To be fair Devil's Third looked pretty bad.

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>prime advistor

A return to Team Ninja?

Well that was fast.
Return to Tecmo dude

>Prime Advistor
This kind of shit irks my autism.

I just remember this game being like 200 dollars since they printed about 100 copies for the whole US

Never. He wouldn't want to go back and Team Ninja wouldn't want him back.

I remember reading that he was blocking people on his Facebook who were asking if he'd played Nioh or not.

Poor Cookie.

He looks like a burn victim.

I post it in "fuck you, I liked it" threads

Don't bully Itagaki-san please at least he doesn't look like a burn cookie now

Devil's Third was amazing, fuck you.

Poor guy desu

The man is just very tired.

Damn. That's no way to go out.

I actually really liked this game. The single player was great and the multiplayer had some problems but it was full of cool ideas. Reminds me of those old PS2 brawlers with wacky over the top bossess, but with a pretty decent first person shooting button attached.

Pretty sad we aren't getting that PC f2p multiplayer, I'd play the fuck out of it.

>he's been trying for years to look cool
>is obviously a sexless virgin
>now he looks like he's tanned far too much

He made 1 good game. The only reason I even think it was good was because it was somewhat difficult.

well he'll just let these guys work and supervison the games they make, hopefully he will cooperate with big software houses to as supervisor, Itagaki is great

doa2 on dreamcast, ninja gaiden, doa3, ninja gaiden dragon swords were all graphical showcases of what the hardware the were on could do, also doa ultimate,ninja gaiden 2 and doa4 were great games too so don't act like he was a one hit wonder, this man made lots of good games

>graphics = great games

Stop it. He made one good game. DOA, was never good. A bouncy tits simulator does not a great game make. Ninja Gaiden was good. 2 was easy as shit. The old games weren't even good they were just difficult largely in part because they were poorly made.

switch port when

i unironically enjoyed the shit out of devils third

nice try troll, DOA has deep combat and you must be one of those cry babies who tought DOA4 was too hard, NG2 increased the difficulty compared to black especially in ninja master difficulty due to explosive kunais spam, it show that you don't know what you're talking about

DOA is always good.

Devils third is based game
DOA is based (Extreme2 on XBOX 360was more based, even i got the 1 and later 2 ranking in worldwide)
Ninja Gaiden was revolutionari at that time because is really hard, even Dark souls are easier.

This man is based, just now the fuckin vidya intellectuals are trying to change good things like boobs and pol. fuck you

Hi Itagaki-san, pls make good games again.

>2 was easy as shit

You're full of shit, and yes DOA3 was amazing, no matter what's your political opinion about bouncy tits in videogames.

>prime advisor

"Ideas guy".

I feel bad for Craterface. Team Ninja made all its best games during his era. To have to give that up for some bogus harassment charges is tragic.

I thought he was always an ideas guy.

I guess you can say the cookie crumbled

Pretty sure he was an actual designer before. Handling levels, mechanics and shit. When your title becomes "advisor", you're not doing real work anymore, you're actually just an ideas guy.

The single player was okay. Ivan moved at a nice pace and felt nice to control. I have no shame in saying I put it on easy to power trip through the game. The biggest issue is that Ivan is a boring character. He looks so over the top stupid but he had next to no personality.

The multiplayer was great. There was unique modes like the one where giant blenders would pop up all over the map and you'd need to collect fruit to through in. Weird shit like that.

All of the maps had a really nice verticality to them and your character could leap and climb all over the place. It felt great to launch down from a building and smash some cunts head in with a big hammer.

Not to mention the whole joining factions and fighting other factions for cash. You cold then spend that money on your base and build it whatever way you wanted it. It was really fucking satisfying to fend off an attack on a compound that you put together.

Pretty cool game. It's a shame it never came to PC. I think it would have found an audience there.

He gave up because Tecmo wasn't fucking paying him and rushed out beta versions to production

>is obviously a sexless virgin

Where is your proof?

he has a daughter user

Has Itagaki become one of the most JUST developers of all time? Not many of you guys might know and some of you may not even remember but he was one of the more recognized named developers for a time for awhile. No he wasn't Kojima famous but he was a lot more renowned I guess you can say then he is now. Now he is basically a very depressing character after being fired from Tecmo.

Was he really directing his games even?
I learned recently that he didn't actually direct NG2

Where did you read this? It was a pretty big deal back then that he was owed money by Tecmo for his work on NG2 and they supposedly didn't want to pay him. The guy pretty much saved Tecmo and made it what it is. Without him they would have been a relic of the past. These days they largely survived thanks to his contributions and also thanks to their merger. Although producing games like Nioh does help them it still remains to be seen where they go from here.

>still remember that trailer and how disappointed you were when it was revealed for real and it wa just a generic gears clone

I think it's really sad. He was one of the great action game directors, and like all of the great action game developers, it's all fallen by the wayside.

He should have stayed at Tecmo. Maybe Ninja Gaiden 3 wouldn't have been such shit on launch.

How was Devils 3rd? I was always tempted to check it out but the original low print run on it turned me away, the second printing of it fixed the prices but 50-60 seemed like too much for such a short lived game.

RIP oatmeal man.