Hey Sup Forums,
I want to try some of dem isometric RPGs. What should I play first Baldur's Gate of Pillars?
PoE looks better and I'm somewhat intimidated by complexity of BG, but I also don't want to skip the classic.
Hey Sup Forums,
I want to try some of dem isometric RPGs. What should I play first Baldur's Gate of Pillars?
PoE looks better and I'm somewhat intimidated by complexity of BG, but I also don't want to skip the classic.
If you are straight BG2; if you are gay PoE.
Try Baldur's Gate because it's a better game.
PoE could've been good if mobs gave XP, if it had more than 2 well written characters and if it wasn't extremely boring.
Skip both and play Planescape: torment.
Do you need to know some of the D&D? I've heard there is some dorky rolling dice and shit built in there.
less thaco and less AC the better
That's it. You are ready to go.
I think you can learn it all from just playing the game.
I don't really know DnD rules outside from playing games and beat all Baldur's Gate games anyway.
Play Tyranny instead. It's better than both.
Play Pillars if you have trouble with insomnia, it'll put you to sleep guaranteed.
Baldur's gate 2 is not exactly a difficult game (unless you make it so) and is overall a much better game than PoE.
Just keep in mind that low numbers for AC and THAC0 are good and that in BG1, sleep and ranged weapons are king and you'll be fine.
Pillars of Eternity requires less introduction and is a lot of fun. Go with that and get ready for Deadfire.
You can't start with BG 2, you gotta play 1 first.
Ignore this fag. Tyranny sucks. PoE is much better.
You're objectively wrong.
If you're going to play BG, at least start with the first game, then import your character into BG2.
BG2 is a fantastic game and is a classic for very good reasons. PoE isn't as good, although it is a beautiful looking game with a great soundtrack, it has a more boring storyline, the world feels a lot emptier (most NPCs are backer NPCs, basically self-inserts with bad fan fiction writing), the combat is a bit retarded and it doesn't have as many memorable moments (Baldur's Gate 2 feels like a real odyssey in comparison).
I'm objectively right
>preferring tranny to literally any other CRPG on the market from any era
Ignore this guy, he's a retard and probably gay.
I've played 2 over a dozen times and never touched 1.
Have you played ToB?
Yeah. I just don't like low level campaigns.
ignore this
BG1 is terribly boring
BG2 on the other hand is the best rpg ever made
Pirate Baldur EE games. Buy (but only in a good sale) PoE with expansions.
I agree to a certain extent but i'd still say you should at least try BG1 first
if you get killed by gibberlings and have a bad time and want to quit you can then but id still say give it a shot
Didn't she get fired after SoD flopped?
>not pirating both
If you're new start with bg2, I played them as they were released, bg is amazing but a slog if you don't know how to play and can be frustrating as a result. BG2 was designed to be more forgiving for new players and easier to get into. POE is good but bg2 is by far the game with the most charm and ability to hook you as a new player. After that play IWD series just to experience hardcore mode.
lol what
Play Divinity OS
Baldur's gate is better but both are good games, if you're new to CRPGs play poe first it's more begginer friendly
What's better?
Fallout 1, 2 and tactics or Baldur's Gate 1?
they fired the three writers
I don't get this sentiment about mob xp in PoE; you get XP from killing mobs until you fill your bestiary entry, and you get tons of xp for completing quests, such that leveling doesn't really ever slow down THAT much. Like, it doesn't really matter where the xp comes from, you still get it at a decent pace, so why is it an issue?
Fucking normies I swear to god
Beamdog really learns from paradox