What do i do if i have no stamina and am out of dragon stones but wanna keep playin?

what do i do if i have no stamina and am out of dragon stones but wanna keep playin?


pay up goyim

get enough stamina for a quest mission you haven't finished, do it and unlock a dragon stone

ive done them all for characters and gotten fuck all good ones and now i have no way left to get any, and im not paying

Boss rush/speed events?

That's pretty fucked. You finished ALL the quests, on ALL difficulties?
I dunno man, hope for a rank up from doing one I guess.
21-1/2/3 gives 48k rank exp on the current 3x rank up multiplier, or you could do bulma's event for 7777 rank exp

have you tried not playing a scam game

>tfw reroll after a week because wanted a specific character and new player
>figured I had nothing good anyway
>realize I don't get as many bonuses cause it's not the same part of the promotion and get fuck all dragon stones
>oh well roll anyway
>get char I want sweet good thing I did it
>slowly realize I aint getting as lucky and instead of like 20 multi pulls I had last time I'm getting 3 tops
>get fuck all
>look back at screenshot of things I had
>realize I had LR vegeta
>realize I had a lot of fucking good cards
>realize I threw it all away for meme card

I might just drop the game altogether. I'm a moron.

does the game have online multiplayer? do they cap how much you can play that?

yes the world tournament but only during certain times

What did you throw it away for? I ditched my original account over a year ago because it was plauged by abysmal luck. My only gripe is that my new account only seems capable of pulling good agl characters, but having a nearly optimal super agl team isn't exactly a bad thing.

What character was it user?
Maybe you should take a break from Dokkan, lot of good Dragon Ball related video games

only realized after the fact I could've fucking backed it up

pic related, filthy ningen. I hate myself. I had Zamasu and Black on the other account too. Would've been easier to keep it and just keep trying for fusion, I was drunk and am retarded

Come on man...I haven't seen one Zamasu to catch my eye.
I knew you were gonna say him judging pic related, I was simply hoping that wasn't the case
Hope they add him in DBZF for ya, bud

Dokkan has it's high's and low's, user. Keep at it, and take breaks when rng fucks you over. Almost any account is redeemable.

I was trying to know if Kid Vegeta is worth grinding for. Every thread I wanted to check if someone answered but once I was searching the catalog the thread was gone. (I know, I could've just let the thread be on another tab. I am stupid.)

speaking of Zamas, which banner has highest chance for the STR one?

He's worth getting for the third stage of LR Frieza. A mono agl team with him as the leader should have no problem clearing it.

what are the elder kais for and why important?

Seems like a great addition then.

Use them for SA level up. Elder Kai is only good for that.

It's finally over....

If you don't have any more stones to farm then wait or pay up.
You can always download the jap version or global and play in two different accounts. Play on one while you wait.

>str zamas

Why? Extreme str team? If you want a zamasu to raise SA go do the merged zamasu event. Both missions drop a phy zamasu SSR

I try to replay the last quest mission for the xp to hopefully level up and get the stamina refill. What's the next banner I got luck as fuck the last one and been saving stones. Weekend and special mission give out dragon stones like no tomorrow.

Tournament starts tomorrow. Don't know if it's on jap or global... or both.
But that is a good place to get some extra stones and exp

how many hours did it take just farming him?


Dude, use your Vegito blue as leader. He is rainbow and gives bonuses to all characters.

Your SSJ4 vegeta only gives bonuses to agl units which you have two

I love playing the tournaments. I want the LR broly but I was totally clueless about this game and might have even pulled him more than once and sold/ used for training without even knowing.

I just started "playing" this a few days ago. Which banners/characters should I be going for right now? I've got the agl rose and super vegito, but those are like my only decent pulls atm.

They're for increasing the super attack on characters that are rare enough that you doubt you'll ever get duplicates.

So not a Goku or a Yamcha... not that I've ever done that...

I just used him so I could get people to accept my friend request and I had mainly agl types until recently. Thanks for the tip m9 changing now.

Just spend wherever as a new player you won't find much difference between decent ssrs and the hottest shit out there.

By the time you need the latter they're have become the former due to rampant powercreeping.

whats the best way to get dokkan medals?
i wanna dokkan ssgss goku but the shits too tough for my team.
should i just focus on one color or go for the strongest team i can make?

Dozens. I don't want to think about it. It was painful and I only did it because I was halfway through the process.

The campaign gives you rewards for doing it (50 stones, 10 kais and the orbs you used on him) BUT, the amount of resources to have LR Goku maxed are way above of what you get as reward.

First the stones. I used a shit ton of stones to refile my stamina. If I didn't waste 50 it was close to that.
Then the elder kais. Unless you want to farm a second SA10 LR goku and feed him to your main LR goku, what you probably want to do is to use 10 elder kais on him and get him to SA20.
So, I used 10 kais, gonna get those 10 back so no win or loss there.

Third: getting him maxed.
The millions of millions of zeni I used on him, the shit ton of training items I used on him. I won't be seeing non of that returning to my pocket.

He isn't a free LR unit like some people like to claim. You will get some of your investment back, but not everything.

And I'll be honest with you. LR Goku isn't that great or useful.

I definitely recommend you getting him since thanks to the campaign is a lot easier to get him, but for the love of god, consider if you should or shouldn't max him.

I recommend getting him... I don't if I recommend maxing him for the campaign

It wouldn't be bad to check Baba's shop every now and then because you can get rare Awakening Medals including Dokkan Medals there if you have luck.

This won't work. The Baba shop sells some awakening medals, but it doesn't sell dokkan event medals.

Feels like the 200m stone thing wrapped up a lot faster than last time.

You will have to do the waiting game. Baba's shop sells some dokkan medals, the easy to get ones like the battle of gods medals or revival of z, that generally are used for awakening SR units.

If you want the high grade dokkan medals, the only way to get them is through the events. Wait for the to appear. There is a calendar for every event, it isn't random, so you can do some planning beforehand

Oh my bad, I meant event Medals.

Tourneys tend to be server specific. Japan already had this particular Tournament (TEQ Fat Buu).

Tomorrow's tournament is on global?
I need more medals for my LR Piccolo

It starts in about 11 hours, yeah.

>blue board

I noticed that.
Had to remove it. Hope you saved user.

Fuck i didnt see it post a link?

>started with lr gohan and a few okay ssr
>rolled ssj3 phy gotenks
>50 rolls later and I have fuck all to show for it
Thinking of restarting

Some other stuff.

-Tournament starts tonight at 10:30PM PST (adjust time for yourselves, and ends this Monday at 10PM PST, with the Cooler Banner going live about half an hour later
-For some quick friend points, consider leaving an AOE as your lead while offline.
-Since the 200m Stone tasks are officially over, I suppose that would be more incentive to focus on Tournament runs for those who care. At the very least, more stones/tickets for the taking.

>has LR
>wants to reroll

Boy, there are people who waste literally thousands of stones trying to get that unit. You aren't going to get fire everytime you summon.
Hell, there are times where you will do 4 multis and get 2 SSRs.
Other times you will get a shit ton of SSRs and a LR Gohan.

It is luck based. It is idiotic wasting all that shit because you got shit luck a couple of times.

Is the global cooler banner the same as jpn with the same units featured?
I need a dupe for full power freeza, hope it is summonable.

I already have him rebirth (i'll need to reverse him but no problem there) and I already have a phy brolly.

I keep hearing about how extreme phy is the best team in dokkan. I want to try it out.

So far I only have the full power freeza, phy brolly, and goku black phy.
Need cooler.

I rerolled for 3 days with 3 instances up to get an LR with decent other rolls. It's not like I got dumb luck and happened to get an LR my first time. Though out of the hundred of rolls I did I only saw 15 LRs total, at most. I've still got 2 LR gohan and 2 LR trunks accounts but I doubt anyone wants to drop their account for one that has nothing on it but the LR.

You jump to a game where you can still play and grind missions even with no Stamina

I've no reason to doubt it right now, though I could be mistaken.

>No more SS4 units until the Super 17 banner
That's....gonna be a bit of a wait.

Post WT Teams

to be desu you're better off with all agl team than rainbow with vegito blue lead

If you've used up everything and gotten nothing of value, you might as well just delete it and start from scratch. Keep doing that until you get some decent units early on.

>stones end the first time coinciding with the gogeta/omega banner 3+1s being extended
>stones end now coinciding with their banners going away completely
It was definitely made up

I got a team for every type this is just all the best ones I have atm.

Not sure what you're trying tocsay famm. It's good to have various teams and your Super team is a great one but agl is better overall for you as your main team.

don´t go for him bro, he doesn´t link with black and rose which is a huge drawback

Think he means he doesn't use that team, it's just all his best units together so he can show them in one picture.

>tfw taking ssb vegito at every friend choice

Is there a better character to ever take. He gets like 4 guaranteed hits and guarented counter attacks

Depends on the team you're running, but I find that I've been using him more often since I finally awakened my Rage Trunks