damn capcom was redpilled
I could listen to Steve Blum for days.
>tfw dead rising ended up as flanderized and stupid as saints row
dead rising 1 is barely a "black comedy", there's some grim serious shit in there
>every time you go outside
4. Sean Keanan
5. Kent Swanson
6. Cliff Hudson
7. Larry Chiang
8. Cletus Samson
9. Jo Slade
100. Hall Family
101. Paul Carson
102. Isabela Keyes
103. Carlito Keyes
1000. Brock Mason
What is theme power rankings?
Maybe it's only because I've started playing it recently but I've been enjoying all these Dead Rising threads popping up as of late.
Just managed to complete that bit where you have to run to the drugstore and fight the store manager and get the pills for Brad. Fuck me, I'm glad I unlocked the maintenance tunnels first otherwise I'd have been screwed, you get so little time.
I heard her screams.....
Everything,.went white..suddenly....
The wasn't over
Not for me... never...ended.
It's hard to imagine that this game was made by the Japs. It has so much element of US culture in it (albeit some being very exaggerated)
ofc it isn't black comedy but it is horror comedy like evil dead 2
I ran out of bullets so in desperation I beat him to death with a sack of cat food. I really enjoy this game.
Are all the non-jap Dead Rising games really bad like people say? I've only played DR1 since it was on sale.
>using guns
2 is fine
As far as I know you can't fail that segment due to time running out: I had trouble defeating the guy before I discovered the soda cans and the timer just stopped at some point.
>post yfw this is my store
2/OTR is fine, anything further and there's too much leaf poisoning to bother.
IMO none are worth your time besides 1.
>dead rising 1
>psycho's reason for going insane was due to the despair of watching his granddaughter get eaten alive combined with war PTSD
>dead rising 2
>some fat fuck doesn't want to die a virgin
>play re4 years ago on gamecube
>never had a problem with game timers ever
>me and friend played mercenaries to unlock handcannon
>the timer from mercs ruined timers for me in games so much so that ill never be able to play dead rising ever
It makes my anxiety way too high, I could never play this because I just know people would die from taking too long.
You know I can totally see the second one happening.
>some fat fuck doesn't want to die a virgin
That's very japanese.
Thats because it did, he wears a gimp suit and has a massive pink chainsaw and all
I played through dead rising 1 recently and started off the record, and it's pretty fuckin lame compared to the first, why does the sledgehammer suck so much shit in this one? In the first you could feel every rib and spinal colum shatter when you hit a fucker with that thing.
I mean in real life.
user, Private First Class, United States Marine Corps.
I've no idea why they replaced Raimi
y'all better watch my 2.5 hour political analysis of dead rising now :^)
that's what almost any good comedy does
The state of my heavy brother
Could you imagine listening to autistic weebs like this and missing out on OTR? I shudder to think...
>this asshole knocks me down to 1 hp
>don't want to waste 5 fucking mins doing the tank battle for a 3rd time
>just say fuck it and wail on him as he blocks
>expect him to do something so I can maybe figure out his pattern
>he doesn't do shit but block and I see he's taking damage in pixels
you bet I mashed m1 for that easy win
I played this game for the first time last month and oh boy what I missed. Without the experience system it would be perfection.
Am i the only person who likes all except for 4?
You'll enjoy 2/OTR if you enjoyed 1, it's actually a good game. I stopped about an hour into 3, it was pretty meh, and 4 looks godawful.
Drink spitfire before getting in the car also works because spitfire lasts for an infinity and a half minutes.
How fucking fast you need to bring that medicine?
You don't really need to do anything but double lariat over and over anyway though.
Wow, you guys ain't my boy, you ain't even heavy. Way to fuck up the song.
>sexual deviant in Dead Rising 1
>either an actual fat female cop or some girl that is pretending to be one (never clear)
>uses a baton and stun gun
>sexual deviant in Dead Rising 2
>some fat fuck in some kind of bunny leather gimp outfit
>uses a pink chainsaw
It's like the leafs tried to do the same thing
>grab the shotgun in the very first area of the game when you get swamped by zombies
>shoot them with it
wow that was so hard
I didn't know how to lariat until later by accident in infinity mode. I held Alt+attack like it said but didn't know I had to hold shift too.
>playing with keyboard
if it weren't for the profit motive dead rising 4 wouldn't have been such a complete embarrassment, and the criticism of capitalism is what inspired Dead Rising in the first place :^)
Sure thing retard
Autistic DR2 fanboys are much worse, especially when OTR still have shitty mechanics and animations
Dead Rising wouldn't exist without Dawn of the Dead which is basically a 2 hour obliteration of consumerism, and Dead Rising is critical as fuck of contemporary America too
Video games wouldn't fucking exist in a communist world you fucking moron.
Can any Slav or Chink spies in this japanese anime board confirm or deny that statement?
i was so excited for two, then it came out and it was boring, they fucked up the zombies ai to add more in screen, the casino wasnt half as good as the original mall, the protagonist was generic, they got rid of the camera and added that crappy weapons creation shit for the reddit maymays
i never finished dead rising two, i dont think i even got to the bad ending without the extended two days thing either
Tetris anyone?
In seriousness the USSR and China were clearly not any kind of regime I particularly support and one of their many flaws was they focused little on what ordinary people actually wanted rather than grand engineering projects, but even in the USSR there was a culture industry, communist movies and rock music, it's hardly like democratic socialism rules out producing vidja in the modern age.
Nah, DR1 autists like are much worse.
did classes get suspended today user?
>In seriousness the USSR and China were clearly not any kind of regime I particularly support
There it is, boys
>marxist media
>less than 1k subscriptors
>3 hours long
>dead rising one political analisis in 2017
how can this be real?
>China and USSR weren't real communists so true communism has never been implemented
Get the fuck out of here kid
You beat me to it, thanks bud.
I'm glad i'm not the only one laughing at this spectacle.
Do you also post on Sup Forums fighting in some political 'war'?
Never said no such thing as real communism though :^)
they literally weren't communist since communism means post-currency post-scarcity. they were arguably socialist but like I said they clearly had many problems. That said the USSR was still better than Russia was and is now and the majority of RUs wish it would return.
Holy fuck the delusional kike in this post.
How much does Soros pay you?
It must be a lot for you to shill this hard
>and the third reich weren't nazis, because they weren't all blonde and blue eyed
your argument is on this level
Is saving survivors and killing psychopaths super Important? I can't defeat the convicts and getting people like leah (leg injury woman) across the field is too difficult.
If cuba is so great then why the fuck are there hordes of wetbacks in florida?
Feet Lock in place
Dead rising one is garbage but the second one is goat.
They give you exp and you need that to survive.
>That said the USSR was still better than Russia was and is now and the majority of RUs wish it would return.
This has to be satire, holy fuck oh i am laffin
>using guns at all
Absolutely disgusting
Also since you can craft and fuse melee weapons in two that makes it even better
Two is just so damn good
>Do you also post on Sup Forums fighting in some political 'war'?
Nah, that's dumb, I'm /leftypol/. I just brought my vid up since I saw this topic and want more views.
heres your (you)
my cheques have actually been bouncing lately, that's why I need to get more views on my vids, help a brother out yeah?
They were economic migrants the same way Sup Forums accuses all Muslims of being, not refugees. There was no large scale political repression in Cuba compared to the USSR or other dictatorships and Castro encouraged anyone who was butthurt their property got redistributed and wanted to go buy a cadillac to fuck off to America, which America encouraged with the wet foot dry foot policy which gave them instant citizenship.
the truth hurts Sup Forums but it will set you free :^)
I know that, I just don't want to get locked out from completing the game.
Was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
What the fuck is going on in this Dead Rising thread?
The only thing you need to do to complete the game is finish the main missions. You can ignore every other mission if you want.
You don't have to do them your first play through but if you stop playing the game before you replay it to do a perfect 50 survivor run you are a filthy casual
they started it, but dead rising is an explicitly political game
Alright, thanks.
>no repression in communist USSR
That's bullshit and you know it, they were racist as hell to Asians and non russians, especially poles
Hope you starve or bounce off a bridge
T. Pole
I said unlike the USSR, learn to read nigga.
>economic migrants leaving cuba instead of trying to get in
Gee, what does this say about socialism?
There was no artistic freedom unless it was approved by the government, which was very difficult if you weren't significant. All statues, art and media was controlled by the government. It would be up to them if they wanted video games.
T Slav spy
>mfw there's a survivor on the first day trapped in a closet I never knew about and I almost got 50 while doing the main story too except when Jessie, Brad, and Barnaby die it drops down to 47
Made me stop playing a couple days after I had to get ending B because I saved the day Isabella was shot. Glad my girl Jessie survives but still angry and now I just kill every survivor.
Does anyone know if I'm on the right track with 22,100 zombie kills with 53 hours left is good enough to get whatever unlockable weapon?
So then when I went to Cuba everyone was living in concrete half finished housed and everyone was begging riding in horse carts and looking famished as fuck.
Fucking hell Jamaicans populated regions looked better than Cuba, it's a shit hole. Why do people keep running to Florida if it's so great then?
Great thread
Wonderful really
Cuba was poor as shit when the revolution happened and it still is compared to the US, obviously, it has almost no natural resources and the half century long embargo by the worlds biggest economy right next door has taken a toll but it's actually a good place to live with good healthcare unlike almost everywhere else in the Caribbean. If we emulated Cuba style leadership in the first world (with more democracy obviously but there's a reason Castro lived and Allende died) I believe we could achieve true utopia.
That's literally the same as McCarthyism was though.
Oh yeah don't try to do the achievements without a guide, they are very opaque and assholish, and as for Zombie Genocider, you're on the right track yeah but don't do it by hand, go into the underground tunnels and drive a car back and forth to get it.
you are fake news, there's no starvation in Cuba and as I said they are not very materially wealthy (it's true they haven't had any cars imported since the 50s iirc) but it is a far better place to live than ie. Haiti which was similar economically in the 50s but followed the neoliberal free market plan to prosperity instead and got fucked by multinational corporations.
Fucking commie faggot.
Is that Michael Rooker?
>Dead Rising thread
>start talking about communism
If USSR cinema analogy is to go by, there would be a lot of lighthearted games that dont have any political agenda. AKA approved games
Most of the Nintendo games would be approved