Hey kid, wanna join my confederation?
Hey kid, wanna join my confederation?
that armor looks unpractical as fuck
>Practicality fags
You would talk shit about the rightful Emperor ya big gay.
I've only logged ~30 hours on tw:w but every fucking campaign I do the dwarves, empire, and vampires run rampant. And I swear to god the fucking AI cheats on economy.
you haven't seen anything
AI does cheat on economy, especially beastmen and C H A O S.
I've never seen vamps run rampant unless someone else puts preassure on the emp and dorfs though
>all those cool mechanics for TWW2 and Wood Elves, Bretonnia, Norsca in TWW1
>Meanwhile the Empire is fucking nothing
Get this 40k shit outta here
I mean, what's wrong other than the shoulder pads and helmet, everything else looks pretty realistic desu.
Don't listen to him, kid.
Wanna buy some schemes?
How come you are both prince AND emperor?
This game is a DLC fest.
Just like the tabletop.
I just completed my first long campaign yesterday on normal as the Beastmen.
Should I play Skarsnik or Clan Angrund next?
Skarsnik is fucking impossible.
Angrund is for cool dudes.
Do they get Hitler'd by the wood elves?
I want to take the grudge to them as Clan Angrund and beat their lily asses.
They really want you to pirate it.
Age of Sigmar > Fantasy
As it should be. Humans are just bootlickers and Chaos bitches compared to the glorious Elven races.
They are sandwiched between the Welfs and the Empire, both of which are far better off than you and pissing them off is a recipe for disaster.
The closest dorf holds both have 1/2-3/4 banner armies with cannons while you can only field gobbos.
If you lose your spood you may as well restart
Who /WAAAGH!/ here?
Skarsnik's WAAAGH! is the WAAAGHiest though.
I hate their fucking cheating cripple king so god damn much who would do nothing but run away from me and spam heroes on my armies and always succeed at killing everybody until his one fucking stack got ALL the power favor against my three. I shouldn't fucking need 4 god damn armies to siege a fucking settlement.
Talking about the Dwarves, I'm so mad I can't even type straight.
You don't, just good army composition that counters the enemy and good tactics.
>powered dreadnought armor fitted with ceramite plates
>inscribed with litanies and hymns of the God Emperor of Mankind to repel daemons and empower psychic abilities
>can protect the wearer from all but the most powerful of weapons and attacks
>Fitted with a power fist with integral storm bolter
>stylish as fuck
>not practical
there is no difference between 40k and fantasy - oops, age of sigmar.
That depends, you got Twinkies?
Skarsnik is not impossible learn to nasty skulkers and little waaagh