New Metroid gameplay + details

>New Aeion ability, Phase Shift, can slow down time and is used for puzzles and progression
>Some enemies can disable your Aeion abilities altogether
>New boss, the Diggernaught, is like an escape sequence
>Metroid boss battles differ with each room and environment
>Artwork which is unlocked whilst you progress reveals more Chozo Lore
>Brinstar and Maridia remixes confirmed and sound incredible
>Purple Gravity suit is confirmed
>Beams can be switched freely ala Super via the touch screen
>Footage shows fight with an Omega Metroid

Other urls found in this thread:


>New bosses confimed
Fuck yeah

this game constantly looks better and better

AM2Rfags BTFO.

You're walking around the Chozo Ruins when suddenly this guy slaps your ass. What do you do?

I still like to think that the dev team was inspired by am2r to do even better than they'd do if it didn't exist to begin with

remodel its asshole

blue accents!

she looks like a fuckin poptart, retarded design

looks fucking sick

ok anons, serious question: what do you think of the designs of the game?

john madden

So now that Nintendo will win back virginic nerds with this game, is it save to say that they won this generation?

Not my favorite, but better than anything Retro ever did.

My most disliked design is the logo. It looks terribly generic.


Good, but not great. Nothing outstandingly bad about it, fits Metroid just fine.

what is it with nintendo and trailers with shitty narration?

Power Bombs also confirmed

A melee counter? Sounds a bit weird but might be fun.

They need to find a way to get the Let's Play watching crowd to get hyped about the game. It's the easiest way to get the attention of friendless millennials.

this looks really promising. I'm hype, but I don't want to support Nintendo's jewy amiibo DLC bullshit. I don't want to derail this thread, it's just a shame really.

Then don't buy the fucking amiibo or emulate their codes.

Then don't buy the amiibo?

Locked content in Prime was way worse so


>Music sort of rips off the already remixed Prime soundtracks

I'm ok with this. It sounds great

No it wasn't, you've said this before and it's still just as wrong as it was then.

In somewhat unrelated news, Sakakmoto just blew Destructoid the fuck out after their claims that the Rhythm Heaven games are over.

didn't say shit before but it's true. both games have content locked away behind additional hardware purchases.

>Good ol' jump maneuvering in bossfights
can't wait

But I thought Sakamoto thought that Samus having a purple suit would look too silly.

Then don't buy the amiibo, or do what we do and invest in the super cheap bootleg NFC tags. This book of all 18 zelda amiibos cost me about $15 and comes in a nice leatherbound book. Plus, the cards are MUCH easier to carry and use compared to the statues,

Yes they do but Prime didn't lock away a reserve tank like SR is doing.

>i need my casual fix!

>yes please lock away more content daddy Nintendo I'll buy more of your McDonalds toys

I don't think they are locking it away, I think it is an EXTRA energy tank for when you die. it's basically a zelda fairy but for metroid

I'd rather unlock stuff through a $10 figurine than a $150 console and $30 game.

>but for metroid
*for shitters

He's not drunk this time.

>Sakamoto: "The Metroid series is not over"
>Sakamoto: "The Metroid series is not over"
>Sakamoto: "The Metroid series is not over"

>i'd rather pay for content that actually affects the gameplay rather than just cosmestics
Please eat shit and die.

Honestly at this point I'm just going to wait until the game comes out and we actually fucking know what you can get with and without the amiibos because right now the whole thing comes across as confusingly fucked.
>amiibos are needed to unlock art galleries and easy modo energy tanks and a hard more with the fusion suit
>but the game clearly comes with an unlockable art gallery through the normal story and has been stated to have some other traditional hardmode separate from the fusion one
I apparently missed my chance with the pre-orders on the amiibo anyway because Bestbuy's website was being fucky when I went to look at them when pre-orders were up. So I guess I'll just see what's actually going on later anyway before commiting, though I was only really getting them because I liked how they looked.

Then don't buy amiibo

>I need a clutch because I am so bad at games

Maybe consider picking up a Kirby game

a game that clearly doesnt understand m2 neither any metroid title neither cares.

Its decent by its own.

And now you're repeating your shit defense. Refer to because this is the last (You) I'm giving.


>You unlock STORY ARTWORK (ala Zero Mission) as you play through and complete the game

>You unlock CONCEPT ART (which will also be in the artbook) through the amiibo

>You unlock ORIGINAL METROID 2:ROS ART through another amiibo

The art gallery locked behind the amiibo is for concept art while the in-game one is about in-universe lore and illustration.

The Fusion mode probably has more restrictions on top of the regular hard mode (plus the suit, obviously).

>Ridley's theme
Oh boy

Doubt it, you'll probably be pissing your pants crying in the next Metroid thread too where you'll get blown the fuck out again over your retarded arguments.

>The Fusion mode probably has more restrictions on top of the regular hard mode (plus the suit, obviously).

Based on that interview, I thin fusion mode just increases damage output even more

That's a fucking glorious redesign

Looks okay so far but
I'll wait till the game is out for a while before I consider getting it.

>Overseen by Nintendo producers, level designers and composers
>Every hands on preview has praised it

There's nothing to be concerned about user

I bought the amiibos and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

The Nintendo Europe people are so much better to listen to than treehouse. Fuck. They may have weird accents but at least they are going into the game rather than making the same joke over and over.

i bought the squishy Metroid and wish i got the Samus one now I've had a better look at it


Aren't the Samus Returns amiibos sold as a set?

not in EU, they are sold separately here

So is it 60 FPS or what

I think it's €40 but you can get it for less if you look for decent deals.

Seperated at birth?

Looks like 30 FPS to me.

Makes sense, considering Mirror of Fate wasn't even able to hit a stable 30 at times.

the fuck is wrong with you

honestly it looks like it's stuttering all the time, I'm just happy if it at least reaches stable 30

The Gamescom stream itself is very stuttery

Is that a Chozo mech?

Jonathan Holmes is always full of shit. Could have ignored his nonsense from the get go.
This is a guy who honestly believes Beethoven was black but whitewashed by history. He isn't all there.

Don't buy the amiibo then.

Where I can buy this?

Here is Samus' face

>you explored the map, good job, your reward is cheats
What did MercurySteam mean by this?

Oh, and you can't 100% the game either unless you have the Smash McMeal toys. Great.

>Artwork which is unlocked whilst you progress reveals more Chozo Lore
I thought art was amiibo locked?

>Nintendo announced two Metroid games at E3 - like busses, you wait for years for one then two come along at once. Do you talk with the developers on Prime 4 since you're in development at the same time on the same franchise?
Yoshio Sakamoto: [Laughs] We didn't try to match together, and I think we started earlier than them. But perhaps that producer was influenced to stimulate his own side. Generally he lets me know what he's intending to create - and he did let me know. We didn't want the development to be constrained by chronological riguer - it's important the game is fun. So for us, I try to respond to reply to him with an open mind so they can let loose their creativity. That said, we don't want to create a Metroid which is completely inconsistent so we do keep things reasonable. But we are both quite experienced at making these now.

>You must feel a sense of ownership over Metroid. Do you feel this is a different branch to Metroid Prime, that they are quite separate?
Yoshio Sakamoto: That's quite difficult to answer. My experience of Metroid is the 2D type, so I would say they are quite different games. That said, whether a Metroid game is 2D or FPS, it's more about the ability for Metroid fans to have a blast and enjoy the game. And the more they do that, the better.

The concept art is amiibos not the story art


Nigga, games don't suddenly go from nothing to a playable build that can be showcased that fast. Everything was planned from the start, stop wanking AM2R already.

how so?

then don't buy amiibos you little shit

if it really bothers you so much then pirate the game and emulate the amiibos

I love the way she's depicted there. That and the way she's shown at the end of Metroid Prime is how I feel they should have kept her. All the Zero Suit cheesecake stuff was a mistake IMO.

I really hope it's just the stream, because the game looks pretty cool, it'd be a huge disappointment if it was running like ass

Eww, I hope that's not official

Every single Metroid thread in the near future should start with this quote to help avoid shitposting

Tell it I'm not Leon Kennedy.

Ebay has different options to buy them, usually for $20 for the full set of 17-18 from China.

They threw in a TP Zelda on top of Smash & BoTW for me, which let me obtain a few extra copies of the TP Bow ingame.

He doesn't want more death threats from Americans with access to mommys credit card and airline miles.

This game is still gonna flop no matter what you say.

butthurt AM2Rfag detected

anyone else has a good feeling about this? i mean
>graphics are fine
>amiibo shit might rub people the wrong way
>the soundtrack is great
>gameplay looks super fun
i honestly think it's gonna get good reviews and reception. pair that with sakamoto's recent comment about wanting to do more 2d stuff and metroid switch, it's also going to be sell quite a bit

One missile tank is locked behind the Smash toys.

sure thing buddy

>caring about romhacks that they C&D and the dev team probably doesnt even know it exists

The zero suit cheesecake was unironically what fans wanted at the time. They always wanted to lewd the Samus.

>the mole is there

Is it just me, or was that narrator trying to channel Col. Campbell?

>she looks like a fuckin poptart,
The best kind of poptart, though.

RiP Apple Cinnamon.

I wouldn't think that would stop a 100% run. At least I hope the devs aren't stupid enough to count that as progress in game.

Then buy some nfc sheets and program them with your android or buy a Action Replay thing for Amiibo and spoof a single one into anything.

why the fuck is babby metroid kawaii