It wasn't that bad

it wasn't that bad

The whole franchise is trash. Mass Effect is even worse.

I disagree. With DA2, I beat it once on my first save and never once played it through again. With DA:O, I constantly kept making new saves with new characters because there was so many things and choices I wanted to make, I couldn't stay on one for long.

I've played and beaten Origins so many times I've completely burnt myself out on it, but I still love it just as much as I did the first time I played. Hell, I still remember my first character, a Dwarf Commoner specializing on Two-Handed weapons.

i liked the 3rd one

of course not, but when compared to DA:O it was fucking garbage
but, Inquisition redeemed II in ways I didn't think were possible at the time of II

>another enemy wave

True, especially after experiencing DA:I

I'd play a DA3 with the same engine if they actually made a world and added better talent trees and improved the combat a little

Why did they remove rivalry and sustained abilities? Shit was great

2 and Inquisition are both shit, but with Inquisition I liked it despite its shitness, 2 was just too shit for me to enjoy.

It was exactly that bad. Worse even.

rivarly would be a good system if they actual made good dialogue and consequences from it

You know what even as a fan with hundreds of hours invested I can say the entire franchise has been underwhelming in retrospect

DA:O was good for it's time
DA2 was terrible, the only good bit was the lore menu stuff
DA:I was pure shit, just puke drivel

The IP had so much potential - BioWare is just a terrible dev and always has been to tell the truth, I just didn't see it, Mass Effect was shit too, but I bought all their games

What the fuck, it's like I was waiting for the part where they redeemed themselves or made their underwhelming halfbaked franchises pay off or something, cannot explain it, but I'm never buying another Bioware game again

Andromeda is just the final result of them getting away with lazy derivative trash for so many years, and mouthbreathers like me buying in for so long hoping

It was literally trash.

It was better than DA:I, at least. Basic idea of the game was good, friend-rivalry system was interesting, some actual (minor) branching plot points.

DA:I was pure soulless EA autopilot. Decent graphics, though.

I was just playing Dragon Age Origins for the first time last weekend. Its just not fun. Every fight is boring as fuck and the lore so far is shit compared to elder scrolls games. The game also just killed off the only interesting character so far Duncan.

static protagonists > create your own waifu cuz youre a pathetic virgin simulators


inb4 people call you todd

I'm not going to say DA:O was bad. It's mediocre, but mediocrity that they polished the hell out of. But it probably seemed better at the time since non-action-RPGs were fucking dead in the late 00s. It was either DA:O or nothing.

It's like Bioware knows what kind of worlds we want but have no idea what makes games good other than muh dialogue choices, and even that flopped in the end

how has one man ever been so wrong? not only do entire skills not work as intended (many of them, actually), but the shapeshifter class is broken to the point of being unplayable. if you knew jack shit about DAO you'd know its the opposite of polished. note: im not calling the game an irredeemable pile of shit - just extremely unpolished

But you could create your own protagonist in every DA game.

yeah i just think hawke being half static is better than create your own shit completely. the story and dialogue always suffers when you make your protag completely from scratch

What do you mean by 'half static' and which DA games had you creating a protag completely from scratch? I remember DAI having a set character which you can change the looks of and DAO had multiple origins you can choose from but they were all premade shit, nothing that you wrote yourself.

i guess i can't argue that but hawke in DA2 is a more refined character. he/she has spoken dialogue and feels fleshed out. hawke's also cool as fuck imo. feel free to call me retarded.

care to suck some dick?

Ge cancer, corporate tool.


It had potential but didn't go far enough. It should have been GTA V in a fantasy setting. You see little glimpses of that like in the beginning and the middle of the game when you rise to power but then it devolves into civil rights nonsense later on.

I especially liked the fact that you could have your own elf slave though disappointed you couldn't initiate sex with her