can't even lie, dumb as shit boss design
just beat the one & rom, also pretty shit tier boss design.
people gave dark souls 2 shit for the same stuff bloodborne does, it's pretty funny. still the best souls game so far though.
Beat these bosses on my first try blind. Kill the guy with the flame first. Just kite the swordsmen around that big rock and then run for the flame dude
Easy until ng4. At that point it is actually impossible to get past this boss. You can hack into the game and see that the creators left the rest of the game empty
This is one of the most fun bosses in the series. I was glad to see from finally get multi-enemy boss fights right when I played BB.
unironically harder than orphan
Then how did I beat them in ng+7 using nothing but my fists and my incredibly large penis?
Did people actually find this hard?
I'm taking the bait
>never died to these guys
>just constantly keep moving around gravestone hitting a bitch who is all alone and retreat
>they stagger on hit so you can interrupt their attacks
one of the easiest bosses in the game
Where did you find the penis?
Because they all laughed themselves to death when you called it Kosm
They melt to bolt paper.
>I beat this boss after one attempt
>still can't beat fuckink nikolash or whatever the fuck his name is
Fuck you and fuck your stupid fucking eyes.
I like how certain parts in the game might be difficult to some but easy to others though. It shows that despite its simple formula, the Souls series' gameplay is actually quite varied.
>beat these guys first attempt
>start second character some time later
>die about 6 times
I had no problems with them until the stupid giant snake came from off camera and killed me. The snake was never shown before that btw.
How do I beat Logharius?
These guys were easy but that nigga keeps kicking my shit in.
Defeated them in first try in ng and ng+
Just use the tall grave and bait one at a time.
For me nothing beats Gascoine in difficulty.
Honestly I'm just now playing through BB for the first time. Just made it past these jiggablasters last night, and I was pretty underwhelmed. I figured, 3 enemies? Oh boy golly jeepers am I in for a fight.
Then I just avoided flamethrower and samurai and killed fireball dude, then flamethrower dude, then samurai dude. Eventually samurai jack brought out some snake thing, but fuck that was a relatively easy dodge. Honestly I had more problems with the hunter in Bergynwerth that used threaded cane and summoned snake tentacles from thin air. Made me feel like a fuckin' chump.
>99 Arc
>Make every single boss my bitch
Arcanelets, when will they learn?
This was a well designed gank fight though, especially compared to the slew of godawful gank bosses that DaS2 was plagued with. They're not too tanky, can be staggered, and complement each other well. It actually encouraged you to be aggressive as well, unlike other ganks where half the time you're just running around in a circle looking to get a hit in.
unironically one of the easiest bosses in the game
they do absolutely fuck all damage, have crazy high elemental weakness, no poise whatsoever and clump up constantly
You can literally just spam R1 L1 with any weapon and cleave them all down
hahaha I was stuck on them the longest of any Souls boss I've ever faced.
no, DS2 had shit easy bosses.
BB had hard as shit ones.
>Friends get me hyped to eventually having to fight Mergo's Wet Nurse
>it's shit
Thankfully the Hunter's Dream is a god-tier final act.
literally a hellbitch
Fuckin' right? I don't know why she was so god damn annoying. Location? I swear the bitch killed me 7-8 times, beat god damn Rom on my second attempt. Horseshit
she needs a healthbar at the bottom of the screen. she's earned it.
>tfw Logarius uses his unlimited blade works
I'm on my first playthrough and this guy is a pain in the ass
She has ridiculous defense and does ridiculous damage. That's all it is.
Only through Kosm can you succeed.
oh, also all her stats are maxed (99). i'm not sure where i read this and i'm not 100% sure if it's true but yeah.