Anyone playing Hyper Universe?

Anyone playing Hyper Universe?

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>"side scrolling MOBA"
Aww hell naw

I don't know what that is, but those are some nice tits.

how do you get a key for this?
wasnt this closed beta?

The sign up boxes are glitched out so I can't play

I've been playing a bunch of AI matches, and it's much more fun than I was prepared to give it credit for.

The game entered Steam Early Access today. $10 USD (until Aug. 30, when it jumps to $16) buys you into EA, where you get all 28 currently-available Hypers and their exclusive gear. The game will go free-to-play when it launches live.

>paying for a F2P game
>They're holding back characters to create a sense of them working on shit

Absolutely N O P E

It's 15min into the match and Ryta slaps your ass.

What do you do?

As hints at, Hyper Universe is a 2D sidescroller MOBA published by Nexon. It's much the same vein as Awesomenauts, except it's 3D and uses Korean art design.

and nope

thanks for the info bud, ill think ill wait for the f2p release though

The censoring is very mild, whether it's a slightly smaller bust or slightly less-exposed cleavage. If it wasn't pointed out, you wouldn't have noticed.

Someone get gamergate on the line NOW

lol at all these Korean online games with fapbait art

The other example.

It's the principle of the matter.

Porn is outlawed in Korea, so they've gotten very good at skirting the edge.

That's a fucking sin. Fuck this game and fuck you shills.

Hey, Korea has to use the same modded art as well.


is it true that Korean women don't orgasm?

Agreed. This censorship is unforgivable. Why companies think they can get away with this in 2017 is beyond me. They forget who they're dealing with here. We're gamers. We're trained to spot even the smallest change in anything. Fucking sjw faggots thought they could sneak this shit by us. Think again mother fuckers. Gonna spread this shit everywhere and make sure they lose money over it.

Why? So they can poop their pants and blame it on the SJW boogeyman?

I know you're being sarcastic but I unironically agree.

Korean art > western art

desu these look more like images that have had a proper touch-up pass, not mere censoring. the blonde doesn't even have a bowstring in the more revealing one.

>red ranger in limbo because saban being a fucking jew about copyright

Show the black ranger skin and his giant package.

censored :^)

>Not available in my region

Post some thicc to quench my anger

>Korean art design

what's the difference with "japanese art design"?

>this is a tank in korea

Is it fun?

I am

the 3d models are the same so why does the censoring matter

most mexicans are pretty fat
So I can see what they did there

I don't know but you can find out yourself for the low price of $9.91

Not as many effeminate young men serving in every conceivable role?

>Nexon shit
>faggots like OP still falling for it
Every single time.
You niggers need to leave.

>only loli in game is a support
Why do they always do it?, are they aware that lolis are the perfect companion?

>Promos said it was like a fighting game
>Not like a fighting game at all
10 bucks wasted.

Korea's pretty much Japan circa 1980's-1990's.

>not using effeminate boys

lol, this is an alpha man for korean standards:

It's exactly like a fighting game though.

Korea's art design looks more like real Korean girls with extensive plastic surgery and they ALWAYS have extremely long legs.

Kind of sad to see how much SK wants to be black now though.

Her face is kinda cuter in the new one in a weird way.

at least they try to stay with aesthetics

nah, idols aim for a teenage demographic

The second art is the cleaned-up art, so that's probably why.

How would you do a loli assassin or loli tank, then?

Let's be honest. Kunoichis should be modest and they're still massive. There are other tit monsters with the same size as the old one. Variety is good.

last I heard, women lust this guys. Old women (30yo)

How so?

Almost every kunoichi in video games has massive tits now that I think about.

Lolis are small they can make a perfect assassin.

Yeah, if any character is one of the game's de facto titty monsters, it's Tatyana.

so THIS is what they did with the cut characters from lawbreakers! great job nexon great job cliff blurzinki

Do you people ever learn?

What the fuck is wrong with you people? It's a 50 pixel wide strip of skin. For all you know it was the artists own choice to redraw those busts, and besides the developer is the one who gets to decide what they want in their game and how they want to advertise it.

If you want to support devs rights to put half-naked titty monsters in their games, then you must also support their right to make them less revealing as well.

And besides, it's not like they're putting a fucking burka on these girls. They're still wearing skin-tight leotards, and you are still fully within your right to imagine them wearing whatever the fuck you want. The alteration of this art does not impact your enjoyment of the game in any meaningful way.

When will he lose Sentai like he did with Kamen Rider?

Sure they get to decide that and I get to decide I don't want to give them my time or money.

Yeah, nah. Yeah. No. Nah.

Loli ninja
Loli with a big ass shield or piloting some kind of robot.

It's easy, it's not like it has to be minimally realistic or something.

There's only one real effeminite young man in the roster, and he's literally the fucking devil.

>then you must also support their right to make them less revealing as well.

The only reason why they did this is because of the current climate of western censorship in regards to sexual content. Because of this they censored their original work to avoid any potential backlash. I refuse to support censorship of any kind


No thanks.

You don't just promote with this and then censor your game. Fucking bait and switch, I tell you.

If any of that were true, it wasn't a very good censorship. The tits are still pretty big and the cleavage is still very noticeable. It wouldn't be enough if the point was to stop SJW types from complaining.

Who's at fault? The baiter or the biter?

If they really wanted to censor the elf, they wouldn't let her wear her fucking gold high-cut leotard still.