What is the Sup Forums equivalent of this?

What is the Sup Forums equivalent of this?

>to like lain, Berserk, and texhnolyze, flcl, and mushishi you have to be appealing to Sup Forums instead having genuine interest in good shit.

Really makes you think

getting mega butthurt about what other people like and making an ms paint image of pure asspain?
we already do that faggot

>Fallout: New Vegas
>Deus Ex
>Dark Souls
any of these games

Out of those 9 3 are my favorites though
Ehh, anime sucks anyway

new vegas
some platinum shit
Dark Souls
Deus Ex
Ninja Gaiden Black

Anything Platinum has ever shat out.

3x3 are so boring now because nobody wants to change up their image and there is absolutely zero discussion. people just post their image and a bunch of bullshit ratings and thats it.

3x3s are fucking gay in general, no one fucking cares what you like you autistic faggot

Apparently you don't think


>posts 3x3 on Sup Forums
>everyone calls it bait


interesting filename you have there, newfriend

>anime = japanese animation

But it's a french word

Is Mushi-shi actually looked down upon or something? Watched a few eps recently, imo genuinely good. But hey what do I know I'm a pleb.

Imagine trying to fit in this hard

But those are pretty much all good series.

They do if you have good tastes. Not the entry level shit that gets brought up again and again.

Replace persona with nocturne and you got it

FLCL is genuinely a great anime as long as you know what it's about and don't just think "wtf this story makes no sense it's so random." Can't wait for the new seasons.

>Season 2 never ever

New Vegas
Deus Ex
MGS 2 or 3
A Zelda game that isn't SS or TTP
Any SMT or Persona game

Tried to be Sup Forums core

Nobody actually likes Shadow Complex enough to put in into 3x3

Smuggies are cancerous. Is the irony lost on the people who post them?

a collection of games that are both good and well regarded and pathetic weeaboos hate them for being better rated than their waifu-sim visual novel trash

The fuck is smuggies


I barely know what any of these are.

I noticed FLCL, Bererk and Evangeion.
I know about that OVA series with the laughing sunglasses guy
I think the one in the bottom are suppose the be Ghost in the shell or Death Note. I could be wrong on that.
I think the one on the top right is suppose to be Deadman Wonderland.
Is that the hamster girl on the top left? I thought that was just as bad as moe

no, no one fucking cares
they just want to post their oh so eclectic mix of pure shit to show off how unique and special they are for the fucking media they consume
its pathetic masturbatory bullshit
lol asspained autism weebs

mspaint anime girls are pretty cute

is anime even good? seems pretty gay to me...

None of those are bad, its that they are so widely liked and such a safe choice that is beyond ridicule. Its like when normies ask what your favourite movies are and you respond "Marvel movies", they arent going to give you a funny look like if you said "Paths of Glory".
I think Outlaw Star is on par with Cowboy Bebop. FullyCooly was completely lost on me, I found it obnoxious. Samurai Champloo is one of the best anime series out there, its soundtrack alone makes it worth watching. Fight me.


From top left to bottom right
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Tatami Galaxy
Welcome to the N.H.K.

Lain, LotGH, ?
FLCL, Berserk, ?
Tatami Galaxy, NGE, Welcome to the NHK

Fallout: New Vegas
Deus Ex
Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines
Alpha Protocol
Serious Sam
Demons Souls
MGS: 2

deus ex is absolute garbage compared to thief, though. no idea why people on Sup Forums like it.

If you knew what makes FLCL good you wouldn't unironically be excited for shitty cashgrab sequels

All your favourite games.

Thief 1 is trash

You're trash

Waste of a post

3x3 threads are circlejerking cancer, but this image is even more so.

fuck you user take that back

where's seinfeld

It's going to be a nostalgia cash grab, the fact that they brought back The Pillows should be proof enough of that.


New Vegas
REmake or RE4
Dark Souls
SMT Nocturne
Ghost Trick

>Its like when normies ask what your favourite movies are and you respond "Marvel movies", they arent going to give you a funny look like if you said "Paths of Glory".
The normie anime equivalent would be posting DBZ, Sailor Moon, etc.
This is like saying your favorite movie is Citizen Kane or Seven Samurai.

>people with betterer taste than your average chump have similar opinions on what is good and what is bad
What's next, you going to say I'm licking Sup Forums's asshole for liking Deus Ex?

Sup Forums makes smuggies now?

>moenigger makes this image and calls other people insecure

>your taste is entirely comprised of what is considered "good" by each board you browse
>you look down on popular things normies like e.g. PUBG, capeshit, harry potter

Unpopular opinion here but I think Dark Souls and New Vegas are the best games ever

Sailor Moon is patrician newfriend

But this is actually unfunny though

>some platinum shit
Why not both? Too new?

they're pretty good

>people with betterer taste than your average chump have similar opinions on what is good and what is bad
Everyone has terrible taste, all that changes is the degree of it.

Please dont post lewd photos of my wife, thanks

I just want to point out that your post quality made me sick and I'm leaving. Apply yourself

It's shit.

Let's hear your amazing taste

enjoy marrying a whore
never trust /cgl/

I like smuggies.

The anime in the OP are popular and good, those games are popular and bad so no.

People that make a 3x3 are disgusting but the ones that include even a single one of those are even more barf inducing.

stop calling them smuggies

>never trust /cgl/
I don't since they call her a whore, so that means she must be pure

Haha no. If you patrician magical girl then Nanoha, Madoka and Symphogear absolutely slaughter Sailor Moon.

>no idea why people on Sup Forums have shit taste
hmmmm really tinkers my thinker

Persona 3 and Naruto is the most kino pairing in the history of anime and vidya. Prove me wrong.



I wouldn't know I don't play VNs

i know i have patrician taste but i dont feel the need to post a 3x3 for validation.

>le kino xd
you already proved yourself wrong



It's not that surprising large pluralities of people on the same board tend to have similar tastes

Regardless, 3x3 threads are shit and incredibly boring

It's saying "hey guys I like good anime that is good" but it doesn't say anything about you and what you personally like. Which yes, you should like good anime that is good but if your chart looks like that, it means that you likely haven't watched much anime and are still going through the basics.
The same logic applies to album charts and Sup Forumscore.

>user in charge of detecting blatant shitposts

This but Cardcaptor Sakura

Any lewds?




Reminder that if you have any of the folowing games in your 3x3
>Half-Life 1 or 2
>any MOBA except DOTA 2
>any MMO
>any Megami Tensei game
>any CoD game
>any Battlefield game
>Halo 3 ODST
>any Killzone game
>any Dead Space game
>any 3D Sonic save for Adventure 1 and Heroes
>any overly weabooish JRPG like Ultima and Wizardry
>Fallout 4
>no wrestling games
>any realistic sport game (Fifa, PES etc)
>any TES that's not Skyrim or Skyrim
>any LoZ game that came out after Twilight Princess or is on the DS and 3DS
>any Arma game
>any zombie survival game in general
>Nuclear Throne
>any Pokemon game
>any Castlevania that's not 1, 3, Rondo of Blood, SotN or Aria of Sorrow
>any tony hawk game after pro sktater 3
>any God of War game
>any Spyro and Crash game that's not part of its respective PS2 trilogy
>any Witcher game
>any Souls game that's not Soul Edge
>any Final Fantasy, excluding X-2
>any MGS past 2
>Metal Gear Acid
>Chex Quest
>Doom 3
>any realistic racing game (NFS, Burnout etc)
>The Last of Us
> Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines (nobody actually likes this game, they just pretend to like it for cred)
>any multiplayer FPS
>any Bioshock game barring 2
>any multiplayer oriented ARPG
>any Jak, Ratchet & Clank or Sly game. Sly 2 is alright though, I don't care what you think about the jump from linear to open world styled levels, the level design and the three man style heists are what made that game the peak of its series and it's what Sly 3 started to miss the point on with a lack of focus on what being a tight team of thieves was about. Don't even mention 4 to me
>any Batman game
>any Mass Effect game
>any GTA game
>any visual novel
>Binding of Isaac
>Super Meat Boy
>any game that has only multiplayer
>any GTA game
>any inFAMOUS clones, such as Prototype
>Far Cry 2
>any Mortal Kombat game
you should refrain from posting in these threads

>new vegas
>dark souls
>mgs 3
>deus ex
>dragon's dogma
>ace combat 0
>gothic 2

I had a lot of fun.

>text does not even need to be changed to fit Sup Forums

>mushishi and tatami galaxy

Shit. I haven't visited Sup Forums in a while. Is this standard?

You forgot
>any game ever

One more extremely meta one.

Reminder that if you have a 3x3 you should refrain from posting.

But what if I genuinely love New Vegas and Nier?

to be honest I never understood the whole 3x3 fad or whatever and always thought it was kinda weird how people just offered what they like without any explanation as to why and etc

3x3 should be your top 9 right? Even if they same franchise gets repeated?

From what I understand it originally started out as
>I like X
then progressively devolved into
>I like X, am I cool yet anons?

>no wrestling games

holy fuck smackdown vs raw 2006, here comes the pain, and fire pro returns would like to have a word with you