This game is pretty fun...

This game is pretty fun. Especially when you manage to survive a raid after bringing your most expensive stuff in for the first time and risking everything for the sake of dubious profit.

Lets hope this game gets Completed By 2019 spring

tell me about this game, op

Escape From Tarkov

>not mentioning the massive desync
>not mentioning the dev's previous game that was never fully released

Fuck off, shill.

no offline single player
no buy

>talking about positive aspect of game instead of pointing out everything that's wrong about it = shilling
this is what we became


Don't respond to the faggots who say "shilling" They are literal (you) seekers.

How's the gun play and is there a decent amount of content?

Just wait 'til you wipe your first four man squad as a solo and make off with all their gear. Feels fucking good man. Now if only we could get good servers, remove the hackers, fix the hatchling plague, and wipe gamma glitchers' stashes.

Gun play is great. Barrel movement through walking affects where you will shooting at. Not just make crosshairs bigger. For example when limping shooting with anything bigger than the pistols on the run is impossible.
It has lotsa nice features like adjusting walking speed, walking height, extensive modding of the guns and that tense looting feeling.
But on the other hand there are some bad desync issues and the SCAVs (NPC or player controlled NPCs) are spawning in right behind you sometimes is just not thought out. Same goes with SCAVs just spawning in 5 minutes in the raid and being able to steal high class loot such as M4s.
Contentwise there are 4 Raids Right now (Woods, Customs, Factory, Shoreline) and not much else to be done then grinding out traders to get western weapons or Spetznas weapons.
Next update is scheduled for a month or so and comes with a wipe.

There is no mag?

>spawn into customs
>breaks both legs immediately and slowly bleed out because devs haven't fixed the bug yet

I don't like all or nothing gameplay. It's repetitive and way too common in survival games

>Not having a medkit and splints ready in your safe container
You weren't going to do a hatchling run, weren't you?

one medkit, one bandage, one splint plus a dorm key

not enough to fix both legs

post your babies

AI-2 Kit or why the bandage?
Next time buy some lamps of skier and sell them to Peacekeeper and get an IFAK makes things easier for you and allows for more splints or even twice morphine

good to know, thanks

why should i pay 45 bucks for an indie game thats still in alpha

you shouldn't. buy yourself some prey and xcom2 for less

one of the worst optics imo

escape from desync

is it on steam?

it will be

fuck off shill - we already have one multiplayer-only shitfest, we don't need another one that looks even more bland.

wow what a shit

how much did they pay you for shilling this game? is it more than for trading steam cards?

I've seen this game posted a lot lately and i'm sorry to say but this shit of a game will die quickly.

i meant "shill" of course

poorfag spotted


the fuck is the point of risking ur expensive gear if you are just going to get garbage

yes? post both sides not just positives like wtf shill

Expensive gear = deadlier more accurate etc. = getting kills more easily = more exp and take their shit


Go back to coding, Sasha. Start shilling when the game is somewhat decent.

the fuck is the point in storing expensive gear if its going to get wiped anyway

no point of playing if there is going to be another wipe

too late Ivan, pubg rains supreme

so you can post images on reddit and get upboats

Hacker-infested desynced shitfest with glitchers sprinkled on top of it. Presentation sucks, too; most of the streamers promoting the game are huge pissypants whiners.

>42 ips
>24 posters
Reminder that the devs called STALKER "paranormal shit"

can someone tell me what the fuck is this thing even supposed to be?
A random matchmake arena shooter with loot?
I know they went into utterly autistic lengths with gun models and behaviors and animations are pretty neat, but what the fuck do actually do in it?

I watched ShillCap's gameplay and saw him blocked by 2 cardbord boxes in the first 15.


looting shooting game with item and skill progression, only gun nerds will buy it

Like clockwork, good job shills.
That's how Sup Forums has always worked. There's being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian then there's creating a facetious thread that doesn't even acknowledge the huge as fuck desync and bug problems. Anyone who wasn't shilling the game would sound nothing like OP.

Every fucking tarkov thread is filled to the brim with shills. fuck off, no one wants to play this garbage

>thread about game is filled with people who want to talk about game
You're easily the smartest person on this site, keep up the good work.

AKM when?

how do i even get to play this game

i want to so bad, since the graphics and weapon models are so good

fuck off, shill. If you can't see the obvious shilling in this thread and be capable of differentiating it from actual game discussion then you're either a retard or a shill

should come with the next big update
you can already buy some of the attachments


dont know probably a month

No single player?

post AKs



I'm surprised devs are actually working on the game, though they'll run off with the money after a year. Not falling for the early access, but I'll look into the game more after the full release