How do you have the stamina to argue with people on Sup Forums?

How do you have the stamina to argue with people on Sup Forums?

I'm exhausted and mentally drained, I also have a fucking migraine and feel like crying.

My blood sugar is a fucking mess, I'm not okay either OP. This place has drained the life out of me.

Imagine everyone has an edgy tryhard teenager, pretty sure most of this bord is an underage anyways

I think maybe you're right, maybe I'm just getting too old...

It's better to realize when it's happening, then leave.
There are times where I've started an argument here, left for 2 fucking hours, went back to the same thread, and that same autist (Surprise surprise it's usually fucking phoneposters) is still arguing about the same shit.

I swear this fucking place is bad for your mental and physical health

>Surprise surprise it's usually fucking phoneposters
The best part about calling phoneposters out on their bullshit is that other people come out of nowhere to try and bitch you out over the fact that you said they should be banned. Behind every bait and shitpost, every tranny attentionwhore, any reddit bullshit, there's always an IMG_0329.

The quality of this site would improve ten fucking fold if posting from phones was banned.

This is 95% of posters. 4% are normal people just wanting to play games, and the last percent are smug arrogant debate club enthusiasts who wish to destroy the other 95% in the debate arena.

Oh, so I'm not the only person that this happens to. I'm actually a bit glad to know someone else is human on this godforsaken board. I'm just so sick of dealing with unreasonable people. People that have no intention of an actual argument or a debate, but instead just want to shitpost with the same "I'm right, you're wrong" argument.
>Mfw console wars
The worst part is that I'm an idort but I still somehow manage to get roped into them, and it's so fucking infuriating arguing with some of these fucking faggots on this board.

It's just fucking insane.
It is literally /vg/ levels of autism when it comes to arguments, and it's usually phoneposters that run out of arguments, then just cherrypick your statement, throw in some green text, then a couple buzzwords, call you autistic, then act like they won.

It's fucking pathetic.

>pretty sure most of this bord is an underage anyways
Pic related.
Anyways, yeah it is. Pic related is also my fucking face when reading posts asking what Boktai was actually like.
>this will eventually become a common thing to ask since all solar sensors will one day stop working entirely, even if the game carts somehow do work

i stopped browsing Sup Forums
started browsing a better board (not telling which)
got a job
and got a Sup Forums pass

life's good

I don't have to jump through logic hoops and do mental gymnastics while setting up kafka traps, so I don't tire easily in an argument.

Once you have all the facts and have them on display, any argument is against those facts and not you. Work on your presentation, your goal in an argument should be getting people into the same drum beat as your own rhythm so they can understand why you think how you do in a way they can understand.
Communication is a song and dance, clearly if you're getting tired then it's all dance and no singing.

>arguing on Sup Forums
>not just trying to make people as mad as possible
you are doing it wrong my man

>Communication is a song and dance, clearly if you're getting tired then it's all dance and no singing.
What did he me-
No, no. Fuck the memes.
What did you actually mean by this? Sounds like something from a textbook.

Trolling is fucking stupid

Fell for my poetry trap user. You're gay now.

nah, trolling is literally the only reason to even come to this board

>tfw when i was a teenager and browsed Sup Forums i thought i'd quickly outgrow all the other underage regulars
>halfway through my twenties
>still get into shitposting fights with 13 year olds

Speaking of underage, there have actually been non ironic call of duty threads here on Sup Forums.
I only do this in BoTW threads.
It's hilarious seeing how assblasted they get defending the game.
I've played it, realized the flaws, then bring it up normally then they go full damage control mode every time.

The trick to arguing on Sup Forums is to argue against your own position. For example I always pretend to be an adamant SJW that thinks Samus is a dude

I probably defend video games i like on Sup Forums more than i play them.

You people are pathetic and have a snowflake mentality

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Not him, but I haven't been fucking mad in years.
I got upset the other day due to some minor IRL bullshit (actually felt my heart pumping), but it was a miniscule fraction of how much rage Sup Forums used to give me. It felt so fucking good though. Like I was glad to feel it.

Either the rest of you have lost your touch, the ones who had it moved on, or I'm just too thick-skinned nowadays.

Please, user. Do me a justice and piss me off. I can't even get mad at vidya companies anymore, because I constantly expect them to do stupid shit so I never feel betrayed.

Thanks, Slimer.
>there have actually been non ironic call of duty threads here on Sup Forums.
Strange thing is that there always have been. It's just now that they're mostly not getting shitposted into oblivion. I guess because most of the competition has given up or died.

If I argue for the points I care about and the idiot on the other side doesn't understand then I'm just going to be pissed. If I argue against my point it's good mental exercise and I learn new arguments for my stance. And if the other user does something stupid I can just let it roll off my back.

Calling it "shitposting" is a little reductionist.

Most of the competition goes to Sup Forums now while this place gets flooded with NeoFAGs

What if you start believing your own bullshit though?

>Try not to associate with console war faggotry because I own everything
>But all the shitposting Sup Forums does on a daily basis makes me feel as if I need to take a side
>Know and can feel myself doing it, but can't stop myself
>Feel as if I become a drone and I fucking hate feeling this way
>Two days in a row I've gotten so fucking mad that I shouted at the top of my lungs like some fucking mentally deranged autist

>get into lengthy argument with some dickhead on Sup Forums
>realize that I am arguing with someone on the shitpost capital of the internet, call him a faggot, and leave the thread

>Most of the competition goes to Sup Forums now
I meant games though.
Stuff like TF2, Battlefield Bad Company, etc.
Is Battlefield even relevant anymore?



What baffles me is the legitimate amount of unironic marxist posters on this board

>he actually takes anything written on an anonymous imageboard seriously
imagine being this autistic

They're 50% shitposters 50% NeoGAF posters. Have you seen NeoGAF? If you have then it becomes IMMEDIATELY OBVIOUS that it's them. Only mental retards like them would pay to post on a somehow even worse version of Reddit.

How do we get rid of them?

I fucking swear that there's been some kind of NeoGAF invasion ever since E3 this year.

Have Hiro autoban anyone with NeoGAF and Reddit in their browsing history.

The mere inconvenience of this for them will lower their population to an amount where they'll eventually die off.

I honestly don't know why i'm here
I scan the board for interesting threads, usually end up shitposting, occasionally glance at Sup Forums to reaffirm how fucking insane they are, and that's basically all I do on this site anymore
I've been browsing this website for over 7 years now, I'm 22 goddamn years old. This shit is fucking terrible.

>Pic related is also my fucking face when reading posts asking what Boktai was actually like.
Of course they're going to, shit ton of posters that aren't underage haven't played it either. It wasn't a popular game.

I don't understand how these people have the will to keep at it for so long. I can't stand posting from my phone if I'm browsing in bed, I gotta get up and onto the computer if I want to tell some dude how fucking stupid he is.

>tfw someone says some dumb shit and you summon up all the vitriol in your body to tell them off and they reply back to you with a reasonable and occasionally apologetic tone

I'm stronger, faster and better than everyone else so of course everyone also submits to my debate skills.

I feel like this picture would be more accurate if it wasn't for the fact that pretty much every thread on Sup Forums devolves into shitposting in one way, shape, or form. I swear certain games are just plagued by the most rampant shitposting on this board.

Boktai was pretty loved back in the olden Sup Forums days. Even players who used cracked roms still liked it. Even those who didn't play it had at least an basic understanding of how it worked.

I'm glad I didn't respond to those posts, because I'd tell them to fuck off and do their own damn research, as well as stop being spoonfed cunts (Go ahead and bitch about me acting like Sup Forums, you faggots, I don't give a shit. This is how Sup Forums used to be. None of you are my friends or Sup Forumsros or any other stupid shit.). Nowadays, you jackasses have turned lurk more ("moar" if we're going that route) into a sick joke. God help us when the world is run by these babied twats. Bad enough we already have "safe spaces" to avoid being "triggered".

I don't usually take the time to argue but when I see a dumbass with a strong opinion that is clearly uneducated and he's very adamant about it, I feel that it's my duty to put that person in their place. There's some other good ones too, like challenging people to explain their reasoning because they literally never can and it's funny to see them try to weasel their way out of it. Another fun one is calling out people who jump into a thread just to try and convince everyone that they're super mature and above the argument. Nothing quite like knocking those kids down a few pegs.

Unfortunately you never really get to see them stewing behind their monitors and you know they'll never really truly understand what complete wastes of oxygen they are.

Arguing over the internet is better when you realize that your goal is to convince onlookers more than the person you're arguing with. The guy you're arguing/debating rarely ever concede or admits when their wrong, so its better to lay out your points in the most simple yet reasonable manner possible (reasonable as in consistent and well sourced, not reasonable as in being having a 'holier than thou' attitude.).

Having this mindset makes it easier for you to know when to stop posting and not get hung up on conversations that you or the person on the other line may not even remember.

I don't. I just say my piece and leave it at that.

Imma try this out.

i don't

when someone disagrees with me, i adopt a totally different writing style to try and redirect the topic of conversation

Playing fighters competitively Depending on the number of setups and how far you go, you could be playing at a tournament level all day.