What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Cliff's Fuck and Cuck.
lol what a cuck
>I want to make a billion dollar IP
What did Clifford Bee mean by this?
That sounds like a great name for a fast food restaurant
What's the difference?
you can't make FPS games that require aiming
Someone edit his eyes just a little smaller and higher up
who the fuck is that?
Or a former feed and Seed Store.
All game developers are shameless whores looking to pander to as many people as they can in the soulless grab for more cash
I can't believe they ultimately chose to call it Lawbreakers
>Insulting Xbox fans for no fucking reason and calling them salty despite them being what made you popular
>Being a game dev and participating in petty console war faggotry
He had it coming.
Yeah, lemme get a Double Cuck with Cheese, the meal, with a Coke. Some Cuckernuggers, uh.. the 5 peice. And an order of FuckTots, and uh.. that's it.
Oh, and an Oreo Fuckster.
I don't why people are saying it had a weak release.
On console its already popular, it didn't blow up like he wanted obviously, but you're dreaming if you want BILLION DOLLAR FRANCHISE status from the word "go".
*with a diet cuck
feminist mind virus
he's right you know
You cant make this shit up
All the "fuck hate" sjw fags are indeed cucks
cuck machine broke
Formerly Sneeds Feed and Seed
Whatever you say cuck.
>10th Lawbreaker/Cliff thread today
Is Sup Forums in some kind of NTR/abusive relationship with him?
Formerly Sneed's
>Xbox fans
Motherfucker. Kay, fuck it. Oh well.
>I don't why people are saying it had a weak release.
>LawBreakers concurrent players (Steam)
>247 playing 22 min ago
>675 24-hour peak
>7,482 all-time peak
Those numbers are miserable. Remember that LB is multiplayer only, meaning that's all the players that exist.
I bet Meow has a big fat cock
It all went down hill after Jumping Jack Flash
> haha your top looks like it says cuck boy that's a little embarrassing
What did he mean by this?
It's retarded, really.
Is there a platfrom playerbase CliffyB didn't insult yet?
Well Quake/Unreal is king and the rest of the market doesn't give a fuck about Arena shooters.
It would be less embarrassing if it did say cuck
What did he say? I'm confused as why he would bag out Xbox when Gears made him what he is today.
>fuck hate
>Literally full of hate
I'll never understand how you could be so stupid to be so non self aware. Look at his fucking face.
>Fuck hate
>Shit talks everyone
What did he mean by this?
What he said about PC gaming a while back insured I would never touch anything he's involved with, so cheers.
how can a girl have penis?
Said that he hates Xbox, which I don't know if it was a joke or not, but then in an interview with Dorito Pope, he said that Xbox fans are really salty about not getting LawBreakers.
Pretty much, and now he did it to Xbox fans.
Like, good fucking job making everyone hate you. Hope LawBreakers did well on PS4, not that it matters because he's a rich hack.
Sup Forums memed the word "cuck" to its death.
What did he say
d-do you really think he does?
>A grrl
the hard left is so retarded that anyone that looks at them would believe they are ironically shitposting but they are all completely serious. They preach non violence and stopping hate while being the most hate filled people on the planet and will murder your entire family if you dare disagree with them.
>what is yuri
Um sweetie only DRUMPF can be hateful in a post-Trump world
Femanon here. I think he looks pretty hot.
Also like the game.
>make a good game in a genre full of already popular games
>make it less appealing to kids/casuals and instead target more hardcore gamers
>game is too fast for pad
no wonder it flopped.
Leftism is a terrible disease.
His room is probably really musky from how often he faps
There's a movement to kill free speech in the US. Eventually people will need to respond to it
I bet Punk Rawk Cliffy would have worn the KEK shirt in a edgy, ironic way.
Would you like some large cucks with that?
Do it. Just for a laugh haha
It's same with Gearbox and Randy
Right wing politics
I work with some leftist, and they are little balls of hate. They are the most hateful, envious, obnoxious, shitty little people I've ever encountered. Not to mention that every time they rant about something it's incredibly demoralizing, I get exhausted after listening to their garbage. They're honestly horrible people, I don't think they'll make it very far thankfully.
What a fucking dickbag. Is there a good reason for not releasing on Xbox?
I honestly don't see PS4 players playing it for too long anyway. Fuck Cliffy B.
Sweetie-posting needs to die.
>that shitty term cuck
I'm pretty sure it says FUCK MY WIFE
>"Fuck Hate"
>He shits on and insults Xbox players calling them 'salty' because they wanted to play his game
>>Is there a good reason for not releasing on Xbox?
No. He's only interested in the profit, which is backwards-ass thinking because Sonyfans don't give a shit about him or his games, only Xbros do. But now he decided to tell his followers/previous audience to fuck off, which will basically be the end of his career.
>I want to make another billion dollar franchise
>I think we made the Dark Souls of the fps genre
I bet EA, Ubisoft, etc. sure are glad they didn't fall for his bullshit and avoided it.
>fuck hate
>proceeds to hate people who say a simple word
I swear these 'fuck hate' cunts are some of the most cynical, hateful people on the fucking planet.
Kek. So glad this guys game failed. Cliffy B is a faggot.
Just came from /gghq/ at 8ch, what's the update? We're about to shut this cuck up and remove him from the dev community. You fags up for it?
that doesn't sound so bad...
"Tolerant" fags are worse
>We have to tolerate everything, except intolerance!"
Go home ghazi, no one summoned GG
Can developers just make games and leave politics to the fucking news? Can you put your political shit up your ass and leave it there all day, bringing it out when you go home?
Why does EVERYTHING have to be infested with fucking politics now? Why does everything have to have an agenda?
This is why I prefer Jp and Korean games, they just make a fucking game. This is a large part of why PUBG is popular, Korean devs just made a fun, simple pvp game with no bullshit.
Because they think virtue signalling will make them more popular and expand their userbase
Kys cuck. We're gonna destroy you and your shitty liberal games
Fuck off larper.
From what I played it wasn't that bad, I just think the majority of folks felt it would be worth picking up on a deep sale.
sorry you lose
the word you were looking for was HYPOCRITE
The look on the dog's face. He knows.
If Pong was made in 2017 one of the balls would be black, the other would be a white female and the male white ball would be a nazi.
I go out of my way to not buy games that push politics now, fuck you assholes. I'm sick of it.
wow a skinhead i am sure he is hitler or something. how is your game doing clifford?
I still laugh over how fitting the term cuck is for these people
i have a dream
a dream of a world where people of all creeds and colors can come together as one, to laught at cliffyb
Would you like to try the curlycuck fries? It's seasoned with our new blend of smegma.
Ghazi come on now you're sticking out like a sore thumb here
Cliff should've gone long term right instead of short term sjw. Sjw's are still a power but the pendulum is swinging to the right. He could've taken the heat now and reaped the benefits later for being a unapologetic rebel bro that stood up to stupid shit, and gain loyalty of ordinary gamers that just want to play games. Now he's a branded sjw cuck with a failed game. Good job Cliff.
Not to mention he probably wears out his fleshlights and goes through bottles of lube on a weekly basis
at some point i want to join islam for a year or two just so i can laugh with my jihadiy friends at westerners taking the term islamophobia serious while we drive over some cucks.
Thats because one dev decided to focus on the game and the other used the game as a vehicle to preach their beliefs.
yes it was a joke fuck off fbi cia and all you other fools
The marketing for this was so shit that only after seeing the fallout from the crash i found out that there's two sides fighting each other. The police and the criminals.
I literally thought it was a bunch of junkies killing each other for meth, because they look like methheads and the game is called "Criminals".
>bunch of underage cucks make fun of an older cuck
Just another day on the drama board
>Cuck who posted that sign gets blown up by a terrorist
>Now literally has to get his shit together
God works in mysterious ways
it doesn't say cuck it just implies it
>game is called Lawbreakers
>most characters are black
What did Cliff Bazinga mean by this?
Filename in a nutshell
what a fucking cuck.
now I'm glad his game crashed and burned.
I bet he is one of those libshit commie fuck degenerates who preach tolerance and love and peace, but then go and tear down historical monuments because those are "on the wrong side of history" and it hurts their fee fees.