

tube from, metroid

Completing a Pokedex in any Pokemon game.

CodZombies easter egg quests.


A bunch of old Sierra games

FF14 Savage content

Sonic 3

Original tomb raider games are pretty fucky sometimes.

Especially the secrets.

True ending of P.T.

those puzzles were crazy hard

Literally Grim Fandango

Armed and Delirious.

I doubt anybody has ever beaten that game without a guide

la mulana
some of those 'puzzles' are near impossible to see unless someone tells you the specific group of pixels among screens of identical looking ones you need to do shit on

Cave Story

no clue how you were supposed to figure out the true ending

La mulana

Indiana Jones for the atari

Fallout New Vegas


Yume 2kki

Last Remnant

The Last Remnant

That game dungeon was so good.

>tfw I actually figured how to get the true ending without looking at any guides
I don't think anyone will ever believe me.

>beat game without getting true ending
>game literally tells you the key to getting true ending hinged on prof booster surviving

I cannot believe how far videogames have advanced


Retards. Take notes and try harder.

Hell Temple is the only thing impossible to find without a guide because it was designed to be an ARG with people sharing information.

Lost Odyssey

technically no game fits that description since if it has a .00000001% chance you just randomly lucking your way through the game then it isn't literally impossible. a game that i consider figuratively impossible to beat without guides is pic related. at the end of the game you have to backtrack all the way to the beginning and find a small pixel sized rock in a sea of identical rocks then give it to a specific NPC that gives no hint of wanting it. its fucking perplexing how the devs thought it would be possible to figure out, and even more perplexing how someone did figure it out

Star Trek for the Genesis.

Man, we had that shit and I probably tried like 10+ attempts at it between the ages of 3 and 8, never could figure it out

DK64, not only did you have to get the high score on the machine you had to go back and beat your highscore to continue on, keep in mind nothing in the game even tells you to play the arcade game.

Non-meme answer coming through

People have done it
It would take upwards of 1000 hours to find everything by chance, but that isn't unreasonable for the Pokémon fanbase.


you just have to beat the game twice, no need to beat your high score. I do agree it was strange that nintendo/atari coins were required to beat the game rather than easter egg/secret collectibles, and the nintendo coin was definitely the last thing I got when I played the game as a kid.

Digimon World


Addams Family for NES

1? No way that was easy

Getting every hidden collectible in GTA V

It's a logic puzzle game so hard, the dev made the final levels basically expecting/forcing people to "crowdfund solutions".
I refuse to and holy shit I'm never going to beat it. I just can't. Once every couple months I boot it up and just can't make any progress. This game has reduced me to a husk of a caveman.

>impossible to beat

Nigga that game was a joke to beat without a guide, the question isn't "get 100% in"

Valkyrie profile

Year 2 was beyond bullshit.

Bioshock Infinite

Look up on how to get Regigigas in ORAS.

Armed & Delirious

That goes for all the GTA collectables really. As far as I know there were never any hints to tell you where the packages were

This is a logical impossibility, as anything that can be described in a guide can also be achieved via brute force repetition.

EYE Divine Cybermancy.

there are a few puzzles in tales of symphonia that makes absolutely no sense but with a huge amount of trial/error you can solve it

>This is a logical impossibility
Not ever since "literally" stopped meaning "literally".

Getting the Fierce Diety's mask in Majora Mask going in blind would be way too chancy on timing and obscure shit.

Of course just beating the final boss isn't hard at all, but its not really the entirety of the game.

Brandish for the SNES. There was a pitfall puzzle towards the end of the game where the in game answer key to the puzzle was flat out wrong, and the only way to get past it was to call a 1-900 number to get the real answer to the puzzle.

The Bobblehead search in Fallout 3
Specifically the bobbleheads in the manhole next to the radio station and Rockopolis.
Who the fuck would ever find that without a guide, pure luck, or being crazy obsessed with Fallout 3

I just wrote GTA V because it's the biggest map, but yeah, even in GTA 3 and VC it's fucking ridiculous

Yume Nikki was datamined from day one, the guides were written from combing through the game's code rather than discovering stuff via trial and error.
I'm very confident in saying nobody, NOBODY has ever came close to beating Yume Nikki without a guide/datamining.

Name a mask that you don't get through storyline events that isn't described with an exact time window in the bombers notebook.

The only one I can think of that's super missable is the stone mask, the guy has an entry in the bomber's notebook but you won't even find him to add him to it without a guide.

8 chan

Takeshi's Challenge

Gods will be watching.

Dark Souls

>tfw you found the entrance by mistake while fighting albino radscorpions

Posting Takeshi's Challenge is basically cheating.

Secret of Evermore

Wizardy IV, maybe? Especially if you're going for the true end.

So is using walkthroughs

Zelda 2 links awakening.

I mean, the use of the word "literally" in the OP means that it is honestly one of the few games that truly applies

I don't think such a thing exists. Every game ever exists to be beaten in some way, that's the point of the game. Even if the dev purposely made it so you randomly die in the middle of a mission, and the credits roll and that's truly the end, you've reached the end of the game so really you've beaten it. Even if a game exists that took 500 years to beat you could just pass it down a line of people. I really don't see a literally impossible to beat game being able to exist.

adventure..... my bad

You think the campaign is hard? It doesn't even come close to some research net levels

FFX-2, if you're going for 100% completion.

Ultima underworld 2: become a bottle edition

Takeshi's Challenge

Seriously how is that nobody mentioned this game yet?

with o4s having wild charge mechanic, a mechanic almost NEVER used. I can't blame you for saying that

I'll admit, I had to look up how to progress in that game too. I remember going to a bookstore and finding those cheat guides back in the games section and just looking up the answer without paying for the book. It was that place you had to use the SPELL spell to open the door. As I recall, there were absolutely no hints as to where and when you had to do this. That and finding the hidden village with the hammer by breaking the trees.

One of the very, very few true answers to this question. No, games like La-Mulana where people give up on solving puzzles on their own don't come close to the pure bullshit of this game.

>OP asks for unfair games
>Posts unfair game

King's Quest 6. You're actually required to use the game's manual, due to a puzzle in the game only having its answer inside that manual, as a form of copy protection when the game came out. If you play the game, you either need the physical manual, or you're going to have to go to the Sierra Help Pages online.

Kamaro's Mask requires stumbling upon it during the first two nights in the overmap on a random mushroom rock and also the Stone Mask as you said.

Don Gero's Mask also is hidden well.
All-Night Mask is really shitty.

And of course the couple mask is a real bitch as well but doable if you are careful with the notebook.

If we add great fairy pieces its even worse with some of the randomly placed fake walls.

How are you meant to know to look in the shadows?

Silent Hill 3 on the hardest puzzle difficulty

Underrated post

Looking at this game, It's not literally impossible to beat. Maybe it would take a very, very, very long time. But someone would eventually beat it, if you kept passing down notes from generations assuming it takes that long.

More like Takeshi's mental challenge, right? you fucking retard

crash bandicoot n sane trilogy

Actually getting Don Gero's mask is tricky but at least you see the goron wearing it in plain sight, and most of the stuff required to get the meat is stuff you might try anyway (game shows you a torch lighting and I'd try lighting all the torches anyway just to see if anything happens).

All Night Mask is extremely missable but if you meet the bomb lady or figure out how Sakon and the curiosity shop work you can do it, definitely extremely hard to figure out.

Kamaro and Stone would be the two hardest guideless, I think, as long as you know how to actually interpret the bomber's notebook.

Do you want a game that asks for a password that no man or conventional computer could brute force in a million years? That's asinine, how about games that are really hard without a guide instead?

>Entire dynasties form dedicated to finishing a game from the 80s

OP's picture says literally impossible. I'm taking it seriously, a game like that can't exist. For the sake of being precise you could say "basically impossible".
Well yeah you could pass the game onto your sons so they can work on it after you're dead.

Not so if you just do a couple of New Game +

Although I admit a first 100% play-through is close to impossible, even with a guide there were times I was somehow missing .2 percent of some shit.

wild charge mechanic?

Nah designing an impossible to beat game is trivial, you just have to make it more time restrictive than the lifespan of the sun or heat death of universe etc

Like; the game is to replicate each possible board position in the game of Go, but you can only input one board position every year. Definitely beatable, just not in our universe

Although, OP is asking for games literally unbeatable without a guide, but beatable with. Such games I do not think could exist.

Kagetsu Tohya

Kamaro's not that bad since the music plays while he's there and he's there all night. If you're north of Clock Town for any reason at night you'll hear his song and the mushrooms are hard to miss.

All Night Mask is probably the most bullshit once since you need to miss the Bomb Lady, and Stone Mask unless you're paying attention with the Lens of Truth.

Personally some of the Great Fairy pieces I found to be the most bullshit


Cave story I guess? Also la mulana or what it's name was

you are "literally" an idiot
Someone had to beat it first for a guide to be made