These games were boring walking simulators that basically doubled down on the worst most boring parts of Half Life 2...

These games were boring walking simulators that basically doubled down on the worst most boring parts of Half Life 2. I'm glad the series is dead.

Prove me wrong faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ep 1 was good.


Episode 2 > HL2 > Episode 1

They were good.


HL2 was a horrible vehicle segment tech demo for half the game and you barely ever saw aliens, it did nothing but spit on everything half life 1 did.
The episodes made it much better

Episode One is short and drags in the beginning, but overall has some of the best shooting sequences in the series.

underage contrarian cancer needs to go.

What an awful opinion

there were too many cutscenes, I agree, and the gameplay in each was equivalent to a mod

but the whole point of episodic was to crank out installments in a shorter development cycle. I think valve's biggest mistake was pouring so much effort into episode two, they overhauled and added so much to the engine that it really was too much for episodic imo. the games themselves had short, managable plotlines but when you're rewriting the lighting and animation systems in tandem and adding new enemies and vehicles it's easy to take too long, spend too much, and lose sight of the forest for the trees.

ep1 > ep2

The only redeeming part about Episode 1 was the hospital, that flashlight section near the beginning sucked and that escort section near the end sucked

Tell me 3 redeeming things about hl2 long and tedious vehicle section and why these things had to be on a game series where shooting and alien designs on a restrictive environment

Then tell me if you seriously think ravenholm and everything after these sections are worse sections.

Episode 2 was short but is unironically my favorite single player FPS.

honestly episode 2 was hl2 but compressed plus u had a constant companion which was alyx and a vort till like the very end where u defend against an army of striders. i mean u even had ravenholm just alot smaller..

>i dont like thing!

You're wrong. Episode 2 was a driving simulator

t. i haven't played the games
episodes were all the GOOD things from HL2

Anybody see the negative review spam on Dota 2 for half life 3? Seems like autistic "reeeeeing".


What sucks is that when Half life 2 was good it was really fucking good, but when it sucked it REALLY sucked. Ravenholm and Entanglement are some of favorite FPS levels of all time but shit like Lost Coast is just so boring with one good moment being the bridge battle. This is your mind on shitty play testers

I seriously can't.

Half-Life 2 was a shitfest.

Tried playing HL2 recently. Shooting in this game sucks, obviously most of the "effort" went into the gimmicky gravity bullshit.

Gunplay is much better in Far Cry or F.E.A.R.

Later on I got stuck on some stupid puzzle and unistalled.

>stuck on puzzles a 12yo could solve

I can only think of one "puzzle" and that is putting concrete blocks on a teeter. You can't be a very smart.

I could have also looked it up on GameFags but I didn't want to.
The game wasn't enjoyable enough for me to want to continue.

The physics gimmick got old fast, shooting was weak, story not that great.

If I played it 10 years ago or so and not now after all the hype and praise how amazing it is, I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more.

>yfw the first time seeing the chimneys collapse

Episode 1 & 2 were pretty solid & you can thank them (or hate them) for the likes of Bioshock Infinite & The Last of Us

Episode 2 though was a bit dumbed down due to playtesters, quite a few segments were gutted due to casual fuckheads

Episode 2 is godlike

Maybe he got stuck on putting the plastic barrels under the ramp?

What about the citadel? The antlion part from Ep 2 was utter bullshit.

EP2 is up there in my top 10 FPSes

absolute children in this thread

spoken like someone that played them long after their time

if only the majority of walking sims had even half the gameplay content of a half life game. neck yourself

I played hl1 back in the day and thought it was great, but never got the chance to play hl2. Back when ep1 came out I played it and enjoyed it, though if you ask me I can't remember a single thing about the game besides barney getting in a train at some point. It still was enough to make me give hl2 a try and it was a bore. I will never understand why people enjoy it so much and don't tell me it's just because it aged horribly. Sure it did, but at the time ep1 came out hl2 still wasn't old enough for that to be an excuse.

Meanwhile hl1 has aged fantastically and it's still fun to play.

Alex looks better than anything from ME:A.

Dog was a cool character.

Opposite for me. I enjoy playing through Half life 2 frequently but I can maybe play through 1 like once a year. It's just not very appealing visually.

HL1 was a boring corridor simulator for half the game and it barely presents any challenge, it did nothing but spit on everything Quake did.