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what the fuck is this

half life episode 3 confirmed for never coming out user.

>Gertrude Is an actual girl name

its real

how do you know its not fan fiction

He changed names so Gabe couldn't send lawyers.
There's a pastebin in the other thread for this that has all the names changed back.


because it was released by the main writer of half life since the beginning. its his website. its rumoured his NDA expired this year since it would have been 10 year or more since it was signed.

literally written by the writer of the series


i guess its a good thing ive never played a half life game. so i have no idea what im missing out on.

I'm reposting this bullshit because it took me 10 minutes to write. It's why Ep3 never happened from a former valvebitch.

>people blaming Gabe.

No. Gabe is a very laid back boss. He just makes sure people are doing things they want to do. Makes sure all the the things we did are being done in the best way possible and that those things are marketed and rolled out correctly. He never ordered us to do something or stop doing something, within reason.

You should already know how Valve operates. Almost no corporate structure. There are heads of departments, but everyone chooses their projects. Most importantly, you need to either follow or lead a charge for anything to get done. That's why Valvetime exists. It's a good and bad system. When something gets done, it gets done right.

The people making Ep3, and pretty much all of Valve opted to complete smaller tasks in lieu of the huge, daunting one that was Ep3. It was procrastination. Once Dota and VR came into the mix, it was very easy to gather a team and just do X small thing to Dota. Skins for CSGO, VR bullshit. The controller. No one wanted to be the nerd/nerds who said "can we just make this thing" because the looming threat of failure/hard work stung in the air. 2009 turns into 2012 which was where most of the work was done. Motivation dies down and suddenly it's 2015, 6 years since Ep2 and no one wants to bring up the elephant in the room. Some people did, to be fair.

>t. former Valve employee. It was a great place, just very lazy. Ep3 was like 25 percent finished.

>half life episode 3 confirmed for never coming out user.
That was obvious years ago. Remember, you're responsible for this by taking Steam's dick down your throat and accepting loot boxes for cosmetics that require keys to open.


valve employees get paid for doing nothing?

No, you get fired for doing nothing and any retard who tries that shit gets put down.

People just opted to work on smaller things. No one does nothing(except for certain indiviudals whom I won't name)

posting in every thread

>tfw if this was years ago the mods would have set it to Sup Forums's background music

At least Gordon Freeman can rest in literal peace

>hiss TIMEwill never... come again

so everybody just works on skins and small vr shit?

what a waste of talen

It's true.

There was big VR shit in the works when I left.

How did ya get a job there? What kind of expereince did you have?

the talent already left. There are no video game designers in Valve anymore.

post your fucking tags or stfu


Please tell me you saw the reaction to Artifact coming a mile away lmao

>glorified fan fiction

Be good at your job, with credentials. Seem like a nice sociable guy.

I left before that but I'm sure they did. They probably laughed about it beforehand. By the end, the thought of Ep3 was becoming a joke. They joked about it like Sup Forums does.


Meant to reply to in the first one.

ay fukboi

That's it, never ever.
What is the point of a series existing if everyone who made it so great no longer works with Valve anymore?

I ignores you for a reason, retard. Not going to get sued.

I got a friend with good credentials (his game once got on the best seller list on steam) and very sociable but he didn't made the cut.
Do you have any idea why? It might be a good closure for him; he treated this failure as his biggest fuckup ever.

Man this thing fucking sucks
I wonder if he changed the ending dramatically to just end all of it but its all generally bad.
Trying to think of how most of that would be stupidly hard to translate into an actual visual and intractable game.
Alyx just being muh dad muh dad
Crashing the Borealis being climax but its completely worthless
Gman and Vortigaunts save the day and basically set up HL3 to just be HL2 again.

This is just lazy and blows.

Synergy marathon when?

What is the max players again?

Can you speak at all about the departures from Valve?A tonne of senior staff and all the writers took off this year, why did you leave?

>Half Life 3 was cancelled for a DOTA trading card game

is this valve drones trying to do damage control?

Who fucking cares
Half Life sucks cock and Gabe is a fat greedy hack. May he burn in hell Insh'Allah.

To anyone upset by this, don't be. It's over, you finally have a definitive answer as to the state of Half life 3, which at the end of the day I'd wager was all you have wanted the entire time.
It's time for you to put aside your "HAPPENING" shitposts, and live.

Because that's not a good credential. Can he model hi-res 3D models? High level sound design? Any other useful skill at a high level? Does he have all these AND 5 years experience working full time doing these things?

Even if he does, he might just have gotten unlucky. Valve is losing workers, not hiring. He really shouldn't feel bad about it. He can always try again. Not a one and done deal.

It's common sense that Valve works like that.
And if that guy tried to do damage control he didn't a very good job.

>tfw when you realize gordon freeman is edward snowden
>attacked by the government for knowing too much in hl1
>ends up hiding out in russia in hl2

I want to eat the bullet like Solid, user

Why do you care? If you actually cared about PC gaming you would want Valve to go bankrupt.

>it doesn't even end
>half life 2 episode 4 confirmed

Don't, because from this day onward, you're free.

tl;dr of the story?

>it was very easy to gather a team and just do X small thing to Dota.

Then their next game will be a quasi-openworld shooter looter clone. Fuck

>this is surprising in any way
You all knew you were never gonna get hl3, why are you sad/angry now?

>muh confirmed tho
Oh right, like it never coming out wasnt evident before....

Exactly why you think, most likely. I don't personally know a lot of the higher up guys. Met them, spoke, etc. They all have their reasons. I will say, it was not obvious until about mid 2015 that HL was dead. Everyone treated it as an eventually thing. I know Marc was doing fuck all for a long time, not purposefully.

I didn't leave for any fulfilling reason. Just made sense. I really fucking hate Dota and VR and I could make the same money doing the same work somewhere else outside of vidya.


>inb5 this is some ham-fisted ruse and 3 is coming out soon

Gordon + Alyx teleport Borealis as suicide bomb into Combine space base. Turns out, they are much much more advanced than though, and the suicide bomb will do nothing.
G-Man saves Alyx at last moment, Vorgenuts save Gordon.
Gordon is sent to the future, where the resistance is still fighting, but everyone he knows is probably dead.

desu i had hoped the lard was waiting for some new technology to be developed so he could launch hl3 and a new engine to lease to developers

dude left the company months ago, its over now dude.

So basically a textbook example of why all horizontally governed societies or organizations are retarded? If it weren't for the fortune they struck with their Steam and cosmetics monopoly this sort of behavior would have forced them to close or shape up real quick. But since their fortune spares them the consequences of their work ethic its also like watching a demonstration in corporate dysgenics.

so you'll be throwing out your PC to play the next best way to play video games aside from a high end PC right?

Go to bed Kojima

ayyy lmao


LOL No Valve games were always entry level at best. Nobody who is into PC gaming is going to drop the platform due to Valve bowing out besides plebs.

All it is is a question of motivation. So many smart people work there. If they had a deadline, they get work done. They do good work.

Valve isn't a failing company. They just can't get everyone working in the same direction.

yeah you'll just keep using their service and giving them money

The website is fucked for me. Can anyone tell me whats on it or post a pic?

havent thought of hl in years, and i havent wanted to replay it... Ive played so many games since the last episode came out that I just dont care about the franchise anymore. They could release hl3 right now and I still wouldnt care.

The first link is dead, I don't even know why OP bothered posting it

>where the resistance is still fighting
No they aren't, they want to fight, they still have the spirit, but they aren't fighting.

the last paragraph was talking about the fans.

>Turns out, they are much much more advanced than though
wow who would have thought an interdimensional alien empire was that advanced

It's sounds better in German

No. It was talking about both.

The real ending to Half Life is, humanity failed. But the remaining few never lost their rebellious spirit.

Why the fuck is it so hard to dish out some money to make a third half life game? The fuck valve. You're a billion dollar corporation. Give us what we want god fucking damn it.

Why would G-Man save alyx and not gordon?

Does valve expect fans to scratch together ep3 themselves, so they could put a price on it?

They did for the main stickied thread.

Fucking valve, I guess it was so difficult to hire team of modders so they could do ep3 over all these years just as vanity project. Fuck.

I don't believe HL3 is dead. What's dead is the version of the story that Laidlaw wrote back in 2008. He himself stated on reddit some time ago that technical innovation was more important to valve than the story and that he wrote Ep3 story to leave Gordon in stasis again and that a new writer could take over from that. Half-Life 3 WILL happen and haters will be btfo.

>hurr how long are you gonna do this to yourself valve drone

Do what? Doesn't require much from me and doesn't make my life worse.

What good is talent if its not directed towards anything? Sup Forums often laments corporatism but there is a reason why most companies or studios have things like hierarchy, a boss and deadlines because it forces people to make results. When Valve started they didn't have the corporate trustfund that was steam so if they made a shitty product they would fail, basic corporate eugenics.

And I never said that they are a failing company, just a shitty one. If they hadn't hit the virtual oil well that is DRM and cosmetics they would have never gotten away with this kind of business practice.

Apparently not Gordon and Alyx, since it turns out the Combine's "space station" is actually their own homeworld encased in a fucking planet-sized Death Star.

>the fucking name drop
fucking hack

cause gordon is a cuck

I think that's fair. They want to take time with their games because they want each entry to be a big step in gaming. The "Episodes" were a terrible idea, because it reduced the game into another mindless sequel.

So is this Laidlaw's script for Half-Life 3?

> The "Episodes" were a terrible idea, because it reduced the game into another mindless sequel.
The episodes themselves at the time were seen as a "step forward" because Steam allowed them to do serialized gaming in small sizes rather than big full-price AAA games and even experiment with packaging a little (Orange Box). See also: SiN Episodes.

Then it fizzled out in a jiffy.

Not the script, but a summary from the mouth of Gordon Freeman in a letter to the player.

>thought i stopped feeling after all these years
>tfw realize i still could feel despair

What year is this from?

Why are people so certain that it means it's dead. It's just a script it could have been scrapped

For Episode 3, not Half-Life 3. You can literally see it would've just been another padding game because that's all these episodes were, biding time before the supposed real sequel.

Half Life is kill?

Wow, so there's no indication of whether the rebellion succeeded or failed at the end? And Alyx just leaves with G-Man? Just wash up on shore just like that?

This shit wouldn't have ended well.

It would never be the same. This was THE head writer the entire time. Simple as that.

Next year will mark 10 years since episode 2 came out, and 14 years since HL2 actually released. How long is too long?