Remember this shitshow?
Remember this shitshow?
Yeah, I remember TF2
t. idler
>mfw I got one even though I cheated to get all the pyro achievements, and then wore it on all characters at all times
you mean a vocal minority of entitled cheaters being mad?
The one with the apple earphones was funnier.
Not really. I had quit playing way before customization became a thing.
I remember the vocal minority and their butthurt over the bronze medal being named 'Weekend warrior'
how much are they worth now?
>Wore the Lament when it was first added
>join a server
fuck all
it was an idle program used to get cosmetic items you retarded nigger
cheater detected
That's exactly the excuse a cheater would make.
The salt was fucking hilarious.
Rundown anyone?
Defend hats.
Do it, I fucking dare you.
Hats are fine, stop getting so emotional over them.
why did your stupid ass brain think it's okay to steal from Valve and their intended way to get cosmetics?
>modded the game so the halos said FAG even though i never idled
>everyone who used it was actually a faggot anyway
still mad
In the great before time, all TF2 items were unlockable in-game at during gameplay. However, these were at random and there was no guarantee what you would get. So naturally, in order to speed up the process, people came up with idling programs: which simulate a game being played but you still get the item drops. However, Valve caught onto this and decided to award an exclusive item to people who never used this program. Naturally, the completists who wanted everything were pissed.
Of course, when Valve implemented keys, crates and exclusive hat tie-ins with games, people quickly gave up the idea of having a 'complete' set of items and a while after Valve just gave the exclusive hat to the cheaters anyway.
>even though i never idled
Uh huh.
>hats come out
>drunkenf00l makes program that allows idling for drops while not in game
>valve comes down and deletes all hats gained with program and give everybody who didn't use it the cheater's lament
>communities tear themselves to pieces
t.nigger faggot cheater
as good as the incoherent rage piss sniping used to caused
Why did they give the hat to the cheaters anyway? I remember idling and not getting it but then it showed up in my inventory after all the fuss died down. Why bother?
>get the slap on the hand by valve
>get the halo anyway
>used the idler
>got 2 of the pyro fireman hat
>had them both taken away
>got the halo anyway a few months later
everyone who cares about hats in tf2 is a flaming faggot and you know it
nah cunt thats the only hat I wear proves im not some goober newfag
The butthurt on Sup Forums was glorious.
Also if I remember correctly, you could just use the launch commands in your game shortcut to idle.
Never knew what the fuck was valves problem when it was people paying for custom servers for the sole purpose of idling and trading.
This brings me back, I loved wearing that shit lmao
There was a server-side mod that replaced the halo with the words 'FAGGOT', 'RETARD', etc. written in the same glowy texture, which was hilarious.
Then servers started autobanning people for wearing it, which was a much less enjoyable solution. Who'd think there would be such a community uprising against a virtual hat?
Maybe they thought that after all that time it would rekindle their interest in cosmetic items and lead to them buying keys?
An argument could be made that it was this whole even that led to lootcrates becoming a thing in TF2 and across the board because of peoples willingness to show off their virtual items to the point of actually paying for them.
>still got it
>went on to shark hundreds of dollars worth of shit from clueless children
fun times
I wish i used that shit when i had the chance. The halo was so ugly and made everyone that used it look like a complete tool, meanwhile the vintage hats look cool.
>steal from
holy shit it's fucking pixels you retarded nigger, this was pre store and pre trading. It would have been "OK" if we just left our computers open in a server 24/7
>mfw taunting the first time i went onto a server replacing the model
mad about what? They gave the hat to everyone eventually
i bet you think piracy is okay too
Fucking exactly this - I remember joining a server that cheats you all of the achievements, I entered one of the commands just to test and the game froze for like 5 mins - then I'm suddenly bombarded with the steam overlay as 100+ achievements clog the screen.
Good times - though at the time I thought I would get banned for it lmao
what was the point of this
they just gave it to everyone anyway
what did it prove?
was it autism?
If only it was limited to hats. The problem is that basically any part of the character can be modified with a cosmetic, destroying the original graphical style of the game and making it look like a disgusting abomination.
>what did it prove?
It proved people gave more of a shit about cosmetic items than Valve expected, which led to them doing promotions and microtransactions focused on them.
I used an idle program and still got one
I agree some cosmetics are horrible but those are edge cases. You will only see those on the occasional pubstomper wearing lime and/or purple.
>was 12 years old and ended up meeting my boyfriend through that "healers against halos" group chat
>he ended up blocking me because i spawncamped him on koth_viaduct
good times
Why would you? There is literally nothing wrong with them
The issue is (((micro))) transactions that end up being thousands of dollars targeted at minors.
>idlefags still anus dismantled years later
>idlefags get the hat anyway, proving they were right
what's your point again?
>tfw ended up transitioning seven years later and now i only date girls
i guess there's no cure for the gay disease
extreme fag
failed man
waste of space
>holy shit it's fucking pixels you retarded nigger
so why are you so upset about missing out on some other pixels, with literally 0 value?
>idlers lose hats gained by program
>they were somehow right
>idlefags buttblasted during the time they didn't get the hat
>so asshurt they make servers mods targeted at this hat to replace it with "fag" or "retard" or even ban those wearing it
>autistic screeching on forums and Sup Forums
>they get it
>y-yeah, we won, we weren't mad at all by the way
you're the only failed man here my dude
i used to be a /fit/ goal
So you're like, a double fag.
you're a kike puppet
i guess
there was a brief period where i was on hrt and liked guys but that stopped pretty quickly
at least my strings are worth pulling
Are you hot as a chick? Post pics
Anyone remember the golden wrench where an employee leaked out the release timings to a hacker group?
wasn't there also some Group months later who Decided to track down as many of those fuckers as they could and then destroy them for 'charity'
>posting face
my face is androgynous but my boobs / hips are pretty big so it's like
i look okay overall but i have more sex appeal than anything else
Is the cheaters lament EN VOGUE now? or did they just give it to everyone?
When was this item a thing? I've only used SAM for TF2 once to get a ton of achievements and I don't know if that gives you the hat or not.
No? I remember the event but never heard of anyone doing that. did the employee get fired?
This just proves that most tf2 players are manchildren unable to handle their own feelings.
I remember crafting my metal in futile attempt to get it. Honestly though, it was dumb idea. They should have redo Mann Medal distribution, but this time, separate for regions so no one would be in advantage thanks to living in same time zone as Valve.
Anyway, Medals rewarded players with an eye to details, while Wrench simply was "random" event. Fool ruining it was kinda good actually.
Some of them were legitimate but the rest got harassed nonstop until they deleted them. The guy who got the leaked list drunken fool (who designed the idle bots that are talked about in this thread) then went on to work for valve.
They gave them out in two waves, the first one was after the idle debacle and the second was a few years later without any sort of explanation as to why.
Drunken fool didn't give the guy up then went on to work for valve.
Aka cheater
>the second was a few years later without any sort of explanation as to why.
lame, guess people were crying because they didnt get one. Thing is, I remember people bullying anyone wearing them though back then
Thats slimey
post pics
My favourite thing was being able to see invis spies if they were wearing it
I didn't get one of these. I joined an idle server once when I started playing because I didn't know what it was about and there were so many of them.
Fuck valve.
>bullying anyone wearing them
I never really understood all the hate people got for having a cheater's lament.
Wasn't part of the issue that a lot of cheaters got one and a lot of non-cheaters didn't? Whatever valve did to detect cheating was shoddy as fuck
Yes but anyone who would post saying they didn't cheat and get one would get the "works on my system :^)" equivalent response of the time.
I started playing after that shitshow happened anyway and the amount of people who would try to epic troll XD me because I didn't have it was sort of ridiculous
Or everything worked out fine, there was just people bullshitting everyone.
Idle servers did not effect cheater's lament, only idling programs.
I missed when there was no trading.
>Remember the posts saying "I REFUSE TO HEAL PEOPLE WITH THE HALO"
What a time
>bought the game legit
>never hacked
>jumped in an idle achievements server once when I was a noob by accident
>never got my halo because of it
kinda bullshit desu but meh, only fags care about internet pixel hats
Hey Sup Forums,
Okay I was with you until you called this "stealing". It's 100% cheating the system but it is absolutely not stealing. There is no value, physical or otherwise, being deprived from anyone here. At worst it's slightly inflating the market. If anything it's closer to printing money. Which while illegal as fuck, is not theft.
Hard to believe the gibus used to be a one time deal too.
still didn't get one
>cheater scum are STILL angry
Probably was just the people that didnt have them bullying people
>never cheated
>never got the lament
Im kinda salty, my friends didnt get them either, none of us cheated though, shits weird
What was your first hat?
Trophy belt here
>Hard to believe the gibus used to be a one time deal too.
Soldier medal is jack shit now?
Engineer's Cap. Dropped on my birthday, too.