ITT: Post your backlog, the first reply decide what you play

ITT: Post your backlog, the first reply decide what you play.

>Divinity - Original Sin
>Shadow Tactics - Blades of the Shogun
>Nights of Azure
>Hollow Knight
>Nier Automata
>Final Fantasy X HD
>Final Fantasy XII remastered
>Grim Dawn
>Ori and the Blind Forest
>Gravity Rush 1+2
>Horizon ZD
>D4 Dark Dreams Dont Die

Other urls found in this thread:

Play Kat's games!

>Infamous 1
>DBZ Raging Blast 2.
>WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009.
>Monster Hunter Generations.
>Steins:Gate 0.

Steins:Gate 0

and trash those DBZ games

Fire Emblem (Very first one)
Telltale's The Walking Dead
Rune Factory A Fantasy Harvest Moon

>and trash those DBZ games
No no, that's not how this works. Besides I enjoy DBZ games.

Was looking forward to S;G0 after how good S;G was, but I also wanted to complete the others just as much. Less so for WWE and DBZ, but they're still fun.


I'm playing FFXII right now but here are some games I have to go back to.

>Psi-Ops: The Mindgate conspiracy
3rd person shooter with psychic powers
Splinter cell clone, a bit clunky
>Shinobido: Way of the Ninja
Game is fun but I got burned out, I'm also a brainlet when it comes to alchemy
3rd person shooter, you shoot at ghosts and capture them

Off is pretty short

Ghosthunter is jolly as fuck

Off and Ever17 it will be, then. Thanks.

Hope the latter isn't COMPLEX.

>Hollow Knight
>Panel de Pon
>Wario Land series
>Yomawari: Night Alone
>Bubble Bobble Part 2
>Kirby Spin-off titles (Canvas Curse & older besides Block Ball)
>Bomberman Hero
>Space Station Silicon Valley
>Hey! Pikmin
>Pac-Man World
>Croc 1+2
>One Piece Mansion
>Crash Team Racing
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Yoshi's Woolly World
>Sonic GameGear/Master System games
>Scott Pilgrim VS. The World: The Game
>Rayman Origins
>The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds


I did not think that Supergiant can surprass their previous games, but holy FUCK was I wrong.

Easily my GOTY so far, and that is saying a LOT, considering the number of amazing games released this year

Project Diva Future Tone PS4
Pokemon Red/Blue Rescue Team DS
Witchs Wish DS
Oblivion PC
Ghostbusters: The Video Game PC
Metal Gear
Ultimate Spider-Man PS2
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines PC
Star Fox 64 3DS
Shovel Knight 3DS
FF III (VI) Woolsey Uncensored SNES
Xeonblade Chronicles Wii
Cave Story
Chrono Trigger
WarioWare Smooth Moves
Sly Cooper 1 PS2
Zelda: The Minish Cap
Sailor Moon: Another Story SNES
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Crash Team Racing
Hyrule Warriors Legends 3DS
Luigi's Mansion 3DS
Pokemon SMD 3DS
Morrowind PC
Fire Embem Fates 3DS
Rocket Knight Adventures 3DS
WarioWare: Twisted!
Final Fantasy 7
God of War PS2
Gran Turismo 4 PS2
Smash Bros. Melee
Wario Land 4
Metroid Prime Trilogy Wii
Red Dead Redemption PS3
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

ICO is a pretty short one, so you might as well start with that

Kirby: Canvas Curse/Power paintbrush, this is my favorite Kirby game.

Kirby Star Stacker and KiraKira kids are alright puzzle games as well, the later isn't translated though.

Currently playing:
uncharted trilogy: uncharted 2
middle earth shadow of mordor
Crash bandicoot wrapped.
Maplestory (Botting all time because leveling sucks so cant use desktop, or laptop)

half life 1 and 2: I played 1 but stopped at 30 minute in because I kept dying at hard difficulty.
Fallout new vegas: one hour in and im bored, much worse than 4
Salt and sanctuary: I should continue this.
Prince of persia 2008: This one I play when dont know what to do.
Devil may cry 4 special edition: I got lost during the mission and stopped playing.
Rise of the tomb raider: I need to play this too.
Umihara kawase
The binind of Isaac.
and alot of steam games.

Fucking Maplestory is making me unable to play on my desktop so this is gonna take so long.

Im having most fun in uncharted though, one the best games I played.

fallout new vegas
fifa 17

FIFA. Fallout is pure garbage. At least with FIFA you get some nice multiplayer challenge.

>Demon Gaze
>Demon's Soul
>Dungeon Siege
>Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
>Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection
>The Last of Us (Currently playing)
>Trails in the Sky (Currently playing)

Beat Uncharted first, and get back to DMC4 soon.

>Fallout new vegas: one hour in and im bored, much worse than 4
Delet this


Ori and the Blind Forest
Child of Light
Batman Arkham City
Shadowrun Hong Kong
Pillars of Eternity
Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition
Planetary Annihilation
Orcs must Die 2
Warhammer 40k Space Marine
Mafia II
Game of Thrones: A Telltale Game
Lords of the Fallen
Omerta City of Gangsters
Mad Max
Final Fantasy Type-0
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VII Steam
Final Fantasy VIII Steam
Final Fantasy XIII
Magnetic: Cage Closed
Hack n Slash
Jurassic Park - The Game
World End Economica Ep1
Sniper Elite V2
Fault Milestone One
Highway Blossoms
World End Economica Ep1
The Walking Dead Steam
Back to the Future: The Game
Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
State of Decay
Massive Chalice
Valkyria Chronicles
Knights of the Old Republic 2 (Steam)
Cursed Sight
Phoenix Wright Spirit of Justice
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Heroes of Ruin
Final Fantasy Explorers
Bravely Second
Persona Q
Senran Kagura Burst
Zero Escape
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop
Heavy Rain
Beyond Two Souls
God of War 3
SAO: Hollow Fragment

SMTIV. Thank me later.

Do this.

disregard this post, I'm a retard, my bad

I think it's time for all of you to finally accept that if your backlog has more than ten games in it you probably don't actually enjoy video games anymore.

Pyre, it's a like 16-20 hour investment to have a GOTY contender done. Seems to me like the shortest game on your list.

Link Between Worlds is in my top 5 3DS games, it's pretty fantastic)
If you can play or play to play Kirby Tilt N Tumble do that though. (Damn shame they never ported that to the 3DS's gyro)

DOOM 2016
Rachet and Clank
Dong Returns 3D
Lego City Undercover
GTA: San Andreas
The Sexy Brutale
Yooka Laylee
Play matches of Gigantic while there is still a playerbase left

>Post your backlog
>Error: Comment too long (19486/2000).

I still enjoy video games

it's just that Master Degree is sucking my life force away. I don't even have time to watch new GoT ep.

guess I will play Pyre first since it's shorter. then Kat's game

you will not regret it

That's good but that also isn't

if you want THE best tracks, it's easily, EASILY Will of The Scribes, but that's spoiler-y so I won't link it

>"there is someone else in the Blackwagon"

My fucking sides holy shit

Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition
Endless Legend
Cry of Fear
Child of Light
Divine Divinity
Alien Isolation
Splinter Cell
Age of Decadence
Ori and the Blind Forest
Trails in the Sky
Shadow of Mordor
Jade Empire

>Beat Uncharted first
Im planning on that, then I will finish crash. Then maybe Ill start on uncharted 3.

DMC4 might wait though because I like Shadow of mordor and from the looks of it that game will be lengthy.


Sleeping Dogs easy.
If you are playing on PC pirate the original edition instead:

Go get yourself a pork bun.

Is backlog something extreme buyfags make up?
Types of people who buy shitton of on sale games and then barely play them.

t. 14 year old kid who sits at home playing video games

when you only have 1-2 hour of playtime max per day if you are lucky, and you are showered with dozens of good games just from this year, many of them taking 20-30+ hours to beat, your backlog will fill up easily

>dozens of good games
maybe if you have shit taste and everything is good for you kek

>buying games

PC =/= console. You buy a $20 game when you want to play a game and play it.

On PC you can use that $20 during a sale and get 5+ games instead, plus PC has a game library probably 20 times bigger than a console. You can accumulate games quickly, plus most people fall in a habit of having 1 or 2 main games they play every day, leaving less time to just go through backlog.

>The long dark

My Non-Current Gen Backlog.

those are almost all great games, get working on it

Dark Souls 3
Prey (2017)
Near: a tomato
Demon's Souls
Dragons Dogma
Ni no Kuni
Axiom Verge
Yume Nikki
Metro 2033

Sleepy Dogs
Metal Gear Solid then play the rest of the series

you can play Endless Legend and Trails in the Sky on together at the same time on 2 screens

sorry for enjoying things.

Metro 2033 isn't too long. Also play Nier before you play a tomato

>Persona 3
>Persona 4
>Dead Space
>Resident Evil 4


Good taste frenlo

>Devil survivor
>Pokemon TCG
>Cave Story
It's just Ballos though
>Crimson Shroud
>Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters
>Harvest Moon Tale of Two Towns
>Oracle of Ages/Seasons
Just Ganon
>Codename: Steam
>Mario Tennis Open
>Virtue's Last Reward
>Blue Dragon Plus
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Bioshock 2
>Burnout Paradise
>CoD MW2
>Condemned 2
>Fallout 3
>GTA 4
>KH 2.5 HD: BBS
>Resi 6
>Rune Factory Oceans
>Mega Man 9
>Breath of Fire
>Earthbound Beginnings
>Sonic Advance 2
>Link to the Past
>FF: Four Heroes of Light
>YGO Zexal World Duel Carnival
>Fantasy Life
>Anonymous Notes 1/2
>Super Mario Galaxy
>Senran Kagura Burst
>Layton Curious Village
>MGS HD Finished 3
>Ace Attorney Trilogy
>Etrian Untold 2
>Twilight Princess HD
>Cross Edge
>Vagrant Story
>MH Gens
>Project X Zone 2
>SMT Nocturne
>DQ 7
>Super Mario RPG
>Iron Combat
>Breath of Fire 2
>Persona 1
>Persona 3
>Samurai Warriors
>Tropical Dong
>Super Meat Boy
>Fallout 4
>Fast RMX
>FE Birthright
>Monster Monpiece
>Alpha Mission 2
>DQ Builders
>Yooka Laylee
>Disgaea 5
>Jet Set Radio
>Has Been Heroes
>Persona 5
And that's it for now that's about half of the list since I started keeping track

Working on Persona 5 and Disgaea at the moment, what do I move on to next?

I should probably clarify that the other half I've already finished.

Burnout Paradise. I'm not even into racing games that much but I had a lot of fun when I played it.

Burnout Paradise it is. Guess I'll give more focus to Persona in that case.

>Ace Combat 4
>Ace Combat 5
>Ace Combat Zero
>Persona 3
>Persona 4
>Persona 5
>Finally finishing Dark Souls 2
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
>Darkest Dungeon
>Cthulhu Saves the World
>Breath of Death VII
>Pretty much the entire Ace Attorney series
>Hollow Knight

That's about it.
Currently playing Persona 3 and Ace Combat Zero.

Rare replay (at least 10 games)
Dark souls III
Witcher III
Rayman Origins
Rayman Legends
Dragon age origins
Fable II
AC: unity
GoW 3
GoW: Ultimate edition
Sonic 2
Sonic & Knuckles
Blue dragon
+ more that I can't even remember

I really should stop buying games and never play them

Dude, you could blow out the Sonic games in like a day.

I literally never even launched them. except sonic 2 up to casino level
I just bought them because they were on sale and I never had a sega console growing up.
Fuck. Maybe I'm just getting old. I literally installed dark souls 3, killed the first tutorial boss. then turned it off. will probably never play it again at this rate.

I never even launched them*


I'm currently playing Valkyria Chronicles, so decide what I play afterwards

>Prince of Persia Sands of Time
>Evil Within
>MGS Legacy Collection
>Dead Space 1 and 2

I assume you mean Ace Attorney?
Guess it's time to dust off my old DSi.

What version of Bayo is that?

>God Eater: Resurrection
Done with the supposedly first act. I don't know if I should finish the other story missions.

>God Eater 2
>Hatoful Boyfriend
>Mount and Blade: Warband
Almost done wiping out Rhodoks and Vaegirs from Calradia.

>Resident Evil HD
>Witcher 1
>Witcher 2

play 1-4 and maybe Edgeworth spinoff 1-2

everything after that is fanfic


PS3 unfortunately, I had it for a very long time and I'm aware it has some issues

Pokemon Moon
Ghost Trick
Bloodborne Old Hunters
Hollow Knight

Burn it and play Dead Space 1

Persona 5
Child of Light
Mark of the Ninja
Portal 2
To the Moon
Hotline Miami
Hotline Miami 2
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Breath of Death VII
Cthulhu Saves the World

Will do

Hotline Miami

what a load of shit. it just means I spend too much of my £60k salary on vidya and not enough time to play it

I feel like this thread would work better as a strawpoll thread since obviously it makes voting easier. Here's my backlog poll that I just made:

I will be voting on all strawpolls in case someone else posts their own.

>Yakuza 3
>Layton and the Azran Legacy
>Etrian Odyssey IV
>Freespace 2
>Metro Last Light
>Persona 5
>Spec Ops The Line
>Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
>Final Fantasy IV to VI
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Shadowrun Hong Kong
I already started Yakuza 3, on the fourth stratum for EO4 and about half way for Layton if those count.

Transistor is pretty good and short. Easy to knock out of your backlog.