Welcome to the HEV Mark 4 Protective System, for use in hazardous environment conditions

Welcome to the HEV Mark 4 Protective System, for use in hazardous environment conditions.

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please report to penis inspection day

Gordon basically yolo'd through the whole thing since he wasn't wearing the helmet

He was, hence the HUD.

I think he starts wearing the helmet right before he enters xen.

I'm not sure though, I just remembered that

>There is a model for a Hev with the helmet on
>valve still uses the one without a helmet
>we are supposed to assume he just pulls it out of his ass or something

I'm pretty sure in Opposing Force when you see him go through the portal he has no helmet.

Oh, the suit is a science thingy, ok i can accept that.
LOOK GORDAN! YOUR HEV! REMEMBER THAT? It's the thing you used in the first game! The one that makes you stand out like a sore thumb in this city where everyone is literally looking for you! And don't forget to take your trusty crowbar! Remember when you used that in the first game? I have a gun i could give you, but here is your crowbar! You are Gordan Freeze man, the guy who uses the orange suit and crowbar! Haha, epic reference!

>equip suit
>cute girl on hud
what do?

It would have been a lot classier if he tossed you a helmet instead of your crowbar

did barney have a gun?

every other cop did.

what's the name of the mod? i vaguely remember playing it, something about making an alliance with the aliens or some shit.

peaces like us
the same guy did sweet half-life i think

sweet half life was great, is there a way to get non jap hp and armor in the mod? i want the cute girl hud, but i also want to see my health and shit.

What do you have against suits?

weren't the combine already aware gordon was in the city? hence the whole raid on the apartment? i'd rather be an extremely notorious wanted fugitive in a semi-bulletproof, semi-fireproof, semi-radiation proof suit that comes with a flashlight, weapon management system, morphine administrator, locomotion enhancer, oxygen tank, and weapon/health diagnostics than be an extremely notorious wanted fugitive just running around in some gay edgy mishmash of beanies and leather jackets like the rest of the rebels

i don't have anything against them, i just get pissed off when a game tosses some of it's realism out the window for a cheap cameo from it's previous game.

"I have a gun i could give you"
>implying Barney and Kleiner would be better off with just a blunt object back at the lab when things were heating up

Sorry you were dropped user.

Opposing Force isn't canon.

You could probably replace the hud sprites if you know how to fuck around with the files, also her face changes with your health.

You fucking what?

i wanted to point out how the sprint feature literally share's it's bar with oxygen, but i realized it's that way to be sorta realistic
>you run so your lungs can't hold as much air
but that also means that the suit literally does not have an oxygen tank, just an oxygen counter.
But more to the point, couldn't they just give gordon a combine suit? Barney got his hand's on one, it can't be that hard to get it. It would solve the problem of gordon blending in, and would probably give him the same amount protection, seeing as the combine suit uses the same powersource as the hev.

>30% of the enemies in the game are bio-organic chitinous armor wearing cyborg slave aliens
>another 30% are enslaved, mangled cyborg humans
>another 30% are literally just aliens and their byproducts
>the last 10% is conscripted humans wearing semi-alien produced tech
>the antagonist of the game is a galactic alien force
>within the first 15 minutes of the game teleportation has literally been perfected in some dude's basement
>a suped up battle suit is too far fetched

How's that bitter autism treating you?

HAHAHA you have to find a Gearbox® and Steam® Valve™! Get it?

Maybe their guns are serialized and he'd be in serious shit if he lost it. It's a complete ass-pull but I think it's a reasonable excuse for it.

>weren't the combine already aware gordon was in the city? hence the whole raid on the apartment?
They weren't really aware of him prior to the suit thing, the apartment raid was mostly random and "miscount" was just the excuse to break shit.

Afterward he was supposed to teleport straight to Eli but the teleportation fucked up and the combine become aware of him after he teleported in Breen's office. With stuff like City Scanner and automated cameras everywhere, with or without the suit he wasn't going to hide really long in the open.

You seem fun, btw you should probably never play a sequel ever again.

>Implying they don't keep some weaponry in the lab
>Kleiner can literally bee seen wielding a shotgun in one of the episodes.
I hope you don't actually believe that Barney and Kleiner defended the lab only with a pistol.

>Sequel never
Gabe you fat fuck

I could live with it if they didn't drop it on a cliffhanger in the middle of a fucking storyline for no reason after lying about the intended release date.

there is a difference between realism, and realistic choices. In this case, despite their reality being different, they are still human, and should make logical choices in the universe they inhabit. What makes sense, to paint a large target on a wanted fugitive, or find him some clothes to blend in. I get it, it's a shooter where you hold a ton of weapons inside your ass, but it's written in a way to make you feel like the world you inhabit is real. All the dialog the characters have, all the backstory and shit. If it was a quake type deal, i would never even bother to care.


i like HL2, i'm just an avid nitpicker.


Reminder that Valve broke the lighting in the engine, making the game look worse than it did on launch.

>yfw youtube.com/watch?v=RZRNd6osQrk


They weren't painting a target on him though, he was supposed to go straight into combat, hence the attempt to teleport him to Eli's compound. There isn't any "blending" in the HL2 universe, in the Beta the metrocops would straight up just commit broad daylight murder if they felt it necessary, Gordon wouldn't have made it a half-mile without the HEV suit.

>But more to the point, couldn't they just give gordon a combine suit? Barney got his hand's on one, it can't be that hard to get it. It would solve the problem of gordon blending in, and would probably give him the same amount protection, seeing as the combine suit uses the same powersource as the hev.
The combine's suit take a lot less punishment than the HEV suit, and get set on fire really easily

For hiding, I don't think a combine soldier suit would work, the overwatch seems really finicky about troops assignments and the soldiers themselves performs check--ups really often when not in combat.

A CP uniform on the other hand would definitely work better (and undercovers agents already exist) but again, it takes even less punishments and you'll definitely die from standing near an officer for too long because they are retarded.

>not jamming to this

Best Episode 2 track

>Negroid targeting system activated
What did they mean by this?

>Straight to combat
You know they were sending him there to work at the new teleport? Eli even says "Let's get you back in your labcoat" once you get ti Black mesa east. Also, wouldn't it make sense for barney to get him a combine suit? If the portal worked, gordon would literally not use the suit.

it was a different time

>If the portal worked, gordon would literally not use the suit.

Well, it didn't.

>play this in Synergy with friends
>Antlion Workers start spawning by the handful alongside an even greater amount of generic Antlions
>Antlion Guardian spawns

The HEV suit is still an hazmat suit used during hazardous experiments, I think Gordon was just supposed to bring to Black Mesa East to be used later on.

and they gave him the suit like they were expecting it wont work... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Perhaps it was because the plot demanded gordon wears a suit. That's good writing my man.

Thanks for the laugh.

eh i guess that makes sense. But black mesa east is much more advanced than Kleiners small hidden lab, wouldn't they be more likely to store one of those?

Remember that all of Xen Half life 2 is just Gordon's morphine induced hallucination.

grasping at straws now

Raimi pls go

can't i just discuss a game i like? It's not a straw, it does make sense for them to store said, suit. Why would keliner keep it anyway? Does he use it? Does barney use it? Or was it just there for gordon to pick up because the plot demanded it? What would they use it for anyway? They no longer need the xen crystals. Or go to xen at all.

So are yall glad it's actually happening? youtu.be/M6ivlJpxqwM

Kleiner's lab is a lot closer to the city which mean it's probably easier to get your hand on combine technologies and high quality materials, while Black Mesa East have to rely on Civil Protection outposts and remain of sewage system in the old canal (because travelling from the city to BME is quite a dangerous trip). So they probably don't have a Hazmat suit as advanced as the one Kleiner modified or the armor the Combine Soldiers uses.

They had it because they knew gordon was coming through there, hence barney being in disguise and ready to pick you up

Clearly somebody was using it since it had been upgraded so much since the previous game, there probably is only a handful left from black mesa

I miss the coop part of Synergy, I never have any friend avalaible to play with and public server map length is about 10 seconds (+1 minute waiting time) because everyone rush to the end

>get shot in the head

That seems reasonable. I'm glad i can finally get this thought of my mind, i spend way too much time dwelling on simple things.
i guess you are right.

for me, synergy lacked the appeal of sven co-op, it should be more open for source mods. i just want to play DayHard with my friend dag nabbit,

The helmet folding up is my headcanon and nobody can stop me

>I get my opinions from e-celebs

jesus this shit is still going? I remember watching the first few episodes like a decade ago before dropping it

You know there is such a thing as developing a similar opinion to that of someone else, right? I bet you are still butt mad that he was right. But honestly i hate that guy, he hates serious sam because it's too hard, while criticizing people for hating games that are too gamey. Plus he constantly spazes out about guns. "look at me, i know what guns are!"

>HD pack

>The flashlight also works on oxygen until episode 2
It's probably a small battery used specifically for those functions like adrenaline injection, rebreather and flashlight for example

It's still unclear Kleiner got his hands on the HEV suit/schematics, although it might have been a deal with the gman

>they made a joke
wtf i hate opposing force now

i honestly hate the fact that gman literally represent's the biggest plot devices in gaming.
>How did that happen?
>gman did it!

Guys look! He figured out who Gman is! :D
The mystery is finally solved!!!

I don't think Gman was supposed to be taken as a Deus Ex Machina but more like as a really really good planner and strategist, but because of the way he appears to do things it really feels like the former.

I'm too lazy to watch his video, what kind of shit does he says? Is it a "Gman is Freeman in the future" thing?

Nobody does a deus ex machina while wanting it to be taken as such, everyone tries to dress it. Unless it's some kind of meta 4th wall breaking subversion of the medium kinda shit.

no, gman is literally a Nihillant according to him.

>Half-Life is a story-focused or narrative-heavy game

Could someone please explain this meme to me? Maybe I'm just a crazy person, but to me Half-Life is a game about shooting aliens and/or soldiers wearing gasmasks in various cool environments and setpieces. The story is mostly there to contextualize the action, to give you more motive to move onward, and to give you some pause from the action on occasion, and it does a good job at all that, nothing more.

Fun fact, according to Marc Laidlaw in a fairly recent interview, Episode 3 was intended to just end on an ambiguous cliffhanger where Gordon ends up stasis again like in HL1&2, that it's, that would've been the amazing resolution the story.

a main component of the game is not a cameo retard

I'm curious now

>Carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi. Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where dimensions intersect... Impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary!

Half-Life is narrative-heavy in a similar way that System Shock is narrative-heavy. There is an enormous amount of storytelling being done, but it's done in a way that basically means you paying attention to it is almost entirely optional. With System Shock, all you have to know about is where on the map you need to go to proceed, and with Half-Life, all you have to know is which direction you ought to be shooting in.

>tfw all the HL2 mods leaving this "core component" out, and still having a hud and all the features.

Breen just played Star Control 2 and is pretending his slug masters showed him it.

System Shock is not nearly as nebulous or light on story as Half-Life, it has a much larger emphasis on proper worldbuilding and has a fair amount of audiologs that flesh out the setting and characters.

you were dropped on your head right? a cameo is a brief appearance. The suit was part of his design.

I get what you are saying, I meant that Gman don't really do anything directly (except in HL:OF where he closed and opened two doors, and re-armed a nuke) and everything is done by proxies because his employers don't want him to interact directly.

>No! No! It came in under the door! It's leeching off all my skin! Aghhhhh- [click] Excerpt there from one of our safety videos. Grisly stuff, very informative. Somebody doesn't get out there soon we're gonna have to do a lottery, because believe me, if we keep that cloud waiting much longer he's coming in under the doors, and he will leech off all of our skin.

>Unironically wanting to play as a nu-male

>nu-males invented glasses

>Gotta go fast, Gordon is always running per default unless he either crouches or you hold down shift to slow him down
>It's the other way around, shift gets you running but is tied to an energy bar, the same bar that's also used for the flashlight. If that energy runs out, Gordon can't run or use the flashlight anymore

Fuck that downgrade in HL2

Most people are braindead. And since Half Life is super popular and is considered one of the best game series of all time, naturally idiots will be giving praise to everything it has, including the story.

Those who think HL is story rich, are probably the same folk who think that anime and asian games are story rich, while in reality it's all about the setting and characters.

>Tell me, Dr. Freeman, if you can: you have destroyed so much — what is it exactly that you have created? Can you name even one thing?... I thought not.

Both systems fit their games perfectly tbqh. I don't think that was a downgrade. It also gives you time to think of ways to utilize gravity gun more.

I just watched it, he really get stuck too much on details without looking around them.

Stuff like Gman teleporting the player if he refuses the offer is clearly tied to his speech about "a fight [gordon] have no chance of winning"

He never mention some of Gman gimmicks that don't appears among Vortigaunts like his strange speech pattern (like his long S and gaspings)

>It's the other way around
Actually you are still running, just a bit slower, but still running, since there's also a key for walking.

HL2 is so lame compared to HL1. Lame in the most literal sense. Like Gordon Freeman got really bad arthritis in his knees between the two games.

If you'd just spent literally two days in a row sprinting and leaping you'd be sore too.

It's supposed to be rich in story in the sense that if you take the time to look around you can find plenty of small details hinting to what happened or what is happening in the game (listening to soldiers talking about how their assignment is shit in HL or newspapers about the SHW, or the naked combine soldier seen through camera in HL2 for example)

For a game it's a really great way to tell the story without hindering gameplay (you can just ignore everything and go gun blazing) and it keeps a good chunk of mystery that keep the whole thing entertaining

But again, "rich" in story is a big word, considering most of it is never directly seen.

Half-Life 2 kind of killed it with the "playable" cutscenes thing because you have 5-10 minutes cutscenes just to tell you what is going to happen next without going in the depth of the story.

Morphine can only do so much

*swing crowbar profusely*
*teleport to Xen*
*get put in stasis*
*inject morphine*
*destroy citadel*

What did he mean by this?

just finished poke646 and vendetta
recommend good HL mods

He negotiated Earth's surrender, so what he meant at the end was that mankind needs him around to keep the Combine from annihilating them

why is gordon the only one wearing a hazard suit