>nature magic
>druids and nature wizards
>plant and tree monsters
Why does the color green symbolize lame and gay bullshit?
>nature magic
>druids and nature wizards
>plant and tree monsters
Why does the color green symbolize lame and gay bullshit?
>Implying nature magic isn't the most badass shit ever
nothing compares to the sheer creativity in which living things can kill other living things and the sheer horror they can inflict.
who'd you rather pick a fight with, the guy who shoots lightning or the guy who can summon botflies?
Don't care about anything you said, but I wanna bury my face in her socked feet and sniff them while she's all tied up like that
Lightning can fry you in an instant. Obviously I'd want to fight the nerd with a bug collection.
right up until he summons a barbed fish up your dick
because plants are green? If you want big boy moves you go with brown for earth magic
You're intentionally ignoring the point. A bolt of lightning is instantly lethal. It doesn't matter how gruesome some insects can be, they are not as dangerous to fight as a bolt of lightning. Your example was piss poor.
I think you're both forgetting that lightning is a part of nature
That's just how it is.
>death magic mid tier
it's fucking death dude how is that not god tier
>holy magic that high
Nice joke
>Nature magic
>Animal and elemental summons
>Disease and shit
Nah, nature magic is great
plenty of people survive lightning bolts, there's enough creatures with poisons and toxins that are vastly more lethal
or you know, so horrifying death is nothing but welcome relief
Anything in abundance can cause death. Death magic itself is not unique in this way. Most of the stuff it can do is nerfed to hell because all living things can resist death using an entire host of different advantages developed through evolution. Death is really only useful for instant kill magic which has a high chance of failure for balance reasons. This leads to an inevitable lack of utility or versatility which makes the school or branch of magic extremely limited and therefore ranked lower. It may be powerful, but only if it works which is not often.
Still arguing a failed point. Even if a lightning bolt doesn't kill you outright it will still render you paralyzed or very close to death, in which case another lightning bolt will either finish the job or further still prevent you from resisting. So on and so forth. Insects would need much more time to become effective, and also much more time to be summoned in the first place. You can realistically protect yourself from insects by wearing bare minimum clothing, and you can render just about every insect attack useless with adequate clothing/helmet. In order to prevent a lightning bolt from harming you you would need a very specific type of armor that essentially makes you a walking Faraday cage.
When it comes down to who I would rather fight, I would rather fight someone who can summon insects because with insects I would at least have an opportunity to fight back. A lightning bolt hurled at me would give me no chance at all. That's just how it is. Shit kicker. Come up with a better example to illustrate your point next time. Lightning is several powers of magnitude more dangerous to face than botflies.
>still prevent you from resisting.
don't think you're going to be able to resist much with a fish in your dick. listen, i get that you've got a hard on for the lightning bolt guy from that one larp video but your lightning bolt autism is getting out of hand
lightning mage has to see you to hit you, and no unless you're wearing a full diving suit you're not bugproof
which coincidentally also makes you lightning proof
it's god tier dummy, of course Holy is going to be on it
>math magic
>not mathemagic
Lightning bolt would fry you. Insect summoner can't even summon fish, and he certainly can't summon creatures inside of his enemies. Get the fuck out of here with your make believe overpowered bullshit.
Bug summer has to know where you are to effectively kill you with insects. And since those insects aren't instantly lethal in the first place the bug summoner is still vulnerable.
Also a diving suit doesn't make you lightning proof, you fucking moron.
>shoot lightning
>arcs harmlessly into the open because air is a terrible director of electricity
>throw swarm of poison bugs at someone
>unless they're on fire, underwater, or wearing a plated hazard suit, they're going to get bitten and die horribly
How can lightningbabies even compare?
plenty of insects that cause more pain than a lightning bolt ever could
and bug mage only needs to know where you are, lightning mage needs to have direct visuals
besides all lightning mage can do is kill 1 person, maybe 10 or so at a time, bugmage kills nations
now watch as a tree shoots up your ass.
>math magic
Technically, they could produce those results, but the majority of nature mages tend to specialize in less "destructive" forms. The number that heal or work with animals and plants tend to far outweigh those who manipulate natural events.
I also feel like most young mages would rather learn how to cast lightning or an ice bolt quickly than learn how to conjure a thunder storm or blizzard through the processes of nature magic.
Very rarely do you see a true master of nature magic exhibiting their wide array of abilities.
I blame the schools.
what does crystal magic even do
shouldn't gas magic be at least high tier, imagine a real devious gas wizard just magicking the air into carbon monoxide or some shit - you just get fucked without knowing shit
well plants or animals can be deadly to
wouldn't want to deal with the guy who weaponized the gympie gympie
Pillars of eternity might be boring as fuck but I like what they did with druids, more elementalist less healer
Ever gone in for a crystal treatment?
>lowly mage casts bolt of lightning
>true nature patrician summons a tree to take the impact
>lowly mage unintentionally created an exploding tree which kills him
what now, fag?
I assure you by the time a nature mage realized a lightning bolt was coming it would already be through his chest and into the ground before he could channel fern gully to grow a tree from the ground. A tree growing is remarkably slower than a lightning bolt, and even in the event that a nature mage knew the bolt was coming, the lightning mage would simply take a few steps to the side to get a clear line of sight for the lightning bolt.
And besides, there's no reason why a lightning mage is limited to shooting bolts from his hands. He could just as easily call one down from the sky if he's at the same level of magical proficiency as someone who can make an enormous tree appear in a fraction of a second.
>math magic
Fucking jews and their numerology
the worm in the lightning mage's brain is telling him
>mage shoots lightning bolt towards you
>goes for nearest ground source (his feet)
>kills him
>lame and gay bullshit
nigga plz
I want to lick those socks
I don't know about gay but it looks lame as fuck
Swamp Thing and Batman are the only good DC comics
Can't summon shit inside other shit. Never happens.
In no game, fiction, or fantasy literature does magically cast lightning bolts behave so ineffectively.
>mage shoots lightning bolt
>nature mage isn't a greenhorn bitch
>has grounding vines
>lightning bolt completely harmless
Why does this take everything out of nature magic (lightning, earth, etc.) and put it in separate tiers?
You are aware that even if the nature mage is grounded the lightning will still pass through his body starting at his chest. Right?
You do know that just because something is grounded that it doesn't mystically make the electricity disappear, right? It just means the electricity ends up in the ground. What happens to it BEFORE that is what causes the damage. The only way to prevent the lightning from killing the mage is to make the lightning go to ground before it touches the mage.
How else would you put nature in shit tier?
Nature magic doesn't encompass every single concept that occurs naturally, you boob.
I mean, yeah it basically does. That's why it's called nature magic. Animals, healing, the elements--those are almost always used in druid type classes.
What are some good examples of love magic?
Everyone ever in charge of writing or designing how systems of magic actually work disagrees with you. You're taking the name too literally. Might as well create your own school of magic called "all magic" and claim it's the most powerful of all because it's right there in the name.
tl;dr: You're wrong.
Nah. Play some more vidya.
Because nature magic is a very old school of magic that we cannot just simply discredit due to being "behind the times".
Even though its fields of study are broad and unfocused and the specific teachings vary wildly from one area to the next.
>he doesn't have barkskin on 24/7
What are you even?
captcha: gracias poplar
Is there any RPG where I can conjure up equations and deal whatever damage I want using my arcane mathemagicks?
What am I reading, what setting are you talking about you dumb fuck?
No video game ever that differentiates between schools of magic enough to possess a "nature" magic school makes that school possess all concepts that occur in nature. AT WORST nature encompasses lightning but cannot account for fire which occurs naturally, water that occurs naturally, air that occurs naturally, etc etc etc.
Wouldn't stop electricity from killing you. Realistically. A lightning bolt arcing into your chest would not stop at some wood on top of your skin.
Dungeons of Dredmor has a mathematician mage or something like that.
In MtG it also symbolizes big powerful beasts.
Pokemon and other stuff also give nature the power to poison.
Duh that's what the grounding vines are for.
And besides if you're going to realistic the mage wouldn't even be casting lightning. He'd be ionizing the air towards the victim. otherwise he'd be shooting himself.
Fucking realism fags.
Stop using the term nature magic then, because pretty much any game with druids have them use lightning, fire, animals and other shit
FF Tactics
Unless your nature mage is pre-emptively rooting himself in place every time he sees someone he wouldn't be able to protect himself in time to render a lightning bolt less effective. Also in case you're fucking illiterate and didn't read my earlier post, grounding vines would not stop a lightning bolt from killing anyone because the lightning still passes through the target INTO the vines and INTO the ground.
I don't make the fucking rules, bro. Nature magic does not encompass everything that can be considered natural. Ever. You're taking the name too literally. It would be more accurate to describe the nature magic you're talking about as plant magic.
yes, lightning magically ignores all physics and is actually a beam and doesn't travel through the most conductive material.
You're shit at this.
>he doesn't rate shit magic
>lightning magically ignores all physics and is actually a beam
Did you forget you're talking about fucking lightning magic?
>I don't make the fucking rules, bro
Which rules are we using?
Human body loaded with water and minerals is pretty inviting to a charge of electricity. All things considered it more inviting than the air itself, and yet to become a bolt of electricity in the first place it needs to possess enough power to travel through the air. Something that powerful is usually fatal even though we're not the best conductors of electricity we're certainly better than air. Wood is an extremely poor conductor of electricity. Vines are less conductive than human flesh. Unless your nature mage is summoning a metal rod from the ground he's going to be struck and killed.
If that were to be a thing: High Tier
Pick your poison. As I stated before no fantasy game or literature that differentiates between schools of magic has all of the natural elements strictly and solely under the nature magic umbrella. If it's specific enough to possess different schools of magic, other natural phenomena that occur in nature belong to other schools of magic that are NOT nature magic. Nature magic almost always deals specifically with healing, plants, growth, animal control, biologic functions, and poison. Rarely does it possess anything that would be more appropriate in another school of magic especially if the other schools are split up into the 4 basic elements (fire, water, air, earth) because usually in that case nature magic takes the role of earth magic.
Not summoning a solar prominence from your hands? It is like you guys can't into magic.
>No diplomancy
well you can protect yourself from lightning using trees, or redirect it with water towards the caster.
Shooting an honest to God lightning bolt is a pretty powerful spell in most regards that would probably require charge up time, unless you're okay with just tickling them for a bit. Otherwise nature guy is just gonna throw a slab of rock or some shit at your face.
1. Nature mage isn't a water mage.
2. None of that is as fast as a bolt of lightning.
That's fine. Offensive tactics that prevent the lightning mage from getting his spell off is the most effective strategy. Taking a defensive posture against magic that has an inherently penetrating and fatal effect is the wrong decision.
Would lightning penetrate through a small tree that a nature guy summoned between them?
>t-tuhrees are gay
Say that to my face why don't you, humans would have been raped and enslaved by the fish people if not for motherfucking trees
>not summoning a cloud of angry fucking wasps at the poor fucker that dares to challenge you
Depends on the power of the bolt and the size of the tree. Also depends on what kind of lightning bolt the spell was, because if it was chain lightning it wouldn't matter in the slightest.
What if it was a rubber tree?
Fire mages never have to put up with this bullshit.
>Alien God and a fucking Tree are sworn enemies in eternal combat. Supporters of the tree include a race of machines that live deep down
Etrian 3 was some Hell of a drug
A rubber tree would be less effective at stopping a lightning bolt than a run of the mill tree. Rubber doesn't stop lightning; it's just hard for lightning to pass through so the lightning goes somewhere else. Since the point of the lightning bolt is to end up in the chest of the nature mage, I'd say the rubber tree did a great job at helping the lightning bolt.
>Be nature mage
>Lightning mage strutting around like he owns the place
>Not standing out in the open like a moron so he can z-z-z-zap me
>Unless the engagement is taking place in a purely artificial environment I can use my magic to discern his location indirectly
>Use my book of Australian Lore to summon a ring of stinging leaves around him
>He commits suicide
What if it was closer to the Lightning mage then it was to the nature mage?
What if the nature guy just grew more trees then the lightning had chains?
Lightning is also a force of nature, and I would prefer the chance of a quicker death over the chance of a slow agonising death
Concocting a scenario in which the nature mage possess every possible advantage can result in the lightning mage's death. This is apparent.
In a scenario where one faces off against another with neither having a terrain or environmental advantage, the lightning mage's instantly lethal offensive power dwarfs the nature mage's instantly lethal offensive power. Since instant lethality is enough to determine the winner of the encounter, the lightning mage would win more often than not.
>treats it like real world lightning about conductivity through body
>all other shit is lol magic
fucking retard
Australia mages are OP
>can survive tardigrade killing climates and conditions, including having 200% BAC
>immunity to venom and capable of summoning jetpack-wielding spiders
>can use mad bantz to goad enemy mages into suicide out of shame
>innate bonuses to grappling for when magic fails
Only Emu mages can get rid of them, but otherwise they're pretty niche
Any nature mage capable of summoning trees large enough to quickly and effectively stop a lightning bolt would be at a drastically higher level than the lightning mage in the first place. Any equal level mages of these schools would see the lightning mage win merely because of the offensive capabilities being uneven. Even if we're talking about very high level mages facing off, there's very little a nature mage could do at the upper echelons of power that an equally top level lightning mage could not overpower with brute force. If we're getting into obscure implementations of the magic too the lightning mage still wins because the human body's nervous systems runs on electricity and it takes relatively little to short out a brain.
>lightning fag(s) itt assuming instant casting times for their lightning mage
>Complains about scenario giving one side an advantage
>Presents a scenario giving one side an advantage
Who is going to willingly 1v1fitemefaggit a lightning mage in a sterile environment. Assuming nothing has been precasted, of course the lightning mage is going to win. That's not a fair fight, that's playing to the lightning mages advantage.
Can the lightning mage summon a lightning elemental?
Erika is an incredibly underrated gym leader. Her and Sabrina are two of the prettiest ones.
What kind of mage are we talking about? Because last I checked, a nature mage has control of everything that's in nature. Water, stone, wind, electricity, fire and wood included.
>hating on healing magic
Also, what kind of person would ever choose summoning botflies as their signature spell? That's gross.
The best kind of magic lets you turn people into anime grills
>plant and tree monsters
>Lame and gay
>What is Ferrothorn
>What is Trevenant
>What is Tropius
>What is Serperior
>Be healing mage
>Lightning mage zaps me
>Armed spell activates and revives me afterwords
>Two years later the lightning mage dies of cancer
gg no re
I don't know any other forms of love magic other then variations of a charm spell. How creative can we get with this?
They both die, Lightning Mage would waste his mana zapping Nature Wizard with his most powerful and quickest or a preprepared spell, but Nature guy was probably already surrounded by or was in the midst of calling half a dozen animal companions who go on to maul the now exhausted Lightning Mage who doesn't have the mana to fight off an entire family of Owlbears.