>Sega will never be this ballsy with Sonic ever again
Sega will never be this ballsy with Sonic ever again
>sega will never make another masterpiece like that
>sega will never see no, hear no evil
>Sega will never make an unequivocally brilliant game like this again
>sega will never give us another chao garden
>Sega will never make a game with a story as majestic as Shadow the Hedgehog
Forces is literally the most ballsy game to date though.
Hm, what should we add in our new Sonic title?
>Boost gameplay?
That's a start.
>classic Sonic too?
Yep, why not.
Sure, go for it.
>character creator?
Fuck it, throw that shit in!
>Edgy villain and full retard serious plot?
>Bring back the full cast and have them talk over gameplay?
>Corny rap and pop music with lyrics for everything?
>Tag team heroes-ish gameplay style shoehorned in for no reason?
They did it all. Forces is full retard game design and it's wonderful.
This IS Ow The Edge 2.0, for a new generation.
is the game fun? should i play it?
The only way they can make it godtier is if they put in a Sonic '06/Shadow the Hedgehog reference
>it's wonderful
it looks shit though
>Sega will never make a dedicated Chao game on Android/iOS
That would be one game where the Crates/Keys style of in-game micro transactions system might actually be of benefit.
What's ballsy about nonsensically reviving a dead character because their autistic fans threw a huge tantrum?
>Had a lot of levels and all of them were Sonic-type gameplay, just with guns. No filler bullshit levels like finding emeralds, using a mech, and fucking fishing.
>Last "Sonic Adventure" style game that was actually playable
Looking back, this game wasn't too bad. Just some of the objectives to reach other new levels was pretty annoying.
>We don't know how to make a good game anymore
Let's add boost so people don't notice the levels
>Guys I really don't know if this game will sell
Let's add classic Sonic
>I don't feel like thinking of new gimmicks
Let's recycle wisps
The rest is the usual shitty mistakes that ruin every modern sonic game.
Are there guns though? Do the characters swear to show you they're cool?
well there is a flamethrower and a whip.
i thought it looked like a generations rehash but slightly worse. but what that user mentioned made me realize they made a lot of questionable and edgy decisions for this game.
I don't even understand why. Even a lot of the people who despised A/A2 enjoyed that aspect of it a lot. Just find some substitute for the chaos drive aspect.
Maybe it's because these games are more or less on rails where as Adventure was linear but had freedom of movement? Maybe a hub just doesn't work? Fuck if I know.
Is there a way to play this game other than a GameCube?
There is the ps2 version
Buggy as always, but that's it
a wii/wiiu
Also the Original Xbawks and 360.
It's the best Shadow game
How fucking hard can it to be to replicate it? It was extremely addicting and there was a lot of content but it wasn't that advanced.
>sega will never find that DAMN fourth chaos emerald
>sega will never take candy from a baby, which is fine by me