Who is better. Peach or Daisy?

Who is better. Peach or Daisy?

Into the fucking trash it goes!

>being a easily triggered alt right nazi

I fucking hate this board sometimes.

8 years, faggot. Get over it.

>those flipper hands and feet
goddamn this art is awful


Rosalina is best

>Koopa girl

stop shilling your shit art here every day


Daisy because of her huge dick.

You HAVE to delete this.

>western art

Makes sense. Peach and Bowser have been a pair since the first game.

go back to your anime fatass


>calarts face

>hating tattoos makes you alt-right/nazi
Political conflation is the worst meme of the 21st century

Oh boy I always wondered what the Mario Princesses would look like as envisioned by CalArts graduates

what the fuck

Except all of those alt right nazis who love having nazi tattoos.

>The same kind of person who posts all that gay link shit and ruined Zelda discussion forever

Mmmmm thicc uh I mean grrr tattoos reeeeee

Sorry I get my contrarian opinions mixed up sometimes

May I please have a version of this without the poorly shopped on dick?


Well c'mon, it's obvious she's growing a batch of koopalings in her overstuffed womb.

Where's the smushed Daisy pictures?

I'll be honest, I can't hate these designs cause of the THICC, and I mean THICC before obesity loving faggots got a hold of it.
