>game makes you get "captured" as part of the story
>doesn't give you your items back when you escape
Game makes you get "captured" as part of the story
>game makes you get "captured" as part of the story
>you're in a cell and you keep all your items
name 5 games that do this.
>Game wants you to be captured to continue a quest
>No option to kill the guys trying to capture you
can't help but enjoy it when it happens in Saints Row 3. Also the time in New Vegas where they strip you down to your underwear and give you a slave collar.
>story of the game makes you get captured
>you are in your items and they doesn't give back your cell
maybe not exactly the same, but I liked the prison part in Mafia II
>Takes away your items when you get captured
>You can get them back but they are also permanently missable if you don't get them
I'll give you one, Duke Nukem 3D
Strangers wrath.
Fallout 4, pillars of the community.
>most of your party is captured
>have to go rescue them with your one guy remaining
>carefully figure out how you could win a fight solo
>rescue mission involves walking five feet to press a button
Dark Messiah
max payne
Tomb raider 3
Before I bought it I'd read about it in a playstation magazine that included a brief synopsis of the different levels and how you got to pick and choose which ones to go to at different times.
It recommended London (the hardest levels by far) first, and Nevada last. You lose your stuff in Nevada and don't get it back, having to replenish all your stockpiled ammunition. In the second to last level of the game (lost city of whatshisname) the enemies are such damage sponges and there's so many of them I cheated myself some ammo.
To this day I'm ashamed of having to do so.
>get all your items taken away temporarily in a Bethesda game
>always worried it'll bug out and never give them back
>have unique items
>get captured
>no way to get the unique items back
You can get your items back. Or did you mean that you can skip it and don't get anything back?
Came here to post this. I fucking love Little Big Adventure 2.
Dark Souls.
Bioshock kind of.
My fetish desu.
San Andreas
>game makes you brap cuck meme
>get brap cucked by memers
>game makes you get "captured" as part of the story
>by trio of weakest enemies in a cutscene
>after you slaughtered your way through hundreds of them 5 seconds before
>game makes you get "captured" as part of the story
>you don't get raped
>game makes you get "captured" as part of the story
>when you do get your items back, there's no room in your inventory, because the game gives you better items during your escape
>game makes you get "captured" as part of the story
>you get raped
>getting raped is an important part of gameplay
>you have a fuckton of dialogue options during rape
>not a single one of them lets your character enjoy it
I'm talking about the part where you "die" and have to get out of some corpse pit before leaving the island. You can get your stuff back?
>drop mine before cutscene
>kills enemies
>get dragged away by nothing
>first time playing kotor as an 11 year old
>part where you get captured and your party members have to bust you out
>preteen brain somehow never makes it to the locker with my inventory in it
>finish the final stretch of the game on welfare gear stolen from my party members
>game makes you get "captured" as part of the story
>a single lockpick is in the cell to escape with
>it breaks and you have to wait 3 days in-game before you're rescued while losing experience every passing hour
You can find your backpack and get everything back.
>Game makes you get captured as part of the story
>The bad guy makes you choose between submitting to him or getting tortured every day
>game makes you get "captured" as part of the story
>your items can be retrieved from a chest
>that's easy to miss and not given a waypoint, only mentioned briefly in dialogue you'll likely skip
>you cant return to the area if you leave
>get an upgrade that makes you immune to EMP
>enemies capture you via EMP in a cutscene anyway
Marathon: Durandal
Marathon: Infinity
Not captured but you lose everything after teleporting to hell in doom 3
>game makes you get captured
>all items and equipment are taken, weapons included
>characters literally cannot fight, except for one who uses their fists and therefore making it the only weapon available when you escape and before recovering your gear
Guess the game
Name 3.6 games that do this
Stalker clear sky, you can get your gear back but all of your money is fucking gone and by that point all you want is to hoard money.
Nobody is talking about the part in the Mafia 2, where your house burns down and you lose all your shit including your money??
Chrono Trigger
>games makes you get captured
>take all your equipment
>you have to escape and pick random equipment on the way
>you take back your original stuff
>you become encumbered
>skip dialog
Just play CoD. You don't have to worry about dialog in that.
>being this casual
>game makes you get captured
>takes away all your items
>unbinds all the custom key bindings
>doesn't restore those bindings when you get your stuff back
Fuck you Bethesda.