Let's make the companions look disgusting!

>let's make the companions look disgusting!
What did they mean by that?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a fucking elf, dude.

I think they meant "let's make the companions look disgusting"


because it's fun to bully unattractive women

LOL me everyday XD

>It's a fucking ELF dude
Not a valid excuse

I think you mean "Let's make the female companions look disgusting!" The only reason Morrigan came out ok is because the fanbase drew the line at making her look like a tranny.

It probably says something that the best looking girl in the game is Isabella.

You mean ''walking STD'' Isabela?


Walking STD or not, she's still better looking than pretty much everyone else in the game and Merill. I'd say Morrigan but she still had her tits sucked dry.

Aren't all elves supposed to be beautiful and ethereal?

It means they want to make them look not disgusting, but they don't have the talent so they instead pretend it was part of their plan all along.

it was a calculated decision.

witcher elves are just humans with pointy ears.

and dragon age's elves aren't?

>end up with a hideous Gremlin
>don't worry, our pandering to an absolutely retarded audience has prepared us for this moment

I feel bad for the VAs being associated with them. Unlike Andromeda, they were by and large professionals with terrible direction and scripts.

you did watch the behind the scenes clips with the VA's right?

y dis nigga look like he made out of play do

I've seen a clip of one poor bastard getting repeatedly spat on during a spit take, but that's it.
Is there worse?

oh my fucking sides. Can't unsee.

Hey anons, serious question:

Is it possible to play this game avoiding all this embarrassing dialogue from BioWare's trademark terrible writers?

Can I kill most of them? If not, is there a mod? Can I tell them to STFU?

You can definitely tell Sera to fuck off at the first opportunity

You can choose to tell most of them to fuck off or simply never do their recruitment mission.

>it was a calculated decision.
Yeah, they calculated how much it'd cost to hire a talented team, and made the decision not to spend that much money.

I liked Morrigan in DA:O, and even there I welcomed the slap morrigan mod, because sometimes she was just a stupid bitch.

Denying companions is great feature, one that DA:O did well. Even if it led to an awkward situation like Awakening only having Oghren as returning companion, since he is the only one whom you couldn't kill or tell to fuck off, and had to pick up.

That paki steward tough? It is not a companion, and her face made me want to puke.

It's more realistic and grounded that way. ;^)

it was their best launch for a game.

Yet they haven't released any sales figures.

I personally told the bitchboy elven wizard (forget his name, I just called him Cue-ball) to fuck off with his shitty inconsistent opinions about how unfair life was for elves but they BROUGHT IT UPON THEMSELVES THE FOOLS CLINGING TO THEIR CULTURE AND TRADITION LIKE THAT how dare you sully their culture and traditions though!?

It feels like each character was written by three people locked in separate closets communicating via morse code through the walls.

And don't even get me started about shitty black french maleficent. Nothing pissed me off more than he preaching about how mages should be restrained for their own protection except for her obviously :^) but I recall that calling her out on that gets you a "No dear lol" and that's about as far as it goes.

See, you're not allowed to call a character out on their shitty motivations and schizophrenic worldview if they're poc. It's just not done, deary.

What a load of cherry-picked sensationalistic bollocks. Don't believe everything you read on Sup Forums, friends.

Even they knew Sera was a horrible character, she's the only companion you can kick out at any time

>You can get "oh, sweetie"d in a BioWare game.

lol, bravo BioWare

They went down the toilet a long, long time ago.

That letter they used as promotional material is an unending font of Oh Sweetie.
Somebody post it.

I actually think she looks kinda cute

>let's make the companions look disgusting just as our audience

There you go.

Too bad that since these events Japan has turned into huge faggots.

I think she looks perfectly fine considering she has to excrete a layer of protective mucus to prevent her skin from drying out when she leaves the water.

Nah they got weird cheekbones as well

>EA: im feeling like killing another studio, bioware?

me too

You are those who want to fuck the statue of liberty?
That nasal bridge is on cleopatra levels of ugly.

There is an effect that makes... less conventionally-attractive women more alluring due to the possibility of an easier-to-acquire mate.

This tends to be predominantly found in pathetic beta males. Much like cumming too quickly is found in betas that have to sneak in a jizz into the alpha male's concubinage, while he's away.

This picture makes me want to watch Ghostbusters 2 now.

Please I need to see this

it's all about the DSL




She's not that bad looking when static desu, it's just bioware's spectacular face animations paired with the engine's mandatory seven layers of fucking lard and her horrible dialogues/generally shit character.


>She's not that bad looking when static
The fuck you on about? Even near black out drunk she's horrendous.

try telling me that OP's static, overworld pic is not leagues ahead of this abomination from a cutscene with a straight face

Any character will look bad if you screencap them in the middle of a weird expression.

>you will never kiss her


>make female inquisitor to romance her
>shit dialogues completely turn me off
If at least she were in a decent game...

Not really

>City elf raised by a human that died on her
>Joins a rogue group called the Friends of Red Jenny
>Lives on her own and cuts her own hair

Gee, I wonder why she would be unlike most elves and wouldn't look like them. But hey, it sure is a lot easier to shitpost on Sup Forums about things I know nothing about.

t. bioware

so the 9 years old made a game or they run whit the money is that even legal?

>sexually identifies as a human
>elf genocide now

Wow, I haven't seen that piece of bullshit before. "We made our characters look like shit to make them memorable." Wonder why they didn't use that excuse for Andromeda?

Also I lament the unfortunate women who look like Sera the Greasy Goblin in real life. May you be reborn as something prettier, like a pig's anus.

>we invented an excuse so it's okay

Not how it works dude.

God I love me some nice lips

>Wonder why they didn't use that excuse for Andromeda
I haven't played Inquisition by it seems to me that Sera is an odd one out. While in Andromeda everyone looks like shit so the characters wouldn't be memorable



>she has my face
So she is a self insert?
Not shocking.

>last good waifu in a BioWare game and you couldn't even romance her.


Biowares games always look like shit especially the animations
Why was everone so suprised about Andreomeda?

This was a new level.

Sup Forums (and reddit through meme foodscraps and bull-cleanup) experienced a golden age of Mass Effect memes, reaction images, videos, and other humourous content.

It was pretty great.

>ugly manjaw
>huge manchin

>Why was everyone so surprised about Andromeda?
No one was surprised about Andromeda.

There was a huge leadup to the game, in which people were saying this was going to suck dick.

I still remember the idiots trying to desperately repeat:
>"not out yet!! you can't criticize even though we are clearly seeing material released for marketing and even though we are nearing the release date"
What the FUCK were they thinking?

Wow it's that animu grill from every Japanese game ever but now with triangles in her hair!

What they meant was "I literally just graduated an online course for 3d modelling yesterday and Bioware already hired me for 8 dollars an hour"

That person has not worked on the game in any capacity.

this is why everyone who complains about RPGs not having character creation is a red flag for me.
>new level
I don't think you've seen some of their other games then.

I don't know where you were discussing this game because from what I remember Sup Forums only had shitpost threads



>tfw fapped to sera several times

who is she

How should I know? A random person on tumblr from the looks of it.

She actually looks rather pretty here.

why would a random tumblr person get to model for a video game

Power of one simple mod

kinect-ions and pure coincidences - I guess

Are mods relatively easy to implement in DA:I?

Honestly I've been interested in this game if I can just avoid the dialogue.

>Mass Effect 1

I don't think there's a mod to skip the dialogue. The game runs on frostbyte so it's kinda troublesome to mod it, at least not as easy as skyrim or the other 2 dragon age games.

She didn't. It's a bloody coincidence. Fucking reading comprehension on Sup Forums I swear

I don't believe you

GAme is shit in general, it's made b fucking biocucks after all.
You install mods with their mod manager taht is the most popular dai mod on nexusmods.
The sera mod was removed by the tumblerina that made it so here is the link mediafire.com/file/g7uflhbtnfgt9bs/Sera.7z

It means bioware think they were above basic aesthetic and marketing
People want to play and watch visually appealing things. Bioware thought they were better than their consumers