This is a New Paladin

Is he any good?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes but he gay as shit and looks crap

I only saw a couple in matches and they were mostly unremarkable. I'm waiting for him to be in a rotation so I can see what he's about.
>360 no scope
OK, that was amusing.

>so I can see what he's about

you can just watch the official videos like I did. I just don't want to play during the release of a new sniper because everyone will pick him immediately.

Or I could read the skill notes, but that tells me nothing. The only proper way to understand how a character works is hands on.

>Sup Forums still pretending to like this game to spite OW

More like because I'm literally poor and can't afford OW.

More like because it's better than OW.

Not in my opinion, but I haven't played OW.

I did

>making opinions on things you have no first hand experience in
Yeah sums up Sup Forums pretty much.

>Not in my opinion, but I haven't played OW.
So you don't know anything than

Doesn't this game already have a sniper with scoped gameplay? Does this game just make duplicates of the same character but stronger? Is paladins shit?

are you ok user

My gf has a toaster
She wants to play OW but we won't get it until she upgrades her shit
So for now we play Paladins

The other is a charge sniper like what TF2/OW players would be used to and the new one is more of a counter strike sniper

How many scopes does he need?

I wish they would stop doing so many gun based characters.

Like they got fairies and shit, so why not have some mages or other shit.

I know that OW has much better sound design, and I'm much more interested in its ruleset. I just can't speak for the gunplay, everything else is evident just by watching gameplay videos. The only thing I prefer about Paladins are the cards which offer an interesting spin, but since they're fixed at the start of the match they don't really define how you're gonna counter, but rather your style of play.

Can confirm, the gun is LOOOOOOUUUUD.

Also has a pistol, and runs faster with the pistol out.

>runs faster with the pistol out
how much? I don't remember seeing that in skills.

This, give me wizards.

Is this game still forcing you to install malware?

I don't think it's a significant amount. The skills lack some of the more obscure mechanics, such that during the 1 second cloak channelling time, you can shoot without interrupting your cloak, or that the enemy hears really noticable owl sounds when you are cloaked.

Gameplay is better than OW, but goddamn the art style/character design is trash.

By the way I'm not implying that Overwatch's art style is good btw, go check out Paragon for that.

>hears really noticable owl sounds when you are cloaked
Oh boy it's that fucking autistic sniper again with his owl bullshit.

Yes, but you can choose to go to their website and avoid Steam.

Seris not magical enough for you?

It's shit

Evie's an ice witch, Inara's a magic rock lady, Torvald uses arcane shit to power his weaponry, and most of the weapons are powered by magical crystals. Even the new sniper guy just has a crystal in his clip and the reload animation is him opening the shaft to let the crystal ventilate.

I think this is really cool and much better than characters pulling clips and magazines from their asshole. I hope all future gun characters use magical crystal bullets

The gameplay is what made e play palacucks lel

>go check out Paragon for that
I think you mean Gigantic.

it is an fps after all, its easier to design characters over the "FPS shooter" template than other things.
even overwatch, most of the characters (excluding genji, hanzo...dunno who else) have guns

You know what would be cool? A character that can manipulate time. Its ult would be rewind time for 10 seconds.

Cool, right?

I keep getting rekt by people playing him so yeah probably
I'm pretty shit tho

A network engineer's worst nightmare.

I own overwatch and I find it pretty fun
I tried paladins once and it felt bland and watered down
should I try it again to play with my poor friends? or is it always going to be shit

Who gives a fuck?

He's interesting, that's for sure. I gave him a spin against bots in training just to get a feel for him. His pistol is surprisingly good, and being able to stealth on demand with no real cooldown is fun. One other thing I enjoyed was shooting his flare at a corner so you'd know as soon as someone was about to pop out and could snipe them immediately.

Torvald is literally an old bearded Wizard.

what's the difference between him and that nigger chick, kinessa right?
i used to play her when the game came out but literally haven't played the game since like the first month.
and that dude looks shit and gay as fuck.

He's going to be a good pick for sure in comp. He chunks like a mother fucker and can quickscope and then hide. He'll be a shitter pick too, so people will treat him like Kinessa and dodge whenever he's picked.

can't you make your own decision you moba playing fuckhead

Another sniper, how original

triggered palababies, as expected
guess I'll have to ask grown people

Unlike Kinessa he's not instantly fucked if someone gets close.

I mean, the best answer you will probably get here is play the games you enjoy. If you didn't enjoy Paladins before, i doubt you will enjoy it now.

He doesn't even have a mobility skill, he just goes invisible with a clear delay.



At least Kinessa has a teleport and slow mines. Strix just has invisibility, which has a delayed startup to boot. People already know how to deal with invisibility, and there's an upgrade that counters it as well. If there's an Evie on the other team, Strix is royally fucked.

>tfw no old intro with her godly hips swaying as she walks toward the camera


>Still no special skins for Grohk
This is some bullshit.

I like myself some valentine skins, but holy shit that voice. I'm fairly sure her valentine skin voice could actually cause somebodies ears to start bleeding.

Is your gf a girl(male)?


The valentines skins are usually like that for hi-rez games, either that or Barry White impressions for men.

Literally the gameplay is better, it is lacking in polish, and has a hacker problem

animation is kinda weak, but i want to see it back better

What is he copying? Doomfist, Sombra or Orisa?


It's ana isn't it?

So if you flashbang people they won't hear your allies ult alert?

>would jerk off to R34 of him outta 5

You choose cards after you know what the lineups are.

I'd assume so. Seems like the best thing it would be able to do.
>Viktor uses air strike
>guaranteed kills

Not even hot.

Looks weird, like its her first time walking in highheels or something.

No. He is Counter-Strike: the character. He's not copying your precious Overshit, you can calm down now.

>first Blizzard rips off skye with Sombra
>now they are stealing the Fairy's ult for Mercy
Blizzardrones will defend this.

>getting mad and denying his favourite game is ripping off the most succesful one
come on, reply something and keep looking retarded

Don't forget the changes.
>It's just a coincidence tho

Is he better or worse now?

Giving a shit about ripping anything off is pointless since pretty much all of them copied other games. Don't waste your time with the shitposting.

Different, but people are saying over all better.

His slide looks ridiculous now.

I just want to watch the OW babies cognitive dissonance shatter, they either admit Blizzard ripped off something else or concede that it doesn't matter

copying mechanics is not the same as literally copying characters
just look at your pic, it's reaper without the robe but with a clunky infantile texture

>Paladins has a hacker problem
It does? Someone accused me of aimbotting a few days ago

Uh no, he's Lucian

Are you stupid or just retarded? He's literally Lucian

But Androxus is the reaper guy

>blizzard invented dual wieding short weapons
He plays nothing like Reaper, more like a Mccree.

>it's even worse

Blizzard literally ripped off purple stealth sexy lady from Paladins, what's your excuse?

You're retarded and have no diea how Lex plays.

more like the other way around
>but it came first
no you dumbass

>hirez invented a time machine to steal Blizzard ideas!

At least put some effort into it, man

I feel like he's better doing dps with that change, and they make him easier to play desu

I don't like it. You don't chunk as quickly for better ult setups.

it's okay when japan does it

Why does he take out the scope and put a new one?
>See emote name

>taking off your scope

Why do people keep pretending Paladins is Overwatch Lite? They are both character focused fps, but play completely differently.

Because Sup Forums wants everything to war with everything because conflict is interesting I guess.

>try to play paladins a month or two ago
>10 games in a row 3-4 aimbots on other team
maybe ill try again if they ever have not garbage anitcheat

They played less than 10 matches without any clue what 90% of the mechanical differences, or legendary cards are and since it was an FPS with abilities, they said it's an Overwatch ripoff.

Funny thing is the devs added the top play after the Overwatch ripoff meming to spite them.

read the name of the emote

>i-it was to spite them!
holy fucking shit fucking paladrones
it's pathetic


Because most people only played one or the other, and have been conditioned by the media to form prejudicial observations based on no or very little concrete evidence

holy shit

It wasn't in the game for years until after the fiasco that arose after it came to Steam. It was literally to pour salt into the butthurt of OW fanboys. It clearly worked.

not as pathetic as you who's trying to justify your overpriced purchase for a lesser game.