Attack: ATK (first letter, second letter, last letter)

>Attack: ATK (first letter, second letter, last letter)
>Speed: SPD (first letter, second letter, last letter)
>Defense: DEF (first letter, second letter, THIRD letter?!)
Who decided this? Really, who?

DFC is already taken

Because DEE sounds like shit

>Attack: ATK (first letter, second letter, last letter)
It is not second letter, it's third.

WIS, INT, END. Attack, speed, and luck the exceptions.


I have symmetrical hair loss on my legs

Because DEE sounds retarded and not intuitive at all?

There are also DEX and AGI btw


>not grinding to increase your DEE

>Movement: MS (what)

If you say it you know what it means easily

it just fucking works.

Movement Speed

>posts Pokemon
>SPD is Speed
No, SPE is speed. SPD is Special Defense.

In pokemon the base stats are HP, ATK, DEF, SPA, SPD, SPE

Move Speed

This actually sound kind of funny. Finally a reason to grind that shitty status.

No one cares about your game for children.

>Who decided this? Really, who?
The japanse

It's from DnD retard.

>DnD stat

Then ATK is the odd one out.