I can't do it anymore

I can't do it anymore.
I can't keep defending Nintendo any longer.
I can't support their censorship and DLC season passes

I'm so hungry for something to play.
Is there anything for this thing that will make me pick it up before garbage day comes?

the money you can get from turning it in to gamestop? i don't know anything about the switch.

i see you learned from last time when people criticized you for not having trash in your garbage can

this time you put an empty plastic baggy and some other none messy stuff

wow very realistic 10/10

this is the first time I've posted this.

Are you for real?

This is the same fucking photo retard.

I saw this thread 1 hour ago

return that utter piece of shit and tweet it at nintendo telling them you want them to go third party if this is the mess theyre going to produce.

>throws switch in trash
>takes pic for internet points
>takes it out of the trash
at least smash the fucking thing if you're done with it

Wait, what's wrong with censorship?

>Wait, what's wrong with censorship?

Here's a (you) for all your trouble
Better luck next time



No, seriously, what's the problem? It's their game, they get to decide what goes in it.

>No, seriously, what's the problem?

i wish we could round up every libertarian and put a bullet through their skull

stop avatarfagging

show a pic of you smashing it

The best part is that they probably agree

What, are you so insecure that even the slightest bit of censorship is a personal attack? Do you really demand that every game suck your dick?

Nobody is forcing developers to do anything. Moral guardians have been crying about blood and tits for decades but at the end of the day it's the creators who decide what goes in their games and in which region. If you feel so strongly about seeing your favorite character in a bikini, by all means import the Asian version. But if you're a normal human being who isn't obsessed with pixelated cleavage--or can just use your goddamned imagination--it should not be a problem whatsoever.


This board is so retarded about the stupidest things.

Games are fun, censorship doesn't matter, like waifus if you want.

They're just video games. If you let them affect you, you're retarded.