What are you doing while waiting for your next anticipated game to come out?

What are you doing while waiting for your next anticipated game to come out?

I'm just drinking alcohol and discussin the fight with friends while waiting for absolver

What system should I get this for? I have a PC and PS4.

cant wait for this shitty game to flop


playing old mmos like I always do

imagine the "success" story of For Honor, now imagine that story without Ubisoft's marketing budget.

oh dear

Who cares, a much better game is coming out in the same day and it's called rock of ages 2. It's not even close.

>shilling for a bad version of for honor with awful art and character design

At least the for honor characters looked half way decent.

There is literally nothing to get excited for about absolver, even the title is shit lol.

>4 styles
shit is going to die in a month

>give the game to literally every streamer a few days ago
>already down to 200 viewers
>shitty gameplay
>characters are martial artists yet they all look like skinny numales
>armor all looks awful
>animations are glitchy as fuck
>single player is 3 hours long and AI is complete garbage

I have no idea why the gam get bashed so much but I'll probably go for the Kahlt Method playstyle. Boring people will pick Forsaken, pansies will pick Windfall and every special snowflake will go for Stagger.

Because it looks like literal shit you retart

salty 4honor fags
>Get hype for a pure competitive dark souls pvp
>Its jank as fuck
>Filled with bugs that are never fixed
>Awful servers
>See someone else getting a similar title

>At least for honor characters looked halfway decent
They didn't look like anything. They looked like generic knights, samurai and vikings. I'm not saying Absolver looks good or bad, but holy shit For Honor looked uninspired as fuck.

this game could have been interesting if they decided to not be lazy and make it a tight single player karate arpg. something like jade empire in modern times

But no, of course they went >muh total multiplayer grinding awesomenezz

And killed any chance of originality. Better luck next time i guess.

IDK I liked the design, nothing was way too over the top which I appreciated after being stuck on the wow treadmill for 10 years.

>jade empire in modern times
Why the fuck would it be in modern times? It's supposed to be a karate quest simulator.
>And killed any chance of orginiality
Point to 4 games like Absolver

>single player is 3 hours long

You have got to be shitting me. I hope these assholes go bankrupt because of this garbage

When i said “in modern times“ i simply meant a game made today

I dunno, for honor, blade symphony, it's all the same shit.

>characters are martial artists yet they all look like skinny numales
You mustn't know many martial artists.

>killed any chance of originality
>by not making it like Jade Empire


So the combat works like for honor? pass.

Stupid focus on competetive multiplayer as be all end all and laughably low amount of content killed all the hype i had for this game too. Devs didn't even play to strengths of the direction they choose either. Customization is really lacking both in clothes and style/moves departments.

It feels like giving it out to streamers was dumb marketing move all in all, as people who were interested in the game watched everything it could offer thrice over on streams.

That's a good point i guess. I meant something in the vein of JE, since there really isn't any other rpg like it.

No it doesn't.

>implying I even played For Honor

>Stupid focus on competetive multiplayer as be all end all and laughably low amount of content killed all the hype i had for this game too.
They'll keep doing it though. Devs want that delicious espurtz money and if that doesn't work out, fall back on loot crates.
It takes next to nothing in resources to make a multiplayer game these days, and the potential payoff is enormous.

Giving it out over a week beforehand was pretty insane. If they did it on like the weekend before release it'd be fine.

how many people are going to buy loot crates when there are a couple hundred people left playing the game though?

generic knights are better than whatever garbage absolver is trying to be

I've never played For Honor, do you also do your own combos here? Because I only watched a couple of gameplay videos a few months ago and it looked like you fought by picking the direction of your strike or your guard in the middle of the fight.

Is it really like Absolver at all, gameplay-wise?

this is why you should never back kickstarter indie shit. all the promised featueres pale in comparison to shit like this

They don't plan on having a small playbase user.

>It feels like giving it out to streamers was dumb marketing move all in all, as people who were interested in the game watched everything it could offer thrice over on streams.
Not really, if you assume the focus of the game is multiplayer fights and the storymode is basically the intro to it, it'd make sense. I mean no one buy fighting games because they saw how the story mode ended.

Then they're fucking dumb because it's going to happen

They didn't really advertise it in such vein though, by early previews and all the talks you could think it will be karate souls with a bit more social aspect with schools, mentors and such. Not 2.5 tiny maps, cryptic bullshit story and lobby to matchmake into bo5 duels without health reset between rounds. I am seriously baffled by how much of low effort they put into content.

>I mean no one buy fighting games because they saw how the story mode ended.
Meant to say "no one doesn't buy"

You mean generic martial artists? Man you're one angry cunt, huh?

If it's actually true that the single player segment is only 3 hours long then the game has been falsely advertised, plain and simple. On a no mans sky levels almost. I remember the first gameplay videos with one of the devs, he talked about “you can explore this vast gameworld on your own and decide for yourself if you meet people or not, yadda blah blah blah“. Just blatant lying in that case.

I think the character designs are pretty cool :3

Why can't anyone just make a fucking Triple-A version of Infinity Blade with high replay value because of multiple routes???
That's all I fucking want from these types of "Masked character warrior" games!

Was going to buy Absolver but I decided to preorder Redout for ps4 at the last second because it seemed like a safer bet. I have recently became a poorfag for the time being with my grad school situation so I am stressing my purchasing decisions way more. Also I HAVE to buy Windjammers so fuck me. This month has raped my wallet.

It wasn't advertised as such, and even so having a good expansive storymode is always a plus in fighting games. Hell i remember T6 as fondly exactly because of its storymode and singleplayer content.

"big" broadcasters and people who got in early access are already done with it; I was interested but not anymore.

Playing a game for a good end-game pvp but it's against only the same 10 people or so is no fun. (yes, I bought Battleborn, not again.)

>This month has raped my wallet.
How the fuck? This month is the epitome of a drought, with every interesting release being in september or autumn in general.

>hurr durr look at me how I wasted 60 bucks on fh, now I'm gonna talk shit about your game to feel better
Why am I even still coming to this place?

yeah skinny twink faggots in stylized graphics look so much better than some for honor knight, for honor is awful but at least it looks appealing


i'm so sorry user
no i'm not, you should be better off dying than wasting your life for this uninspired shit

>yes, I bought Battleborn


well OP said waiting for next anticipated game, fortunately it isnt absolver

The only thing for honor has missing is good gameplay

How the fuck does Absolver qualify as uninspired shit. Go ahead, explain it to me. Do you only look at graphics to decide if a game is good or not?

Deus Vult XD!!

My anticipated game already came out 2 days ago. Was playing my backlog to pass the time. It's a good habit.

>people can't like the aesthetics of for honor without being a crusader larper

fuck right off


Like what? Destiny?

Right, they could also be a weeb.

Name? Is a city building game?

>watch a couple of gameplay videos
>read an interview from the dev
>think this look ok, probably won't get PUBG-level of community but it's an indie studio so they probably don't need that much buyers
>comes to Sup Forums
>everybody hates it for reasons unrelated to the gameplay

I'm not surprised but I'm not not disappointed either.

>Blue Reflection
>GW2 expansion
>Ni No Kuni 2
>South Park
>probably Underrail expansion
>Ys 7
>a bunch of indie shit that i am interested in but nobody in here gives a shit about

tell me about them indie games, user

Boy do I super not care about any of those. For me it was
Pyre (waited a couple weeks on)
Sonic Mania
Darius Burst Chronicles DLC the went on sale
preordered Redout
still really want to play Absolver and Yakuza Kiwami

You can search them on steam so i just dump the names, decide if you like it or not for yourself.
>NITE Team 4
>City of Brass
>Into the Breach
>Card City Nights 2
>Inquisitor Martyr

>awful art and character design
Exactly. I can't stand this crap Torchlight art.

I watched some streamer play with hand to hand combat fights.

It looked pretty cool at first, but then it looked repetitive and boring. Fights went on for about 10 minutes spamming the same combos.

I like For Honor and I was thinking about getting this as well, but the weapons and looks of the characters don't really look appealing. Everyone in the game is just a lanklet fighting with their fists.

They look nothing alike.

I was somewhat interested in the game.
Being a monk in training, challenging or helping other players in the wild, become a master so you can teach apprentices, that's a cool concept.

But it look like to me the game world is really fucking devoid of life and interesting things to discover and explore, and the combat looks somewhat bland.

Also the sound effects when you punch shit isn't satisfying.

Eh, I'm cautiously optimistic about Absolver. Gonna wait til the reviews come in Helps that there's several games coming out that I'm interested in getting over the next few months

> Absolver
> Divinity OS 2 full release
> Dusk full release

Torchlight is way better, we're talking Necropolis tier graphisms here with Absolver.

this, fortnite, torchlight, absolver, gigantic. all looks like the same shit

>I know nothing about artstyles
This is why anything is possible and anyone can be successful, some people have shit for eyes/brains.
Thank you user, take care.

not him but it's either stylized or not

How does Necropolis look anything like Absolver? Are you legally blind user?

sorry your stylized garbage doesn't fly with people who have taste and aren't underage

>all looks like the same shit
You're blind nigga.

Sorry you had to learn it this way.

>taste is objective
what's your next post, defending how the colour Blue is the prettiest of them all?