Bought for pokemon battlan

>bought for pokemon battlan
>only ever play the minigames
Don't even try to deny it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Lance in Stadium
>lmao enjoy my Dragonair with thunder wave + bind so all you do is watch the screen for 30 mins it takes to kill a single one of your pokémons :^)

Fuck everything

Pokemon Stadium 3, when?

If this had come out now each minigame would have been its own ameebo.

Battle Revolution?

>no mini-games

For years I couldn't defeat Sabrina so I concluded the devs made her invincible because they run out of time/money to make the rest of the Gym Leader Castles, so you could never go beyond her.

That fucking Alakazam and his dick shooting Psybeam

And GB mode would be a DLC
Poke dolls would be microtransactions


Not even close.

More like Disappointment Revolution

those minigames were fucking trash

you only played them because you got your face slapped with giant pokedick during the main mode

>tfw there will never be a game like this thats able to have so many things at once
>Main Stadium
>Gym Leaders
>Free battle
>A Gameboy on TV
>Pokemon Lab to play around in
>A Mini Mario party

It is on OP image PS2 is PS3

>No full roster of rental Pokemon
That was my favorite part.
Struggling through the Staium and E4 while putting together a team where you either had to choose between good Pokemon with shit moves or shit Pokemon with good moves.

Egg Emergency best minigame

>Play HG/SS
>Reach Pokéathlon
>It's the return of Stadium tier Minigames, now in the main series
>Minigames well adapted to the rpg, each pokémon have unique pokéathlon stats, difficulty increases, trophies system, the whole thing is in its own world building
>Fucking NEAT

>Dropped the next game
>For Musicals

Did you have no one to play with? Even going up against the Gym Leader Castle was fun to me. Using my pokemon from the GB games was so neat, too.

Did battle and do the pokemon school thing in the second one to learn me some strategy. When I went to the school yard I was the happeninist kid on the block because I didn't just spam flame thrower on a ho-oh.

Oh fuck I hated how they didn't have those in the later games. I know theres 300 pokemon by then, but some rentals can be nice. Like do what the original Stadium tried to do or something. Atleast Colosseum gave us a fairly decent story mode.

I remember Mr. Mime in Stadium 1 feeling really overpowered. Always used him in Prime Cup.


>Black & White had best story for a Pokemon game
>drops fun minigames and following Pokemon


>XY adds in mini games for the petting
>They are shit
>They never change in the later games

3D battles with your Game Boy pokemon (mind blowing)
>could fight against computers of various difficulties and give them any combination of pokemon you want
>can even 2v2 them
Trading Pokemon
Storing Pokemon
>could start a new game while saving your favorites from the previous playthrough
>something you can't actually do these days without owning multiple games or paying for a subscription
Adds a ton of content to the Game Boy games since there are different cups for different rule sets that you can raise pokemon for
Stadium 2 has a sort of encyclopedia built into it that you can look up anything you'd want to know about any pokemon in any version
GB player that lets you speed up gameplay by as much as 4x, so you can play faster with backlighting and no batteries required
oh yeah and there are mini-games

I'm probably forgetting stuff too. The Stadium games are incredible.

HheartGold and SoulSilver, IN ADDITION to the main story (and secondary main story), had the Pokéathlon minigames, Gym Leader rematches, Free Battles, Rental Pokémon (in the Battle Frontier's Factory), also the pseudo Tamagotchi podometer. Only BW2 compares in terms of content.

ORAS pales in comparison as a remake.


I don't really see why the number of Pokemon these days should matter, it's not like these games are loaded with 60+ hours of story content.
They could even go so far as to allowing custom rentals, something online simulators have been doing for almost a decade. This could be used for tournaments and stuff, it would save a lot of drama over people generating their teams using other software.

Best fucking minigame.

The announcer in these games was the tightest motherfucker out there.
If there ever is a Pokémon Stadium 3, he won't be on it and it makes me sad.

>tfw gf wrecks my shit at the minigames

not my fault I didn't grow up with these games kim go easy on me jesus christ

He was there in Battle Revolution

Aaand there goes the battle!!

No he wasn't. Ted Lewis was on Stadium, Rodger Parsons was on PBR.
Unless he had a cameo appearance I don't know about, I don't know what you're on about.

>tfw thanks to the wonders of N64 emulation, we will never get clean sound rips of the N64 announcer

they knew if they fucked up a G/S remake, the fans would have had their fucking HEADS in a WEEK

They also knew Hoenn fans have no standards.

Never, Masuda says the selling point was always 3d graphics so there's no point in making them now that the main games have 3d.

fuck now i want to play this but my sister has my cart

enjoy, my dude.

>have an OG cart
>ROM chip on it got fried
>doesn't work any more

my dk64 and star fox 64 both won't save properly

At least you can still play them. All I have is shitty ass N64 emulation.
Well, at least I can emulate the transfer pak with it and import a save with a myriad of competitive Pokémon to play with.

I'll never get the Pokemon Stadium 3 that I really want.

A mode to challenge popular past npcs.
A mode for player vs player or player vs com.
Mini-games where we can use our own pokemon.
A competition mode like in HG/SS where our pokemon can compete.

The pokemon's animations are all dull and have no spunk now anyway, and I hate the way characters look with those giant, dead eyes. I don't know if it would have the same charm as the first two games for me.

What I'd really like is having a dedicated area like this in the next game since GF doesn't sound like they care to make another Stadium game. Just have a city that its big attraction is a stadium where npcs from all over come to vacation and compete. It could also have a festival or fair type area around the stadium grounds for the mini games.

