Same shit different patch
A huge letdown in the form of Eureka
and it's coming to a game near you in a couple months probably.
Super Savage. It's Ozma. Please look forward to it.
>got the witch broom in that halloween event
>haven't used another mount since
good feels.
>tfw WHM is so insane you can heal SB dungeon with a no CD on big pull using, using all CDs before boss sprount jumper tanjk
>tfw thin air
How does this job play in EX/savage content? This is great.