SNK developing “many new fighting games”

King of Fighters XV confirmed:

What do you want to see in King of Fighters XV?

Must be so easy for them. You go to a zoo, take some monkeys, buy some bananas and there you go: A new kof.

What did he mean by this?

Chizuru, Shingo and New Faces Team, maybe Elizabeth too.

>What do you want to see in King of Fighters XV?

I need the dream team

I'd be more interested if they announced they are financing more Saigado SNK doujins



I want better models for next game

Saigado doesn't give a shit about KOF anymore. Making way too much money with an endless parade of generic little boy manga. Why you guys cling to the delusion after all this time is beyond me.
I wouldn't mind seeing a new last blade in theory, but that fad was left behind like the burning high school settings were. I guess they could go back to samsho, but I don't know what else they could do that'd be interesting unless it's a new IP. AoF and FF shifted to places to experiment after KOF took off, and they can't really afford that anymore.

>What do you want to see in King of Fighters XV?

How about more Metal Slug characters? I'm sick of seeing them so underutilized only in a few titles.

And no, Clark and Ralf don't count since they're from Ikari Warriors, its own IP.

If one of those turns out to be something for consoles that isn't a faux-retro "Sprites are back LOL" game, I'll be happy. If it's a brand-new title with no previous ties to any of their legacy series I'll be very happy.

>Team Metal Slug
>They're all Muscle chicks from the mobile game

>"Sprites are back LOL" game
if they make a new fighter it's going to be 3d anyway
3d projects are just more easily scalable than algorithmic upscaling sprites which no matter what just look fucking stupid

Makes me wonder if they'll have everything look like KOF XIV, or try and make the shading different or go for more cell-shaded/cartoonish looks. Though I can see it backfiring as well...

>New Real Bout game with more outlandish character proportions comes out
>Everybody thinks it looks like a lame rip-off of SFV

To be fair, it'd be worth seeing Big Bear turn out even bigger than Abigail, just for all the memes.

I hope they never go with a disgusting modern Street Fighter artstyle, fuck Capcom

Is Samurai Shodown in that list?


It's 3d though.

Or Franco Bash coming back and making Zangief look like a little kid... Or Krauser in full NotRaoh mode.

Real Bout had that kind of style in 2D though.

Eh, it might be. The problem is the last attempt at a SamSho game bombed because SNKP didn't know what to do with the series and made it play like a shitty NuSoulCalibur with no projectiles outside of a bullshit boss character.

Ugh, just go the SFIV route if they have to.

With nice polygonal models. And jiggle physics on Mina.

I'll be fine with whatever it is as long as it helps them improve their 3D engine.

SvC2 when?

Lower than garou and kizuna encounter but higher than a 2d metal slug

I would honestly like to see that. Especially if SNK gets first choice on what Capcom characters they want to have on the roster instead of getting a by-the-numbers list like CvS2 did.





>drop densetsu from name
>hungry wolf mark of the wolves
What did they mean by this? Did we miss out on a delicious wolfburger?



Or at least Shingo.


no thank you

Give Samura Shodown please.

No momoko no buy

You wish. They were outright turning Mai into a shota boy towards the ends of them.

shit, i wanna him to draw angel /ss/ with the sleepy shota