Age of Empires IV will be a Windows 10 exclusive

>No Xbox release

I guess I'll just keep playing Halo Wars

Fuck this shit

I don't care. The reason I'm not buying it is because it's Windows Store exclusive.

One less game i will even bother to pirate, good for me i should focus on studying.

It's also a lelic release, so... Heh, the 200 dollar price of entry will be just swell

>not having a secondary W10 installation for things like this

It's a Microsoft property, so I'm not surprised. Will still play the shit out of it.



>Sucking off Steam that hard

Just as bad as Sony loyalist.

AoE 3 was I don't give a fuck anymore.

Whats so bad about windows 10?

>Implying sucking off Microsoft is an acceptable alternative
Like, could we just get a standard disk release or something? Why's we always gotta be fighting, my dudes

>Windows botnet only
Are they out of their minds?

Actually I take that back, I might check it out if it has Xbox achievements.

>game turns out to be amazing
>still sells like shit because >>>>>>w10
>what could have been a RTS renaissance is smothered in it's crib because of microshafts kikery
>they end up not even turning any profit because of that

Apple btfo

>steam is the only digital vidya distribution platform

>Won't play anything that isn't on his/her digital platform that helped kill off physical media for PC
>Wants a physical release

Well, I won't be playing it then. Not getting Windows 10. Will most likely backfire on them and they'll release it on Steam for other OS later.

By ignoring the other platforms such as GOG it is you YOU who is sucking off Gabe you fucking imbecile.

Don't even user, you expected Age of Empires to release on Origin or Epic Games Launcher? lol

Could be worse, could be on Xbone.

How to Eliminate 85% of Your Customer Base For No Reason



>Windows 10 Exclusive
into the trash it goes

Yeah, because AoE3 was so good.

epic strawman bro


Guess I won't be playing it then, it will probably be shit anyway.

I don't think you know what a strawman is

0.05 rupees have been deposited in your account

Did microsoft not fucking learn from GoW and Halo wars w10 exclusive?
Or are they that desperate for juicy datamining points?

Same to you.

What about their Warhammer 40K games?

no shit

and I still won't install it

So it's clear to me that you want them to support Windows 95 and Windows 98 and 2000 too, right?

what 15 years ago?

You can still upgrade to Windows 10 for free. Better get on that.

you mean Dawn of War 3, the biggest RTS disaster in recent memory?
Or Company of Heroes 2, a complete shit game that was broken and had no content at release?
All the designers who did DoW1, DoW2, CoH1 left for Blizzard (one of them was lead on Diablo 3) or formed their own company.

>tfw I kind of like Play Anywhere and the W10 store

Granted I haven't had Steam installed in years. I play Gigantic and Fable Fortune sometimes, but only because they are linked directly with my Xbox account.

You can keep your shitty Botnet OS
t shill

I bet no one in a single interview will bring up what was planned for the franchise at the end of III's manual
It looks like they might turn it into a Rise of Nations or Empire Earth kind of deal.
And Win10 exclusivity, what are they thinking? RTS already is a niche in this day and age.

You know full well that the vast majority of the people complaining are on Windows 7 or 8, yet you chose to attack an older unsupported OS from 2001 to make their frustration more ridiculous than it really is.
That's exactly what a strawman is.

this move is not about not putting in work to support antique OS, it's about artificially restricting AoE IV to their malware OS in an attempt to lure people to use it

>Relic after DOW3

It's already doomed, hope you guys enjoy hitting a core

I honestly refuse to buy games outside of steam.

Still haven't gone for battlefield 1 since it's still like 80 fucking bucks on origin.

no, ITT why is Windows 10 such a pile of shit and why does Microsoft try so hard to force it down everyone's throat?

Yeah, and this happened with Halo 2 and Vista, but you were probably still wearing your nappies when that happened.

>being completely oblivious to why Valve would rather make Steam dildos than Episode 3


oh no that suck i wont be able to buy it !

Because it's the newest one? I mean jesus what a stupid question.

Still staying with win7, there's not one single game I would bother upgrading/pirating win10 for absoluteley none.

The "muh spying muh spying" meme.

Because windows 7/8 totally aren't spying on you at all, despite being owned and operated by the exact same corporation

since when did having things be OS exclusive by choice become acceptable?

>not CoH2
>or DoW2
>or CoH for that matte

>Build a PC
>Restrict your library

Do you realize how this sounds?

Except no one is explaining why 10 is a bad OS. You're all just circlejerking.

There was already NSA data in Windows NT

Since smartphones

no, that's a shit move too, but a several years old PC port is much less important than a 13 years later sequel of a legendary game in a struggling genre

plus w10 may actually be worse than vista

I'm (maybe naively) confident that if it can be cracked at all, they can crack it for other Windows.
Or maybe they won't care to crack it all.

the entire point of complaining about the game being a win10 exclusive is because win10 is a pile of shit that people don't want to deal with

>or CoH for that matte
are you saying CoH was bad

Telemetry, constantly downloading and uploading without your permission, will install apps and games without your permission and will redownload them if you uninstall, will turn on settings that you had previously turned off (like the telemetry for example) after updating, etc.

like I said, it's a meme

Vista was actually bad, had all sorts of hardware issues and was buggy as fuck

Win10 is perfectly stable, it only gets hate because of "muh spying", even though there are ways to disable all of it. And >implying that win7 and win8 aren't also spying on you in the same exact ways.

i don't even care about the spying meme, but W10 on my gaming desktop runs substantially less smooth than my 2010 laptop running Arch with i3-gaps. It's truly unbelievable.

I do

such hatred of W10 all over this board but every speccy thread is full of people using it

Honestly everything i play is pretty much on steam anyways. If not then you can just torrent as long as it's not online restricted.

Origin and Uplay just rarely seem to have games at a good price from what I'm interested in

Dual booters who brag about how much they hate Win 10 but still have it installed

If it's a DirectX 12-only game like I assume, Users of Windows 8.1 and below are probably out of luck.

don't forget the forced updates, forced malware scans that rape your disk, all of which make you go through the absolutely horrendous group policy manager to disable
Not to mention
>pay for an OS
>still get shown ads and used for marketer data
no, fuck off

meant for

I've lost all hope on episode 3 ever seeing the light of day sadly. Now i mostly wait for good humble bundles.

>Sup Forums, top 3 visited boards of site
>bunch of dudes
Pick one and only one

that's some opinion you've got there, feel free to explain it

Sounds plausible. Worst case scenario, I give up and go dual-boot or something.

Reminds me of this golden moment.

yea but mw2 was good

Tippety top kek at everyone who thinks this will not be some mobaified shitfest.
Reminder that big companies and publishers think there is a reason more people are drawn in by moba gameplay so they will try to includeas many as they can get away with in order to "appeal to a wider audience".
Abandon all hope before you even get any. This will not end well.


>age of empires
>being made by relic
I'm sure the base building aspect will be great

Yea man, all those W10 games sell so well.
So well that games like DR4 and Quantum Break had to be moved to Steam because no one was buying them on M$'s shit Windows store.

It's a MS ip, it'll be windows store

I accept that the game is solid, I just don't like small-scale tactics merged with heavily reaction based gameplay systems, I find it constantly irritating and annoying. I feel like I need to be in 20 places constantly due to the fact that. unlike in DoW1 which also offers similar battle mechanics where you're constatly encontering enemies all over the map, there'a much heavier emphasis on right positioning and ability uses, as well as macro, even though it's much casualized. I think even reaction based gooclick like SC2 is much more calmer than CoH can be, which is constantly nagging you about every little detail throughout the match.

Not ballanced for lean, no dedicated servers

and I never did buy or pirate it MW1 was the last COD I ever played

I love gondola. :)

No one is buying those games on Steam either.

Because they moved to Steam months after their initial release when even the few people who would care about those games stopped caring.

There is a difference between having a car parked in your street watching your house and tapping directly intonyour phone line.

My main problem with win10 is that you can't disable update restarting your pc in the middle of work with the free upgrade, you either need to funble aroubd the registry or buy the professional version

doubt it, AoE IV was done after the displayed interest in the AoE 2 HD expansions, and DOW 3 tanked harder than a falling star, and DoW 2 already contained many assfaggots elements (hero focus, lane-esque map design, fountain-esque HQ, etc)

it'll probably go full nostalgiafag in the mechanic design, though this isn't the same as it being good of course

Quantum Break maybe, but DR4 pissed off all the DR fans, so I don't think that had any influence.

Sure, DR4 was a piece of fucking shit, and QB wasn't all that great either (outside of the OST, which is top-tier).

good i hate windows 7 shitters
AHH boo hoo why isn't this thing working BECAUSE YOUR OS IS FUCKING 10 YEARS OLD GRANPA
like legit it's not fucking hard it was a free upgrade 10 is hardly different from 7, it runs better, boots quicker, has more options, looks better, and now gets exclusive games
There's no reason in 2017 to be holding back PC gaming with your garbage OS
sure it might have been good for the time but not anymore get over it your privileged shit or make your own OS along with your own games


thanks for proving me right


>buying operation systems