Reminder that GOTY 2017 is just 4 days away.
Reminder that GOTY 2017 is just 4 days away
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>Life is Stronge
Why would anyone care about this? A game with the most irritating and unlikable character, from the original game, as the protagonist.
Have a (YOU), user. You just made me laugh and snort like a faggot at 5 in the morning
>there are people hyping up a shitty tumblr fanfic game
>Life is Tumblr
>Life is Antifa
I wish they developed the town and side characters more in the first game. It also needed more closure and a proper ending to avoid "that".
With the change in VAs and studio, I really don't know, but there's not much out this year, either.
>There's not much out this year
Is this bait?
This has been the best year for Vidya in a long time user, I'm not sure what you're talking about
Not much that interests me.
Boy Square-Enix doesn't waste any time milking any IP that's even remotely popular, huh? A B-Team prequel so quickly and a sequel on the horizon.
>Life is Drumpf
So specify that instead next time retard
Please, this shitty frenchman's appeal to the tumblr crowd is only made watchable with brote and a couple of drinks
Wow, can't wait to play the prequel to a game all about choices with a set start. Which means all the choices will lead to one thing and don't really matter.
Wait, why was it the general?
Wasn't her hair meant to be blond?
Look at this. Also, I think Chloe's eye color has been changed for BTS.
All your choices in Life is Strange are negated, so it's just being faithful.
Looked boring as shit when i saw a bit of gameplay desu.
>Inb4 'muh story'
It doesn't even have a story.
It is about the story and drama, though. Gameplay is nothing exciting as you more or less walk around and click on stuff, but it is fun and interesting.
Huh, you mean the series has gameplay now?
Yeah right. Pic related will be GOTY since there is nothing else. I am actually looking forward to Before the storm though
I understand that Square Enix have bills to pay and all but... this? What is even the point? We already know what is happening in the town and what will happen with Rachel, also, the dialogue doesn't sound natural as in Life is Strange and Rachel sounds like a total bitch! I'm pretty sure that this is not how Dontnod imagined her. I love Life is Strange but i'm not hyped for this at all.
>life is memes
Underage b&
Go back to neogaf
>Two scoops DLC
I guess we'll have to wait and see when it comes out, but I do hope it's good. Also, I hope we can explore the town a bit more or even visit Max's old house (which should have happened in the first game) and feel nostalgic.
Fuck yes, this and Yakuza Kiwami will make my fucking Spetember. I am an absolute chump for punky alt girls and i don't care who calls me a degenrate.
>considering this shit a game
>much worse goty
fuck off with your homo bullshit
>game does well
Bigger world out there than/v/ user. LiS brought the $$$ to Square
Really lad?
>reeeeeeeeeee stop banking on your succesful franchise's reeeeeeeeeeeee
reviewers and girl gamers need to pretend they play games too user.
I can't wait to play on my Xbox one, the best console soon to be getting even better with the xbox one x which I pre ordered, the limited Scorpio edition of course which is now unavailable.
Life is Good.
True . should have been about Kate
I cannot imagine any plot or gameplay reason for this game to exist. Even assuming you like Chloe enough to play the game with her in a leading role, we already know what's going to happen plus they are stripping the only gameplay mechanics the original game had - time manipulation. Given that the original dev team has already moved on a different game, I can see LiS prequel only as a pure cashgrab SE does so very often
>Anti facist is bad
Is the game 4k on xbox one x? Should be easy to achieve with a game like this
Life is
>antifa attack people
>CNN demonize the people they attack
>people fight back against antifa
>CNN goes bawwwww poor antifa, all they wanted to do was kill people but filthy nazis stopped them
It's one thing to make a sequel but a fucking pointless prequel by an entirely different studio IS just milking it.
Don't be a drone for Square-Enix, it'll only make your head hurt from all the mental gymnastics.
Damn they sound bad ass unlike these conservative Christ fags
That is a very selective interpretation of the situation.
I don't think I trust these devs to make a consistent game with a religious person as a MC
Remeber the woman that brought firebombs to a Trump rally? The man that hit her was arrested but she wasn't. She posted on social media how she planned on killing as many people as possible, the police didn't even bother with her but arrested the guy she fought with.
Well obviously shed be a closet sex addict who likes to get fucked by priests behind the church and certain waffle houses.
Otherwise it would be boring. What's she gonna do? Keep a schedule of bible study and sowing?
Did you read about that from your grandma's Facebook or are you just making shit up now?
Will you faggots blame the whites when this propaganda filth will not get goty? #gotysowhite or some shit like that?
No that will happen if that new uncharted doesn't get it
>this and Yakuza Kiwami will make my fucking Spetember.
bad game, good "interactive experience"
I hope Max is mentioned in the game.
You guys did preorder my game, right?
>Simon Says: The Movie
GOTY will be one of the two Marios or Zelda.
Chloe doesn't matter. She's dead and she was destined to die.
Nah, mostly basement dwelling teens that get their shit pushed in as soon as the anti athoritarian types get fed up. Even in their home turf with police and local government on their side, ala berkeley.
Antifa are basically deluded fascist failures.
>game sells very well
>m-merely pretending?!!
No, that's actually a restrained take on the situation.
Strangenway of saying Blunder of the year
You're better off reading a book or watching a movie than playing this "game"
You mean communist. If you wave communist flags and chant communist slogans you're a communist.
>Life is Strange: Before the Storm* Launch Driver
There is no mental gunnastics to be had user. Game sells well, company makes more games. Look at Yakuza, did we NEED Yakuza 0? Did we NEED two remakes? No, but fuck it i want them, i will be a companies normie piece of shit if i like their games. Do the souls games need lots of pointless expansions all the time? How many times can souls fags play a reskinned Demon's Souls? No they donmt "have to" but the opinion of non fans need not apply to the people who actually play these games.
At least i enjoy myself user! What are YOU looking foward to?
>tumblr SJW game
>anarchy symbol in the name
you can't make that shit up
Not much that interests (you), but I'm pretty sure most of the games that don't interest you this year are real GOTY contenders. Here, I'll list a few.
Nier Automata
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Persona 5
Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy
Sonic Mania
Yukuza 0
Splatoon 2
Potential GOTYs:
Super Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade 2
>hahaha LiS being GOTY hahah
>*unironically brings up mario and Zelda instead
Because they're quality games?
>tumblr SJW game
What did he mean by this?
Zelda is fantastic and both Mario games look to be.
>Pre order DLC
Eh. I might pirate it. Is it worth pirating even?
Have you not played the "game" at all?
Communists are worse than fascists and deserve to be throw out of helicopters.
explain to me what part of LiS has anything to do with social justice? Where does it talk about white privilege and wage gap? You guys are fucking idiots.
>Reminder that hella GOTY 2017 is just 4 days away
Ut GOTY worthy? In THIS years lineup? Id rather play Yakuza 0, REVII or even Tekken 7, N.Sane trilogy? What you gonna do? Claim THOSE are rehashes but then speak of Mario and Zelda as GOTY contenders??
Watching a let's play or walk through on YouTube is the equivalent to pirating Life is Strange.
Have you? I notice your lack of reinforcing your statements with arguments. You havn't even posted that one video by the guy who DIDN'T EVEN FINISH IT, and thinks the word cunt is super funny.
Tekken, Crash, RE7 and Yukuza are great games too. Those are also GOTY worthy. Don't just assume I'm a Nintenbro for liking Mario and Zelda.
No Todd err... I mean Chloe
Sorry, but Tekken 7 is straight trash.
No it isn't.
The prequel is being developed by americans
Are you talking about this video?
I think every argument in this video is valid to the argument of Life Is Strange being shit, and more of a movie than a game.
>shittier art
>shittier dialogue
>No supernatural powers
>the fan art for this game will probably be better that the original art.
It's terrible, mayne
Nah. Best fighter this gen.
Yes it is, because the "game" is a literal movie.
It's a movie with literally meaningless button press dialog choices where nothing you pick matters. There is no gameplay.
It was a perfect game desu, it doesn't really need another game. Who knows however, maybe it will be kinda like god of war 2, unnecessary yet better than its predecessor.
>not how Dontnod imagined her
>cheating whore that just wanted a ride out of town
don't forget to get the special edition to get the cut episode that let's you play as Max, goy
>didn't finish it
>cherry picks all the worst parts of Chloe without aknowdging any of the devs irony or her making up for it later
>didn't finish it
>hahaha cunt cunt cunt hahaha
>didn't finish it
>thinks anime visual novels are perfectly fine though
>didn't finish it
Nah, his opinion is worthless trash, if he can't be fucked to review something properly EVEN IF IT IS BAD, then he cannot be taken seriously. This video is made to convince anyone, it is made with the conclusion in mind first, and then he edits "evidence" to support his claim. Grade 2 argument at best, he is trash. This is "confirmation bias" the review and Sup Forums would normally shit all over certain other kinds of reviewers for doing just as he does, but retards give him a free pass.
0/10 reviewer, trash.