What are some of the worst drop rates in games Sup Forums?

What are some of the worst drop rates in games Sup Forums?

>Pic related.


Pure Bladestone

Fuck that noise.

ragnarok thread?

I feel terribad for everyone who had to or has to work for ragnarok, it had the first most efficient bot in the MMO realm, and to this day it still has one of the most efficient bots.
being in charge of antibot in bRO/iRO must be fucking hell

The Axe
fucking plantera and its shit drop rates

Rathian Ruby

>anti bot

0.00003% chance and only from the very last act in the game.

Runescape pets are pretty ridiculous

But the whole point of Diablo 2 is to grind, so why is that an issue?

>that one fucker who had the GTB card and was litterally a celebrity in the server just because he had it

Their entire protocol was in plaintext and the game itself had very little inplace to prevent cheating. At launch on iRO the entire talent tree was available from lvl 1, but hidden. When you got your first talent point you could assign it anywhere you wanted with the right program.

it is when i want it to drop and it does everything in its fucking power not to drop, then it drops frequently when I already have it or dont want it.

reeeeeeeeeeeee now I am mad because it feels like rng fucks with me every single fucking time and does the opposite of what I want


good times
but the only reason the packet based bot was created because the entire fucking thing got leaked on day 1
without it, people would've ran memory based bots and shit

>he doesn't make regular sacrifices to RNJesus
For shame. Also, 4

I actually found one of these once off Pindleskin. Sold it on D2JSP and got accused of buying my account since it has an old reg-date.

If you mentioned D2JSP used to be a bot, you get banned from their site

People defending RNG drops are the reason videogames now have cash shops that sell drop rate modifiers.


Pic related also broke game balance in half for any guild that actually obtained one.

What did it do?



MMO has some of the shittiest drop rate ever. Boss that spawn every 3 hours and require you to race with 200 other people to kill it has item with droprate 0.1%? You fucking what.

Made you immune to all magic, but your mana consumption doubled.

It made you immune to being affected by and kind of magic or magical damage.
This included healing magic and buffs but realistically it meant nothing since you would just swap the equipment off to let a priest buff you.

Actually I'm pretty sure that card required you to be the MVP for it to even drop, AND had a 0.01% drop rate on top of that.

>race 300 people
Kek, more like race that one asura champion soloing it that has the exact time of when the boss will respawn.

2 Cham Runes + 1 Flawless Emerald --> Zod Rune

It's nice that RO eventually got an anime redemption.

Those are nothing. Immortal Reactors are even worse.

Then, worse than that are getting guild quests in MH4U that aren't total shit, and then trying to get a good relic. Even people who cheat in stacks of Beshackled weapons have trouble finding a perfect relic because of RNG.

>asura champion
>for MVPs
maybe for shitty pservers

The guild quest and relic grind is the only thing I really disliked about 4u.
It just dragged engame into a horrible endless grind.


forgetting the invisible chest with the invisible bow in it (like 1 in 10000 chance or something i think), cerobei steppe has chests with 1 in 1000 chance to get them each time you enter the area. This is basically the only way to get decked out with highest tier armor (which is 100% necessary for the end game content, it is equivalent to gaining 20 levels on each character), and you have six characters. theres two pieces for each set so your looking at getting 12 pieces of armor with a 1 in 1000 drop rate. You could get 1 set of each type for free though in 100% guaranteed chests in certain dungeons but you're still looking at 10 pieces of armor at a 1 in 1000 chance. actually some of them have even worse odds i think.

anyways just cast cura and hit yourself and get your armor the easy way.

Phantasy Star Online is the king of this

These fuckers at ql100

Ep1&2 increased them to saner rates, but they're still really low.

I never played with bot since i never played on the shitty official server.
So keep that to yourself.

What's your favorite RO card tho.

>tfw played diablo 2 for thousands of hours and never found a single high rune
>never had a single broken runeword weapon or enigma armor
am i just unlucky or how did everyone and their mom get this shit? i grinded chaos sanctuary and worldstone keep all day and never got anything better than uniques or high end set items

I really wish they had a mobile port of PSO. I realize now how I'd play the shit out of that.

are you trying to imply the concept that private servers didn't have bots?

also pservs were always garbage, somehow even more garbage than officials

What was even the point? Its not like you even need a very upgraded weapon to make it past the game.


Doing that now. First time I played, I didn't even fuck with any of that because hell now. On the plus side, most of the equipment is now a drop of Great Crystal, 1 time with 25% spawn. Which is crazy better.

Shame they updated the Hunt Club to have Genji Gloves, because all the other loot is also the top tier stuff but you would be crazy to not have a second pair of Genji Gloves.

Invincible, 659 runs and counting

Dude what? I didn't have any gear from there and I got the platinum.

You don't need a second pair really. I only had one pair and they weren't even really useful. Yiazmat came down to a ranged battle and the Judges were magic/esper spam.

This is why games need a second-tier of guaranteed drops over RNG.
For instance, if you have a 1/1000 chance of getting a drop from an enemy, or a chest that respawns when you enter a room. Then the game should keep a running tally on your kills/entry attempts. If you don't get a drop by the 500th kill or 1000th chest opening, it should guarantee give you one on those final attempts.
For instance, getting the invisible bow i nFFXII. There is a 1/100 chance the chest shows and then a 1/100 chance the bow is in it. I had to re-enter the screen 466 times for the chest to appear ONCE. That is bullshit.

Objectively the best card artwork in the entire game.

For single player games, I agree with you.

For MMOs, generally the idea is that ultra rare items should be ultra rare and only a few people are ever going to see them. If enough people are playing the game there's going to be some in circulation anyway, regardless of how low the droprate is.

Sealed J Sword.

Still hunting that cunt of a thing. And still don't have a completed Guld: Milla or Sange&Yasha.

are those all fucking varistas and db sabers

Patapon 3 Green Equip

>34 total pieces of equip
>extremely low chances
>if by miracle you get one, the chance for a second one is halved
>if you sell your soul and get 4 of them, chances literally become 0
>if you acquire them through codes/hacking they won't give stats

I agree

Was I just lucky to fuck or did I never find this particularly hard to get?

Try 0.01

Kecleon capture rate in Mystery Dungeon will always be a nightmare, -33.9%