Was this Nintendo's last good console

was this Nintendo's last good console

No, the Wii was, and the SNES was their last good console before that. It's too early to call the Switch good or bad.

Actually, it was their only good console.

The gamecube was until recently the last good console that had games, the wii was good because you could hack it and play gamecube games on it. Wii u sucked, switch is dope and has crazy potential and already a good lineup

lol no

No this was

The Wii was an overclocked gamecube so yes or no depending on how you decide to interpret that

It's this actually

There's zero incentive to buy that

if nintendo didnt fuck up so badly with the n64 and gamecube with the media formats they chose, they would still be relevant with their home consoles.


gamecubefags are fucking insufferable. they act like the gamecube was the end of nintendos """""""""""""""golden age"""""" and gaming in general even though they were irrelevant as fuck in the console market. they are about as bad as dreamcastfags but at least they still support the console. if it wasnt for melee nobody would play the shitcube.

this, gamecube was fucking trash compared to the ps2, and even the xbox hueg.

t. had one when it was relevant

>The gamecube was until recently the last good console that had games
The Gamecube was a shit console and failed because it was a shit console.

Unironically this.
>Hasn't aged like shit
>has controllers made for human hands
>doesn't rely on gimmicks
It's great.

But the Gamecube was both the start and end of Nintendo's golden age.

>no games tablet

t. ps2 nigger
>compared to the ps2
If the PS2 was released on this very day, you would have 100 threads on Sup Forums calling it a weeb machine. Same with PS1. Stop denying it.

>t. ps2 nigger

No, that's the sad thing. He's an actual Nintennigger.

Nintenniggers hate the Gamecube as they know its the only quality piece of hardware that Nintendo ever put out. Nintenniggers love eating shit, so they despite the Gamecube for being Sonyist and being of high quality. Why do you think Nintenniggers widely hate the Gamecube entries of all their favorite series. Wind Waker, Sunshine, Double Dash and more. These games where at the height of their series and are despised for it.

The best version of Metroid Prime is on the better console

>No games

The best version of Twilight Princess is on this one.

>12 games

Actually it's on Wii U and will more than likely be ported to Switch at the rate things are going.

i fucking love how the original xbox sold more than the shitcube kek. fucking embarrassing console

if the gamecube was so good why did nintendo completely ditch its fanbase with the wii? .

the snes

Because the GameCube sold poorly compared to its peers.

This is probably true, but
>content locked behind static action figures

and it sold poorly because it was a shit console.

>ports and unreleased games

If it was a shit console then why did I own a lot of games for it that I enjoyed?

That's an Nvidia system with nintendo games.
Which is sadly better than what nintendo would actually design.

I bet on something a bit faster than the PSVita but with a screen with even less resolution than it.

More like their most overrated console. But since you grew up with it you have some nostalgic attachment to it. The Gamecube was a fucking joke during that gen.

The few Sonyfags, PCbros and Xbots who bought a Gamecube to become an idort weren't enough to keep it afloat. Nintenniggers enmass boycotted the Gamecube. You know how they say that the only thing worse than an enemy is a traitor? Nintenniggers considered Nintendo's drive for higher quality to be a traitorous move of collusion with the Sony crowd and refused to support the Gamecube.

To them, Nintendo was synonymous with low quality. Low quality specs, low quality games, low quality fun, low quality fanbase, low quality company. The idea of Nintendo going high quality, like Sony, Microsoft or Sega was an outright betrayal. Nintendo realized this and needed to bring back the fold. And they knew the only way they could do it was by making the quality so fucking low, it would be equal to an outright ass fucking. That's why Nintendo publically stated that they were giving their old fanbase the boot, and moving onto the casual crowd. This atmosphere of hatred towards them an extreme low quality was the perfect apology to the masochistic Nintennigger, and they flocked back to the Wii in large numbers happily eating Nintendo's new shit. Being told in public to fuck off and that they weren't wanted, was just the message the Nintenniggers had wanted from Nintendo, to confirm a return to low quality shovelwear titles on an underpowered shitty gimmick system.

I love the gamecube but any fucktard can have fun with anything regardless of it's quality.

>Wind Waker, Sunshine, Double Dash
>These games were at the height of their series

Nigga at least post some actual good games like Metroid Prime and F-Zero.

Is this post Sup Forumskino?

Post discarded.

the gamecube probably had the worst iteration of their exclusive IPs to date, with the exception of metroid and f-zero.

Nvidia didn't design it you idiot.

they designed the most important part of the hardware

probably because they want to move away from what a failure their previous console was, which is just about every home console at this point. wii doesnt even count since it was a shovelware machine.

Which Nintendo specifically requested.

They designed the SoC itself, the video chip, most likely the CPU (it's a proprietary nvidia ARM design), the memory controller, most likely the PCB itself..
Nintendo did the plastic shell and used a bunch of off the shelf components in it, and wrote part of the software.

By that logic, the other consoles are actually AMD systems.

If the Gamecube was the start and end of Nintendo's Golden Age then why do I own more NES and SNES carts than Gamecube games?

Not really. It's using an unmodified tegra X1 chip, designed for the shield line of consoles.

Not really. They even ditched the Wii and DS quickly. Nintendo always does that. Unlike Microsoft or Sony who support their systems for a couple years after, Nintendo literally drops them like a bag of rocks.

Because you have bad taste, like all Nintenniggers.

Gamecube mini when?

the other 8th gen consoles are AMD SoCs, so yes they are.

No that would be the SNES. The Gamecube spawned the most annoying console fanbase though.

I have several games for the Wii U I loved but I'm not retarded and think that means the Wii U is a good console

Most gamecubefags were kids who grew up with it and are now old enough to post on this board. The Gamecube was yet another Nintendo system with long fucking droughts, some of the worst installments in their first party series and laughable third party support. Even worse, they didn't have Rare to save their asses this time.

Then what's the point in making such a distinction if it disqualifies every console Nintendo has released from being a Nintendo system? There's nothing to base any idea of "what Nintendo would actually design" on, then.