Why does Overwatch's world feel so bland?

I mean, Blizzard is obviously trying their damn fest to make everything and everyone look as unique and standoutish, and flesh out the world more and more with each cinematic, but something just doesn't feel genuine about them. I just can't put my finger on it. The designs of the characters and the concept of the story are decent ideas, but for some reason, the execution just feels off. Seriously, I'm not memeing or trolling, this has actually been bothering me for awhile. Is it because the cinematics just look like Diet-Dreamworks? Or the omnic crisis could've been told better. Is it just the dialogue? Is it the fact that because of the gameplay, the characters have been memed to high heaven and can't be taken seriously? I really don't know :/

>caring about lore in a dumb arcade shooter

Because it is a bland world

lacks grit

It's because they are skirting around all the major events and locations instead of either going indepth into them or progressing them in some way.

the only game in history to look like a chinese ripoff of itself

Because the lore and the gameplay are in stark contrast with one another.

This. The only time I felt any bit of grit is the Bastion cinematic.

>has been out for 2 years
>Tracer has neither recieved a buff or a nerf
>can't even compete because of all the massive amounts of HP on the field now from hero health buffs

Why is she the mascot again?

maybe because its meant for young kids? i'm just saying, maybe the IP with bright colorful characters with wacky personalities and a talking gorilla isn't the best place to look for original and well thought out world building.

nigga you a grown ass adult, ofcourse its bland to you

It's probably because there's no world ending crisis or conflict. Omnic crisis which was the biggest conflict is over, the world is at relative peace in spite of talon's bullshittery and the gorillas on the moon aren't even doing anything.

Any buff and she would be OP. You are suppose to drop in and out and slowly deal damage while being untouchable, if you cant do that, then she isnt your hero.

Because it has no identity, but rather as many diverse identity as can be added. Which is fine if you can take the time to develop your characters, but not for a multiplayer shooter. It could work if every character had a single player campaign taking part in the world and you get to care about them and the world they live in.

TF2 has a ton of archetypes, with some moments and a bit of characterization on top of that archetype to develop them.

Overwatch has a ton of characters that try to remain away from archetypes and end up being bland as a result. And since there is no reason to care for the """"lore"""" because its not even in the game, its only good if you latch on a character because its literally the first time you encounter one such being.

tl;dr shitty writing and too much going on at once.

That's the problem when you design something for mass appeal. They're trying to have as many things in it as possible without turning anyone away. The resulting product is just bland with no lasting identity.

Weak writing and inconsistent tone that also has to reconcile what they want to do with the universe and how the characters are supposed to work in-game(e.g. why would characters that despise each other like 76/Reaper or Tracer/Widowmaker even be on a team together?)

Compare TF2, where they're able to comfortably reconcile it. RED and BLU and related companies control every government on Earth, and Team Fortress is one of the groups engaged in an eternal territory war to keep everyone distracted.

The other half of it is all their multimedia efforts not handled in-house like the graphic novel collapsed, and writer changes basically scuttling a lot of shit. Michael Chu's only real interest with anything productive in Overwatch is writing his self-insert fantasies on top of whatever the higher ups tell him to do for whatever dumb seasonal event they're doing.

It's safer than a med company ad, they've made sure that no one could be possible emotionally triggered by it in any way.

>Why is she the mascot again?

Because she is a lesbian now user + before she could not take the core out of her chest because she could die BUT NOW! She can just have it in any distance she wants to and she will be ok.

But lets be real user, blizzard does not give a crap about the lore.

>2016 was 2 years ago
Where does the time go

>homicidal robots somehow coexist with humans in the setting

Suspension of disbelief snapped.

>slowly deal damage
>healers heal so much it only takes 1 second to go from 10hp to full health now
Yup, sure just let them sit there and get instantly healed.

>can't even compete
>has been the most consistently used offense hero in the meta for months and forms part of the core four for dive comp with Lucio, Winston and D.Va

The real answer being that she's essentially one of the main characters leftover from Titan.

>Tracer can't even compete

a reminder Sup Forumsirgins are dumb and don't even play they games they talk about

>they've made sure that no one could be possible emotionally triggered by it in any way.
And yet snowflakes still manage to.

She has the fastest charging ult, you can make huge plays with her ult.

It's because the actual "story" hasn't happened yet, only backstories for the characters and vague hints about the future. They're obviously building up to another Omnic Crisis, which will probably be told through the permanent MvM-style PvE mode that's inevitably going to be announced at Blizzcon.

yes this is the obvious answer
TF2's cartoony violence was appropriate because the characters were themselves cartoon caricatures who were invented to kill people in funny ways and to die in funny ways. when the scout screams his head off while burning to death from fire, it's funny.

In Overwatch, these characters are invented to tell stories and convey emotion. you're mostly playing as literal heroes who are for some reason shooting at other literal heroes, and killing them. when tracer grunts and ragdolls to the ground with an icicle sticking out of her head, it isn't funny, it's just weird. It feels like a weird GMod using models from an actual game.

the violence juxtaposed with the endearing character designs makes for a tonally confused mess

>PvE mode
They never gave up on making Titan a thing, did they.

It's a family friendly, by the numbers calculated diversity.

It also doesn't help that they've made absolutely no effort to reconcile the lore with the actual gameplay and they have nothing in common.

TF2 has silly lore, but that's because it's lore that fits having two color coded teams of clones with bases next door to each-other fighting constantly. On the other hand Overwatches lore has nothing to do with why you have these random collections of heros and civilians joining together to fight clones of themselves and is instead about an unrelated story about a team of hero's joining to fight the very villains they fight alongside in the actual game.

And it certainly doesn't help that you have characters like Bastion who are completely natural and has no association at all with either the hero or villain factions.

I don't think any of the overwatch comics or promotional material tell new stories. Everything is written as prequel or character telling a story to somebody. Do any characters in game even insult eachother on kills or during startup and why does nobody have lipsync on voice lines.

Oh, you are talking about hackers.

You do know that right? There are currently over 300,000 users of the current unbanned hack.

>huge plays with her ult
>80% of the cast can surivive her ult sticking to them
Wow so much killing

>300,000 users
You wish

>he doesn't know what ownedcore is
>he doesn't know there have been over 3.5 MILLION aimbot downloads
Are yo autistic? the game is infested with soft and hard aimbots.

Hell even 1500 shitters use bots. You honestly believe the "pros" who have been caught doing it dozens of times in event streams aren't?

There is a reason blizzard has had to pay to get tournaments, because none of the real good fps players will play against paid hackers.